The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 32

It’s been a week since Vincenzo came out of his coma. A week of me trying to accept the fact that he forgot me and everything we shared. A week since finding out my parents are supposedly alive and a week of investigating. I needed to talk to Vincenzo, but I was scared, he’s been avoiding me at all costs which stung but helped me stay focused on finding my parents location.

I walked into Hacker’s security room and stood at the doorway ‘I’ll come back’ I spoke out noticing he and Vincenzo were talking. ‘No bos-‘ Hacker recovers coughing ‘Isabella come in’ he corrects himself waving me in. Vincenzo stood up straight like he was staring at a bomb about to go off. ‘Did you find anything on what we spoke about?’ I asked him in hopes he is close to pinpointing a location on where Xavier moved my parents. I haven’t told Hacker that those hostages potentially could be my parents, I couldn’t tell anyone until I accepted it myself. Until I was one hundred percent sure.

‘What are you having Hacker do?’ Vincenzo states annoyed. I chose to ignore him before I erupted, ‘when you find out anything! Let me know please’ Hacker hesitantly nods noticing Vincenzo’s glare.

He gripped my arm dragging me back to the house and into his office. He threw me in shutting the doors behind him. ‘Touch me like that again and you won’t have hands’ I threatened him. The frustration and stress I’ve been bottling up the past week finally reached the surface. ‘Do you know who the fuck I am?’ He yells out pointing to his chest. I roll my eyes shrugging my shoulders ‘I do, I just don’t care’

‘Who do you think you are giving MY MEN orders’ I scoffed at his comment he can’t be serious ‘WHO AM I? WHO AM I? I’m the girl who stood up and took over YOUR PRECIOUS MAFIA when you weren’t here. I’m the girl who through everything never left your fucking side. I’m the girl that in spite of everything, lo-‘ I cut myself off realising the words that were about to escape my lips. I bite my bottom lip and avoid eye contact. ‘Ugh’ I yelled out frustrated throwing my hands up in the air.

‘Finish your sentence’ He spoke up, I looked up at him and let out a sigh. ‘I have nothing more to say to you Vincenzo’ he rolled his eyes getting frustrated. I shook my head getting ready to leave, he blocks my way ‘Move’ he shakes his head not budging. ‘Vincenzo, what is it exactly you want from me? You avoid me for two weeks and the second you speak to me you’re threatening me, or should I say you’re feeling threatened by me’

He shut his eyes tensing his jaw his body square like he was preparing himself for a fight. I stood in front of him tall and steady. His demeanour reminded me of his previous state before everything. Cold, distant, and cruel. 

‘Why are you still here?’ He whispered like he was fighting an internal battle with himself. ‘I don’t know’ I whispered back fighting a similar battle. ‘So, is this your final answer?’ I scoffed and threw my arms in the air ‘I’m here because I can’t stop thinking and remembering and missing … I tasted your soul, and I can’t forget its flavour, and what hurts me the most is that you no longer feel the same … that you no longer remember. And it feels like once again I’m in this game playing all alone’

His eyes glanced over mine as he stepped forwards, I closed my eyes trying to stop the tears that threatened to fall, I bit my quivering lip to stop it from pleading. ‘It’s hard to believe I allowed myself to be open with anyone’ He softly spoke up. I opened my eyes and looked at him, ‘Oh but you did. You give out pieces of yourself to people but never let any of them see the whole picture’ I stated our eyes never breaking as I watched his breathing hitch when I closed the gaps between us.

‘I’ve seen it. I know who you are’ I whispered and for a split second, I saw a wave of emotion overcome him before he quickly regained his composure and moved away. ‘You don’t know anything’ He was trying to convince himself more than me. ‘You’re the one with the memory loss, not me’ I rolled my eyes sitting on his desk.

He glared at me as I sat crossing my leg over the other messing up his neat pile of paperwork. I smiled innocently as I watched him walk over to me standing directly in front of me. He leaned in our face’s inches apart, I found myself looking at his lips imaging his on mine one more time. I bite my bottom lip and quickly look back up at him.

He stared at me unconvinced ‘I know you more than you know yourself, Vincenzo King’ he tilted his head his breathing harsh as he eyed my lip before he looked me in the eyes and whispered ‘Prove it’ I rolled my eyes and pushed him away with my leg. ‘I have work to do’ I jumped off his desk and walked out of his office. Shutting the door behind me I let out a sigh of relief. I made my way to the basement but before I could go in someone grabbed my arm. ‘Isabella’ I turned and saw Maria staring at me with worry in her eyes.

