His Rogue Omega: Chapter 52.


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“Heath will be at the Pack house within the hour, he just wants to call in and check on Mary and the pup.” Walking through the trees draped in one of Cas’s shirts I watch as the Pack members start to split off back to their homes. Cas and Rowan are chatting away about stuff I don’t understand enough to contribute to and Selena ran off about half an hour ago, so I’m just keeping silent and walking a few steps behind the guys.

“Sounds good, I’ll be there once I’ve gotten Eva settled.” Cas stops and turns around to face me, his face splits into a wide grin as he holds out his hand, “home is this way Angel, unless you’ve changed your mind?” I shake my head no and walk until I am next to him, I don’t take his hand and I don’t miss the glimmer of sadness in his eyes. Together we walk further away from the Pack, Cas leads me down a dark road that seems to hold three small cottages.

“Which one will I be staying in?” All of the homes look lit up from within, I didn’t exactly expect to be alone but the idea of a room mate has my palms sweating.

“This one on the left, Rowan and Selena are across the road and an unmated female lives in the other.” Cas stops when he gets to a small wooden gate, the fence is overrun with flowers from the bushes around the edge of the garden. “Shall we?” Cas gestures into the garden and I walk ahead of him, it’s dark but I can tell I’m walking on a cobbled stone path.






Opening the cottage door I am instantly met with the smell of freshly baked blueberry muf fins, that can only mean one thing, Sally has been down and left me a tray of goodies,

“It’s not much but I’ve made sure you have all the essentials,” I ignore Cas as I walk into the open plan living room. The whole bottom floor seems to be taken up with a living room and kitchen, both are pretty modern for a cottage, decorated in white, grey and black. There is a distinct lack of colour but I can feel Ca s’s influence in the decor, personally I would have some nice warming yellow or even some orange just to brighten the place up. “The bookshelf has some books about Packs and shifters, they will be helpful once you start your lessons.” Cas walks over to the slate grey sofa and sits down, spreading his arms across the back, he looks very much like he owns the place.

“How will I pay for all of this? I was expecting a single room somewhere, not a whole home.” I walk over to the dark wood bookcase and see a handful of leather bound books, each of the titles gives me an idea of what they will hold. One catches my eye, it’s red with gold writing down the spine; An Omega and how they fit, picking it up I flick to the first page. “Is this meant to be helpful?” I ask him as I read the title of the first chapter; The Omega Problem.

“It has both pros and cons inside of it. I figured it might help you understand who you are and what others may think about you. I’ve read it myself, just take it with a pinch of salt, it was written by an Alpha after all.” Shaking my head I place it back on the bookcase, “most Omega’s have more to do than write books but if I find one by an Omega I’ll let you know. As for paying for this, you don’t. The Pack does, once you start earning you pay a sum to the Pack but until then you will receive a weekly stipend.”

“I don’t need your money Cas,” I don’t want him thinking I can’t support myself, sure all I know is seedy dancing but I’m sure I can figure some other stuff out. Not wanting to sit next to him I pick up a small silver




Hi Rogue Omega Chapter 52

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wolf from the bookshelf and start to twirl it in my fingers.

“It’s not charity Eva, every unemployed wolf in the Pack is treated the same way. I’ve left the documents to your new bank account on the dresser in your room, along with a detailed map of the Packland and a schedule for your tutoring.” Cas stands from the sofa and hitches out his jeans, “do you need me to stay?”

“You have plans right? I’ll be okay and in any case I can just shout if I need you right?” I tap the side of my head, Cas just smiles at me as he nods and heads for the door.

“Warriors patrol the Pack all the time but still best to lock your door, I have a key for emergencies and so does Rowan but no one else can get in without your say so.” Oddly the idea of him having a key makes me relax a little, at least I know he will be here or even Rowan if there is any danger.

“Go, I think I’m going to have a shower and then go to sleep. Tonight really took it out of me.” The second the door closes behind him I have to fight the urge to call him back, I thought this is what I wanted but now I’m here I’m not so sure.

‘So what now?’ I ask Ghost in the hopes she knows what I do now I’m standing alone in what appears to be a newly furnished home.

‘Bath and bed? I don’t know, I’m knackered, all these voices are doing me in.’ I have to admit she doesn’t sound like her normal snarky self, she seems almost hazy.

‘Are you handling it?’ I ask her as I open a door and see it’s a cupboard with cleaning supplies in it, the one next to it reveals a staircase.

‘If you remember, I didn’t want this but you and that Winter bullied me into it.’ I cringe as I hit the top of the stairs. I hate to think of Ghost in






The Rogue Omega Chapter 52

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pain but I know Winter did something to hurt her and force her to change her mind.

‘Will you tell me what she did?’ I ask as I open a door to reveal a large bedroom with a massive double bed, it’s much bigger than I would need which makes me think Cas picked it out. ‘I think a certain Alpha thinks he’s coming for a sleepover.’

‘I suggest that Alpha as s stays away for a bit or I might bite, I have the worst headache, his Pack is a mess of pain and anguish.’ That catches me off guard, I didn’t expect her to tap into the Pack quite so quickly.

‘You can feel them?’ I sit down on the plush bed and run my fingers across the black silk sheets, seems Cas has managed to find a replacement for the ones I ruined.

‘You can’t? Close your eyes and listen, really listen.’ I do as she asks, I close my eyes and listen, for a while all I can hear is the beating of my own heart and the breaths I’m taking. Soon it morphs into something I can only describe as an open wound, I can feel the shifters of the Pack screaming out in pain. It’s like a raw nerve being poked at over and over again, some are crying out for their Alpha and others are just crying out in despair for the state of their lives.

‘They aren’t happy here.’ I feel a tear slide down my cheeks as I tap into an older woman counting out coins she’s trying to figure out how to last the month. ‘Do you think Cas knows how badly his Pack is suffering?’ I flop back on the bed and stare at the ceiling as I hunt for a happy person but I’ve yet to find one.

‘I doubt it, Alpha’s don’t care much as long as their Pack listens to them.’ I can’t help but feel for Cas, he thinks his Pack is strong and healing from his father but it turns out they are suffering in silence so they don’t have to worry their young Alpha.





His Rogue Omege Chapter 52

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‘We have to help them, Ghost.’ I roll over the bed and turn off the small lamp that was on, the bath forgotten about. I feel the need to just curl up and sleep, tapping into the Pack has just suddenly zapped me of what energy I had left.

‘If you insist, let me rest first.’ I smile into the darkness as I feel Ghost curl up into a ball and fall asleep.

It isn’t long before I fall asleep, I know I’m asleep because I’m standing in the dark room I held Ghost in. The same one I was chained up in only a few days ago, Ghost is absent so it’s the perfect time for me to get to work. Walking over to the doorway I open it up and let the light flood in, it’s then that I notice the cleaning supplies.

‘Sleep Ghost, I’ve got this.’ Feeling resolved to help my wolf I start cleaning up years of torment and abuse, I feel the need to make this a sanctuary for both of us.


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