The person Tom and the girls had picked up finally regained consciousness. When she woke up, she was screaming and yelling like someone who had seen a ghost.

“Calm down! Calm down!” said Tanya trying to hold her down

“Hey!!!” yelled Tom and she came to a halt “we are not going to hurt you” he added

Her hands and feet trembled and sweat was quickly forming on her forehead. Her eyes widely open not even blinking

“What happened?” asked Tanya

Theresa just stood and stared at her

“Dead, they are all dead, noooooooo nooooo” she started screaming again

This time she tugged herself from Tanya and stood up to flee. Seeing how out of control she was Tom did the only thing that was necessary. As she passed by him, he slammed her on the back of the neck with the side of his palm instantly knocking her out. Theresa caught her before she hit the ground.

“Wow, what could have happened to leave her this traumatized?” asked Tanya who was still surprised

“This Ceaser guy, he’s dangerous” said Theresa “what do we do Tom?” she asked

“Do we keep her?” asked Tanya

“She’s dangerous, with the noise she makes we would be discovered either by Ceaser or zombies” he explained

“We can gag her” suggested Therry

“Thats a temporary measure because we don’t know, maybe she was so shaken she lost her mind. In a world like this we can’t survive while we worry about people who cant protect themselves”

“This is one hell of a mess” Theresa said covering her face

“Tie her up Mbira Dzakondo style” instructed Tom

“You sure are sounding bossy these days” complained Theresa as she took a rope

“You agreed to this” Tanya commented giggling “be strong 6 more months to go”

“Damnit, Im going to need a rematch and if I win, you are going to suffer” grumbled Theresa

“Challenge accepted”

They had taken shelter back at the cabins where they were once attacked. It was their new base of operations.

“Are you sure you didn’t kill her” said Theresa seeing how the girl had been out all day

“That Ceaser, what kind of a human is he?” Tom said gritting his teeth

“He’s not human” the girl spoke startling everyone and they turned to her

“Oh my, it talks” Theresa teased

“Grow up T” Tanya said

“I’m sorry about my behavior earlier” apologized the girl

“Its fine,” replied Tom

“What were you saying about Ceaser not being human” asked Tanya

“They are monsters” she said with a hint of fear in her voice

“I agree no sane person would be capable of such evil” commented Tom pacing to the door “untie her”

Tanya untied her and helped her up.

“We have to get out of here before they find me” she said

“We can’t”

“Why?” asked Tanya and the girl simultaneously

“Ceaser, he’s the one we have been waiting for” said Tom with a straight face

“No no no you guys are suicidal” she said backing away from them terrified “thank you for helping me but please let me go” she begged

Tom opened the door and stepped away from it. She darted her eyes from Tanya to Theresa back to Tom then sprint out of the cabin. Immediately upon running out she screamed, Tom looked out and immediately realized what was going on. The girl was practically frozen in place as a huge figure towered over her.

“Grab the heaviest guns we have” Tom whispered and the girls immediately took action

Tanya handed Tom a mini gatling gun and he stepped outside followed by Theresa. Before Tanya could come out he signaled for her to stay inside. She obeyed.

“You naughty naughty child” Ceaser said looking down at the frightened child

“T T T To Tom help me” she mastered just a few words, her tongue could not cooperate

God help me she thought as she felt her feet lose strength

Ceaser grabbed her hair and turned her around to face Tom and Theresa. She was so frightened she could not even struggle or scream. Her lips moved spelling out ‘Help me’ and as Tom was about to react, with one swift move Ceaser ripped out her throat with his bare hands. Blood gushed out of her neck like tap water, she died with her eyes still wide open.

Theresa’s body involuntarily took a step back. Her face slowly turned from confident to absolutely terrified. She was so afraid she could not even turn just to look at Tom. A wave of heat went up and down Tom’s body, by just looking at the man he could see this monster was leagues above Victor.

Dropping the body to the ground, Ceaser bit a chunk off the throat in his hand. He chewed slowly and swallowed, he smiled. Tanya who still stood in the cabin could not even move an inch. Even though she was out of Ceaser’s line of sight, it still felt like he could see her.

“A pleasure to be acquainted with you El, I be Ceaser” he introduced himself with a crooked smile

We are fucked Tom thought its now or never

“Theresa, run” he said striking the child with greater fear

Without warning he pressed his trigger and bullets came raining in Ceaser’s direction.

“Tanya, Theresa run!!!!!” he yelled

Without even thinking twice Theresa took off in the direction of the cabin but it was to no avail. Without warning in the blink of an eye Ceaser was next to Theresa. Tom’s eyes caught sight of him but his body was not fast enough.

How? Tom's eyes widened

Theresa was kicked in the back and went crushing into the wooden cabin. Before Tom could even collect his emotions he felt a heavy object slam against his face. His body flew, bounced and slid 10 meters from where he was. He coughed blood.

Tanya who had not yet been spotted began to step back slowly but bumped into something. Someone was behind her

But how, Ceaser is right in front of me

Tom heard her scream and the next thing he saw was her body bursting through the wooden cabin walls and land next to the dead girl who died first.

“Gustavo and here I thought the El was going to be much of a fight” said Ceaser

“That was overkill Ceaser” said Gustavo stepping out of the destroyed cabin

He was a huge man who was slightly taller than Ceaser and way muscular.

“Okay I admit, I went too far, its been long” smiled Ceaser “lets go”

“Should the boys feast on them?” asked Gustavo

Tom was slowly losing consciousness. The last words he heard were

“No, this one has potential take them to grounds. Let nature decide”

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