‘Maria, what’s wrong?’ She smiled shaking her head ‘I’m fine it’s you I’m worried about, with everything going on I barely see you … why were you going in the basement’ I smiled trying to change the subject ‘How about we do something tonight?’ I suggested. ‘Like?’ I pursed my lips trying to think of something.

‘Let’s go to the beach and watch the waves like we use to do with Mama and Papa’ Her smile widened as she quickly agreed to pulling me into a tight hug. I laughed at her behaviour watching her jumping around like a child. She rushes off somewhere and I go inside dismissing the men.

‘Isabella’ He greets me, I nod my head and stand in front of him. ‘How do I find them?’ he pursed his lips tilting his head to the right. ‘You can’t’ He answered. I squinted my eyes staring at him ‘what do you mean I can’t?’

He sighed ‘Your parents even though they have been kept hostage for so many years, are still in good shape. Thankfully they haven’t indulged in any trauma like you did when he kidnapped you. However, to control you, he keeps a tight leash on them. So wherever he is they’re not far from him’

I scratched my head before I froze death staring at him ‘You knew … he was torturing me? You knew about my trauma WHAT HE PUT ME THROUGH?’ He gulped avoiding eye contact. I knew that he was aware of my kidnapping since he and Xavier had it all planned out that I would go after him, but I would have never guessed he was aware of the torture I had to endure. ‘you’re telling me you knew what he did to me? What he put me through, and you did nothing? YOU KNEW EVERYTHING AND TURNED YOUR BACK ON THE GIRL YOU WATCHED GROW UP?’

I stood up straight walking back towards him grabbing a fist full of his hair. ‘Your end is near my old, old friend.’ I pushed his head away and walked off. He started squirming in his chair yelling ‘WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT … ISABELLA! ISABELLA!’ I walked out telling the men to go back down.

‘Estás bien?’ I looked at Sebastián and nodded my head. He embraced me in a tight hug, I didn’t fight him wrapping my arms around his waist burying my head in his chest as I softly cried. ‘I promise you I have cried more this past month than my whole life’ I whined, my emotions were all over the place I hated crying, and I hated feeling so hopeless. Someone cleared their throat I lifted my head and turned my arms still wrapped around Sebastián. ‘Can I talk to you for a minute?’ Vincenzo spoke through his teeth. I cocked my eyebrow at him ‘Must you?’ I asked. He nodded his head sarcastically. Grabbing my arm dragging me to his office.

I huffed as I watched him close his doors, ‘what!’ I yelled frustrated. ‘Who is he?’ He blurted out his jealously peeking through. I smirked even with his memory loss he was still jealous. He noticed my smug facial expression shaking his head ‘I don’t care what he is to you … b-but what is he doing here’ He quickly saved himself. The smirk never leaves my face ‘He has a name. Sebastián is here as my … how do you say right hand? His father also your new business partner thought he could learn a lot under my… well more so Dragon’s influence’

He looked mad and I honestly couldn’t guess why. ‘You look like a cartoon character with steam coming out from its ears’ I eyed him smiling. I rolled my eyes ‘Vincenzo, I’m not after your title. I never wanted to be the ‘boss’ I never wanted any of this.’ I reassured him he spun around looking at me. ‘Then what did you want?’ He yelled out. I smiled sadly ‘I wanted you back’ I admitted choosing not to lie to him right now. His eyes softened letting out a soft sigh ‘I don’t remember the past year. It feels like-‘

‘Like you’re lost like you’re going to make a mistake’ I finished off his sentence as he eyed me taken back. ‘Vincenzo hates making mistakes, it’s one of the main thing’s that angers you most’ I explained he nodded his head slowly ‘and it feels like you’ve taken over, most of my contacts ask about you or if you’ll be attending meetings. Half of my new deals have your name attached to it.’ He finished off, ‘I didn’t take over Vincenzo’ I whispered, ‘I was the thing that pushed you to do all of that. You dragged me along for everything. At first, you kept me here as a bargaining tool then you started trusting me and I don’t know my experience in all this just helped … but it was always you. They wanted to join the two most powerful and feared people, I went underground Dragon wasn’t heard of for years then suddenly she’s back and is with the King’s. People got excited, people wanted to form an alliance’s’ I explained his method of thinking and started understanding it better myself as I explained. ‘You saw a pretty good opportunity and took it. You knew just how much more powerful you would be with a strong weapon in your quarters.’ I shrugged.

