(author's note : you guys would've noticed the change with the ending of this story. I felt like I ended the other ending abruptly which didn't make me feel like I had done a good job. Also, I got reviews and comments on how Serenity never got closure as to why Damien rejected her. So I'd decided to change it up. Make it a bit more realistic rather than letting her run into his arms. I hope you guys understand.) * 1 year later * When she had came back, she found her room the same way as she'd left it years ago, with everything still in its original place. Apparently “Damien didn't want anyone touching and moving your stuff’ was what Courtney said while wearing a teasing smile on her lips which made Serenity to roll her eyes. Matthew visits occasionally and he stays during Christmas holidays. She was surprised at first to find Matthew and Damien talking and getting along like some long lost best friends, but she was happy nonetheless to know that the two people she cared the most about were getting along well. She was currently sitting infront of the vanity present in her room. She was getting ready for her date with Damien, which he refused to say anything about apart from the fact that it was a surprise. She had a knee lenghth red slip dress on with spaghetti straps and black heels. Her brunette hair left in its natural waves and since she didn't like caking her face with makeup, it was done in a natural way. She finished getting ready just in time for her to hear someone knock on the door to her room. A smile finds its way onto her lips when she inhales in the scent of forest and male musk. Opening the door, her eyes meet grey stormy ones. So much has changed over time. Now she could look into his eyes and fine them glinting back with happiness instead of the usual mask of indifference he wore, Damien was more open now. happier. As he liked to say. It didn't came across as a surprise that they both had started dating a month after she'd came back. Damien looked handsome as always in his black silk shirt rolled till his elbows paired along with black dress pants. He takes in her dressed form, making his eyes to turn a shade darker which didn't go unnoticed by her, causing a light blush to form on the apples of her cheek. Extending the bouquet of flowers he had tucked in his hands, he leans in so his lips were aligned to her ear. "You look beautiful as always." he whispers into her ear, causing goosebumps to form on her skin. "Thanks" she flashes him a smile while holding the bouquet of roses. Which she decided to keep in the vase present in her room, replacing the old ones from the numerous around of times he had brought her flowers before. She leans in and places a small chaste kiss on his lips causing his smile to widen. She winks at him, which made them both laugh. "Come on" extending a hand towards her, she place her hands in his. "Oh wait a minute, I forgot something.” He suddenly speaks up, taking out a black piece of cloth from his pant pockets. Holding it up in his hands, she realises that it was a blind fold. "Really Damien?" She asks him amused. Shaking his head with a smile on his face, he ties it around her eyes. Completely blindfolding her. Taking her hands in his once again he guides her to wherever he had planned on taking her. They have been walking for few minutes. It wasn't easy for her to walk in heels but Damien's hold on her waist helped her a lot. If her guess was right, they were heading towards the direction of the clearing. Damien stops stops, causing her to stop in her footsteps as well, making her realise that they've reached their destination. She feels his hands removing the blindfold from around her eyes. It took her a few seconds to adjust to her surroundings. Her breath hitches in her throat when she takes in the beautiful sight infront of her. Infront her stood a temporary wooden patio build like a house except it didn't have walls, it was more of a wooden frame. Little pastel pink colored lace fabrics hung in decoration along with some matching flowers which she was sure were from the garden and fairy lights. In between the wooden frame was a circular table covered with a white table clothing and two chairs facing towards eachother along with their food presented neatly on the table, a whine bottle on the side. It all looked so magical. She never thought Damien could be so romantic and she was glad that he'd proved her wrong. "This is Amazing, you did this?" she whispers out causing Damien to chuckle. "Well, I had a little help” he shrugs, scratching the back of his neck nervously for what was going to happen. He takes her hand once again, guiding her towards the beautiful setup for the evening. Pulling a chair back for her to sit like the true gentleman he was. They both had an amazing time, spent sharing food and talking among themselves while occasionally sipping on the red wine. "I'll get the desserts” Damien suddenly speaks up after they'd finished eating causing her head to snap at his words. "Oh okay" she manages to say and nods her head. She sat there waiting for him, almost ten minutes had passed by making her wonder what was taking him so long. "Serenity" she hears Damien call her name from somewhere behind her. Turning towards where she heard his voice, her mouth drops open when she takes in his form, bent on one knee while holding a small jewellery box which was opened showing off the diamond ring, glinting under the lights. Her breath bitches in her throat. He seemed so nervous, scared of her answer. "Serenity Martins, you loved me during my darkest times even when I had lost hope of ever having a happy life. You treated my son, our son like a mother from the very first. I might not have been the mate you wanted me to be but I'm willing to try for you and I might've hurt you one too many times which I'm extremely sorry for. You're the only woman I want in this life and the one after and after and many more afters. Would you do me the honor and marry me"? Damien might've not been the mate she wanted him to be at first, but he was trying for her and she could clearly see that. She'd realized that she wasn't a princess and that Damien wasn't a prince charming. Life might not always work out the way you wanted it to maybe that's why its also called reality. But, she was happy where her life had taken her so far. She learned that some things just don't come easily to you, you've to work for it sometimes inorder to truly cherish the things in your life. Damien could feel his nerves sky rocket now. She hadn't said a word for about a few moments now. His head filled up with all sorts of possibilities of how this could play out. "Yes" she finally breathes out causing him to sigh in relief. Happy tears glistening in both of their eyes. Extending her hand, he slips the finger onto her ring finger where the diamond ring lay glinting brighter than ever. Standing up from his kneeled postion on the ground, he picks her up in his arms causing her to squeal with laughter. Pressing his lips onto her plump ones, she kisses him back eagerly. he realised he didn't want anything else from life. Just her. Just Serenity Martins. His mate. His vulnerability. His strength and his everything. "I love you" he speaks out after a few moments of silence. Pressing his forehead against hers. Their breaths mingling together. "I love you too" she says back causing a smile to take over both of their faces.

The End

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