The Shadow Alpha

“Allison, may I have a word with you?” Yasmin's voice dragged my attention away from Peyton and Dristan’s pointless argument.

“Sure.” I turned to follow her away from the crowd. Today was the last day the Crescent Moon Pack would spend with us, their training was finally complete and they were ready to lead their pack. “I'm sorry.” She turned to face me with a sincere look in her eyes, I wasn't sure exactly what she was referring to and my frown gave it away. “Since I got here, I have been really difficult and rude to you and for that I am sorry. I was so scared that I wouldn't be able to meet everyone's expectations, I didn’t want to try and fail. I never thought I'd come so far.” She revealed, making me smile.

“Yet you did. You overcame your fear one step at a time; today before me I see the Alpha Female that was once hidden within you, standing proud, ready to take on whatever the world throws at her.” she stood taller at the title, pride evident on her face.

“Thank you for all you have done, for the countless hours you spent guiding and training with us, I will forever be grateful. To you, we pledge our Allegiance.” She bowed slightly, showing her loyalty and respect.

“Having you all here has been our pleasure. Hopefully we'll meet soon.” She nodded, a beautiful smile settled on her lips.

“Me too.” She replied and turned to walk away when a thought struck me.

“Yasmin, would you do me a favour?” she nodded a look of curiosity marring her features. “Follow your heart, don't hold onto the past.” She considered my words before she smiled and nodded. "Hey you.” Devin's arms slipped around my waist pulling me flush against his taut chest.

“Hello handsome.” I grinned upon seeing his lazy smile.

"What did she want to talk about?” I smirked at his inquisitive expression.

“Wouldn't you like to know?" I teased, slipping out of his hold and away from him.

“Hey, comeback here!” He called, chasing after me, but I kept running.

“Catch me if you can!” I laughed and took off into the forest. He chased after me, trying to catch me, but every time he reached out, I dodged his seeking hands.

“Allie Cat, Stop!” Devin whined and I laughed at his frustration.

“Will you follow me Devin?” I sent him a dazzling smile over my shoulder.

“To the end of the Earth, my love. You'll never get away from me.” The reply was instant, his voice filled with love and determination. Suddenly I came to a screeching halt, catching Devin off guard, causing him to ram straight into my back. The collision sent us both plummeting to the ground, but before I could feel the impact, my fall was cushioned by Devin twisting us around. I lifted my head from his chest and looked up at him, only to find him smiling down at me.

“Well this is an interesting position.” He smirked, but it turned to a look of uncertainty when I smirked and trailed my fingers up his arm.

“Is that so?" my eyes never met his; instead I concentrated on my finger trailing between the rips of his muscles. I felt him nod and I just knew that he had a huge smile on his face.

His face contorted in shock then curiosity when I stood up suddenly and held my hand out to him, "Where are we going?” he asked as he grasped my hand to pull himself up.

“You'll see.” I said vaguely and led him to our destination.

“Stand right here.” I said letting go of his hand, stepping away from him, “Wait, move a little to your left.” I instructed, ignoring his puzzled expression.

“Allison, are you sure you're okay?” he questioned doubtfully, which I ignored.

“Look around. What do you see?” He stared at me for a moment, but nevertheless surveyed the area.

“I see grass and wildflowers?” he frowned blankly.

I hopped on my spot, “Right here will be the porch-" I walked a few feet forward, “Here we'll have the entrance hall, to my left will be the living room and games room, to the right will be the office and gym and in front of me will be the kitchen and dining room. Upstairs will have the bedrooms, perhaps we could build a guest room downstairs, but we'll have to figure that out once we do the floor plans.” I rambled; pointing in the general direction of each thing as I spoke, when I turned around, Devin was standing directly behind me. How I hadn't felt his approach was beyond me. Before I could say another word, his lips were on mine in a soft kiss, but before it could go further he pulled away.

"On both sides we'll build pathways that lead to both pack houses.” His smile mirrored my face splitting grin

"We found our future.” I stated, turning in his arms to face the now barren field that held so much hope for our future.

"We found our home.” We stood basking in each other's company for a while when he unexpectedly let go of me, I turned around bewildered and what I found left me speechless.

“Allison, I know that this isn't the way we usually do things in our world, but when have our lives ever been normal? From the very moment I met you, I knew you were special, we have been through the best and the worst together and I am grateful and proud to say that we have survived it all. You taught me strength and supported me when I didn’t know I needed it. I have held on to this for almost a year, waiting for the right moment and standing here today, knowing that for the first time in so many years that nothing stands between us, I'd like to ask you something very important.” He cleared his throat and took my hand in his.

“Alpha Allison Trust Wells, will you do me the honour of being my wife and officially becoming my Luna?” tears swam in my eyes; my mind was blank apart from one word that kept repeating itself. "Yes!" I yelled and threw my arms around him still kneeling on the ground.

“I love you, Allison.” He whispered, slipping the ring onto my finger.

“I love you too, Devin.” I replied and crashed my lips to his.


"We're really going to miss you around here.” Christopher removed his arm from Taylor's waist to embrace Oliver, there was no doubt in my mind that they would miss him, after all, they were like family, the last any of them had.

Christopher and Taylor on the other hand were going steady, if anyone were to see them; they would think them to be mates and for that I was happy. They both deserve every bit of love that comes their way.

“Take care, will you?” I could see the sadness in his eyes as he bid farewell to his sisters and the people he considered family, but behind that was a gleam of happiness that he would finally get to be with his mate.

"Good luck to all of you, make us proud.” Papa Jamie addressed the entire group before they could climb into their cars to drive back to the Crescent Moon pack.

I watched the scene with pride filling my heart, everyone was happy.

"Hey, we'll be back before you know it, we wouldn't miss the wedding of a lifetime for the world.” Oliver teased and sent me a wink before climbing into the Jeep.

“Think they'll be alright?” Devin pulled me closer, placing a kiss on my temple.

“They will be more than alright, they are perfect together.” He said and I knew he was right.

Devin had let go of his hatred towards Oliver, I didn't know exactly what happened between them, but still I was glad it did.

"So Luna, what would you like to do today?" he stroked my cheek, pushing the loose tendrils behind my ear.

"Whatever you'd like to, Alpha.” I whispered, biting my lip gently.

“A little mini me it is!” he exclaimed and suddenly hoisted me over his shoulder, uncaring of who saw or heard us.

In that moment I was sure of one thing; no matter what life threw our way, we would stand beside one another till the last breath.

The End

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