The Rejected Mate
chapter 11 : he's my boyfriend

"You smell like him" he says through clenched jaw while grinding his teeth in a painful way.

He lowers his head and buries his face into my neck and place both his hands on my waist, a shudder passes through my body at the contact and small tingle zaps like electricity at the touch. Soon anger takes over me when I realise his words and rip myself away from his touch.

"Ofcourse, I would he's my boyfriend after all, Alpha" I reply spitefully and leave him with a shocked look on his face.

'he deserved that’ my wolf decides to chime in and I agree.

Few hours later. ..

I was awoken from my sleep to hearing the clinking noise of metal together. He had locked up me in the dungeon where he locked up all the rogues and lone wolves that entered the territory. It reeked of blood, urine and mold in here, at first I felt like puking my guts out but after a few days I kind of learned to ignore the stench.

I look up from my slumped form on the ground, and I see him with a sharp metal knife, like the ones the butchers use to cut meat.

"Wake up bitch" his figure moves towards my slumped form on the floor and kicks me in the ribs, which was broken from the torture I endured the previous day. I groan in pain as tears stream down my eyes as I place a hand on my broken ribs and slowly get up with a limp in my left leg.

"Get ready, An Alpha is visiting today. Don't want him to see you like the little shit you're" he spat at me with a disgusted look on his face and I nod my head knowing that he doens't likes me to talk unless asked to or there might be consequences, a shiver rakes my body remembering the what happened the last time I did.

I drag myself all the way towards my room, which is basically a basement. I move towards the drawers where I keep my dresses and pick out the only dress that doens't make me look like a beggar and presentable enough. It's a flowy sundress which belonged to one of the she-wolfs of the pack.

I walk towards the bathroom, for which I'm thankful for. I wash the smell and dirt out of my body, careful not to apply the soap on my open wounds as it would burn like a bitch. I get out of the shower after I'm done and wear the dress I had with me along with my undergarments.

J walk out just in time to see one of the guards standing there. "Alpha has demanded your presence” he says monotonously and I slowly nod my head and follow him out into the hallway. We stop walking when we reach the living room and the guard leaves my from ahead of me. I find him and the visiting Alpha talking amongst eachother, more about war strategies

He seems to notice my presence and so he looks towards my direction and looks at me with his heated gaze as he reckons me towards where they both are standing, which I'm unable to hold.

My figure move towards where they are standing all the while my eyes are locked on the floor not daring to look up. I stop when I reach their side.

"Look up" he grits out with a clenched jaw and I comply to his order. I look up to find an Alpha as old as him looking at me with a wicked glint on his eyes which doesn't settle well with me and I shiver.

"Alpha Landon, this is my fourteen year old daughter Serenity, Serenity meet Alpha Landon of River Stone pack” he speaks up.

This is the first time in ten years he had referred to me as his daughter, I was taught from an early age to call him 'Alpha’ and nothing else or I might get whipped if not done so.

Alpha Landon hold up his hand for me to shake and I nervously extend my hand knowing that I would be punished later if I disrespect an Alpha. Alpha Landon grips my hand in a handshake all the while his other hands trails up and down my hand which is in his hold, which makes goosebumps to rise on my skin, and not in a good way.

A clearing of a throat break the awkward handshake and my father demands me to go to my room and I nod my head in reply.

I drag myself towards the basement which is my room, all the while thinking "how it would've been better if she was alive’. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear the sound of footsteps behind me. I'm too late to react as my back is slammed against the closed door of my room.

Alpha Landon has pinned my hands above my head with his one hand, as he grinds his front into mine and groans and his finger trails down my face and I shiver in disgust. He continues to grind into me while I struggle to get out of his hold and an idea forms in my mind. I bring up my knee and it hits him where the sun doesn't shines and his face controts into one of pain as his hold on my hands loosens and I am able to move away from his figure.

"Leave" my body stills hearing that voice and I look up to se my fathe- him with a murderous look on his face and I gulp knowing that I'm in trouble. Alpha Landon leaves the room all the while glaring at my trembling form on the side.

He closes the door shut when Alpha Landon leaves, "now what have o taught you about not disrespecting an Alpha" I don't reply which causes his anger to rise as he moves towards my form and slaps me with such force that I might've passed out on the spot if I weren't a werewolf.

"Speak up bitch" he spits out.

My mouth opens but nothing comes out this angers him even more as he takes out the whip which he keeps in my room for easy access and close my eyes shut.

"You know I wish you would've died along with her or atleast you were a boy so I could have a heir to rule this pack” he speaks up while holding the black whip in his hands. Tears trail down my face when I hear him speaking about her, my mother and his mate.

My eyes open just in time to see the whip to slash my already bruised and battered body.

" No, please don't. I wouldn't do it again” I say.

I wakeup to feeling of someone holding my hands down, to prevent me from clawing my chest. I look down and see claw marks and blood littering my chest.

I'm suddenly conscious of feeling of the holding me down, I look up just in time to see an emotion passing through those grey orbs which are now a bleeding black in colour.

I inhale a shaky breath in aware of the tears that are trailing down my face and the fact that he got to see me in my most vulnerable state. “I'm okay now" I say and he slowly and hesitantly removes his hold on my hands.

I got up from my laying position on my bed and move towards the direction of the bathroom. I splash cold water on my face to wake up and wash away the reminants of the horrible nightmare I just had.

I get out of the bathroom to see Damien sitting on my bed with an impatient look on his face. His face snaps up towards where I'm standing when he hears the sound, he gets up starts walking towards where I'm standing, I take a step back in fear and my back hits the wall.

He stops when there is an inch of space between us and I dread fills my features when I hear the words leaving his lips.

"Who was he?" With a dark look on his face

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