The Shadow Alpha

“September!” a series of shrill voices rang through the air followed by Connor busting through the back door with Bradley hot on his heels, they were both the best trackers we had, but if you saw them now, you'd swear you were being duped.

Peyton, Amanda, Charlie and Taylor all emerged from the same door a few seconds later looking ready to castrate the twin devils. Once the girls were out of the house they picked up speed and were quickly gaining on the twins shouting threats of what they would do when they got their hands on them.

Taylor being the fastest runner of the group brushed Bradley's back as she reached out to stop him which caused him to panic and scream like a girl, his distraction triggered Connor's curiosity who turned around to glimpse at the girls and made the most rookie move of not surveying his path beforehand.

The entire yard watched as Connor's foot snagged against a rock and his body lurched forward jerkily, the twin flailed his arms in alarm as he desperately tried to grab onto something to stop his face from meeting the ground, but his attempt was useless as Bradley's weight came crashing into him moments later, landing both screaming guys face first on the grass in a tangled heap.

Taylor who was merely a few steps behind them was unable to stop in time despite her efforts to avoid ending up as the third person on the pile. Just as she lost her footing, arms wrapped around her and stopped her fall midway. Her hands rested flat against his chest as he held her securely by the waist, her breathing was laboured and she tried hard to get it under control.

There was an awkward silence, if it weren't for the grumbling duo I swear we would have heard crickets as the both of them continue to stare at each other without moving an inch. The girls had long come to a halt and were now watching the tense atmosphere.

Christopher made no move to let her go just as she made no move to push him away, I saw a look flash in his eyes before he came back to reality and set her properly on the ground before stepping away and clearing his throat.

“Sorry.” He apologised quickly and walked away without waiting on her reply.

Just as she was about to call out to him I cut her off,

“Is he a new addition to the pack?” she fired back, not caring that she sounded a little too interested.

“Yeah, what's with the sudden interest?” I asked with suspicion lacing my tone.

"He's hot!” she stated unashamedly which caused me to smirk, “With those smouldering chocolate brown eyes that can stare their way into your soul and that rock hard body and tousled hair. Girl, he can have me any day!” she boasted, eyes wide with excitement. “Plus he's got this standoffish aura about him. So sexy.” Her boisterous personality never failed to charm a crowd, she lacked a filter, but I guess that's what made her so likeable.

“Now that's something I haven't heard from you in a while.” I uttered wondering in which direction her thoughts were heading.

“Yeah, I guess it has been a while. Then again, it's been awhile since I've met someone who got my blood rushing.” She giggled unabashedly and my eyebrows shot up.

“You haven't even met him properly.” I teased.

“That's why you're here, obviously!” she voiced in a “duh’ tone, my smile fell just as fast as it came. Taylor's heart was in a good place, but I wasn't sure if introducing them would even be a good idea, the whole situation was a mess to begin with.

“Tay, I love you and I'd do anything to see you happy, but Christopher isn't in a very good place right now so it's not as easy as it seems.” His smile fell into a look of concern while mine remained grim

“Oh... I..." she sighed not knowing what to say. I placed a comforting hand on her arm.

“It's okay, you didn't know. Just don’t push him.” I advised and she nodded in understanding. “Seriously haven't you guys had enough?” I yelled at the group still brawling on the ground. At the sound of my stern voice they all jumped up and began fixing their messed up hair and rumpled clothes, I eyed them in annoyance as they grinned at me looking innocent when I know that they're anything but.

“The world would never guess that you all are some of the best trackers and warriors this pack has.” I shook my head in disbelief.

“Well my dear Alpha that's all part of the decoy, make them think we're stupid then show them flames when we get down to it.” Bradley stated “matter of factly’ which earned nods from the rest. If it weren't for their shabby appearances, no one would be able to tell that they'd been rolling on the floor just recently with the way they acted around each other. I admired that a lot about this pack when I first joined and still do; their ability to forgive and forget. They never allowed any bad blood to infiltrate their duty to each other and their pack. They were one in battle and out of it. “You are crazy, but I love you all no matter what.” My frown morphed into a full blown smile as I held my arms out for them to hug. Soon enough I was surrounded by arms.

I felt sentimental and something inside of me felt the need to let everyone know how I felt.

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