Chapter 249

“I'll come with.”

His voice was low and hoarse, yet attractive at the same time.

In response, Natalie nodded.

Just when she thought that he would let her go, he scooped her up in his arms.

“Samuel, I don’t need you to carry me.”

"I want to.”

Carrying her in his arms, he walked out of the kitchen and went up the stairs to the second floor. When the butler, Dalton Zachrich, and two other maids saw that, they gaped in surprise. It was already outrageous for Samuel to bring an unknown woman to the mansion, and it was even beyond their imagination that he would dote on her like that. They exchanged glances, certain that the woman had to be the future lady of the Bowers family.

Naturally, Natalie caught a glimpse of their gazes and frowned subconsciously.

“Samuel, you'll make everyone think that I'm a vixen.”

Moments later, Samuel placed her on the soft bed and propped himself on top of her.

Hearing her words, he could not help but burst out laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

“You? Vixen? You're a far cry from a vixen.” Tapping her nose affectionately, he added, “Let's talk about it when you really dare to do it with me.”

Natalie wanted to deny it, but kept her mouth shut.

Yes, I don't dare. I admit that my heart has fluttered because of him, but I still can’t make my decision. How much does he like me? Will he stop cherishing me after I agree to be with him?

She had a lot in her mind simply because she did not want to get hurt.

“Didn“t you say you want to sleep? Go to sleep now,” said Samuel as he tucked her in.

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Chapter 249


Soon, she drifted into dreamland.

When she woke up, Samuel had prepared a set of clothes for her and took her to a cemetery on the outskirts of the city.

As soon as she arrived, she saw Liliana“s hands tied up, struggling and screaming in front of a grave.

“Josiah isn’t dead! He's just sick! Dr. Nichols has a way to save him. Why did you bury him? No! Give him back to me!”

Seeing her struggling and screaming like a shrew, Natalie stepped forward and walked in front of her.

“Josiah is dead.” Natalie squatted down and looked into Liliana’s eyes. “Liliana, stop lying to yourself. You should know that he’s dead. He died in your arms. You should know that better than anyone else. You know that Milton is lying to you and playing along with the act. You've already seen through it, haven't you?”

Upon hearing those words, Liliana laughed out loud.

“Yes, you're right. I know it deep down in my heart. So what? I don’t need the truth! Sweet poison or agonizing antidote. How do you want me to choose? I avenged my family, but I'd lost him completely.”

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