‘I held you here against your will … so I can use you as a tool for my mafia?’ he asked, I nodded my head ‘That’s probably the first thing I’ve heard the past week that genuinely sounds like something I would do’ I nodded my head slightly hurt. ‘But one thing still doesn’t add up’ I moved my head leaning forward. ‘What?’ I questioned

‘After all that … why did you stay? Why are you still here?’ a hint of frustration and curiosity in his voice.

I smiled ‘You asked me that already’ He shook his head ‘No, why are you here.’ He pointed at his chest. I straightened my posture realising what he meant ‘after how I treated you, how did I let you in? And what made you want to stay?’

I sighed ‘No one else has been able to make me feel so strong and vulnerable, while just as safe’ I explained, ‘Yes you kept me here against my will, but you also kept me and Maria safe by doing that’ referencing Xavier ‘No one else but you could reassure me that although I may fail a thousand times, someone might still be crazy enough to love me just as I am. It’s in no one else, but you who I willingly surrender myself to. So, take this as a subtle plea’ In fact, I beg of you. I whispered to myself.

‘Never let go of me,’ I whispered. He looked taken back a wave of emotions ran across him, not expecting my explanation or my plea.

I smiled and looked up, ‘Before your plane crashed you asked me to promise you something.’ His eyes never left mine as he slowly moved towards me, ‘What was it?’ I felt myself slipping into that memory like it was happening now. ‘You made me promise to never forget you … I told you that people who ask them to always remember them planned to leave.’ I felt my throat burn up ‘I told you that I couldn’t make that promise because if you planned to leave, I didn’t want to remember that’ He looked at me for this first time since he woke up from his coma with the safe soft expression he did long ago.

‘Little did you know my heart already promised yours to never forget it … and it looks like your heart did the same’ I softly spoke, raising my hand gently placing it on his chest. I felt his heart begin to pick up speed as his previously tensed body began to slowly relax into my touch.

Before he aggressively stepped aside and walked out of the office leaving me standing alone. I felt a tear escape sliding down my cheek slowly. Looking up at the roof tucking my bottom lip in shutting my eyes as I felt my heartache. I miss you so damn much, now we’re back to strangers even though he was no stranger to me. He was back to pushing me away and trying to hold a cold exterior back to hating me to maintain his cold reputation. Little did he know he was more feared when he allowed his emotions to run wild … he was more feared with me on his side. I silently prayed he didn’t push me to the extent where It ends in a war between me and him.

I wiped the tear away aggressively walking out of his office. ‘ISABELLA’ I spun around and saw Lorenzo panicking. ‘What?’ I hesitantly asked. ‘I forgot about the shipment tomorrow and I have another meeting I need to attend.’ I shook my head ‘I’ll handle it go’ he hugged me ‘Lifesaver’ I laughed and pushed him off me ‘GO’ I laughed out. He smiled eyeing me ‘You, okay?’ I nodded my head ‘Why wouldn’t I be?’ He stares at me unconvinced but decides not to push me nodding his head he walks off.

‘Isabella, this delivery came for you’ Hacker handed me a bouquet of Spanish Bluebells. I eyed it suspiciously a sick feeling forming in my stomach, he looked at me with a weird look wondering why I was reacting the way I was. ‘These are my mother’s favourite flowers’ I spoke aloud I grabbed the note and opened it. A gasp left my lips the vase shattering underneath me spilling the water and flowers. ‘Your parents say hello, So, do I. Don’t believe everything Diego says my love … he was the one torturing them last week. My dear Isabella … Never Forget Me’ I read the note again turning it around seeing a picture stuck on the back. ‘No’ I cried out seeing them sitting on the floor tied up and looking like their lives was being dragged out from them. ‘NOOO,’ I screamed out feeling the veins in my neck and forehead pop out, my entire body boiling up.

All I could see in front of me was red, I stormed towards the basement ignoring everyone calling out my name. I faintly heard Hacker calling for Vincenzo, but I didn’t care, the way I was feeling right now no one stood a chance. ‘WAKE UP’ I yelled the men stood back unaware of what to do, I looked at them my face stone cold. Nothing but anger radiated off me as they quickly scattered leaving me alone with Diego. I smirked ‘that was a bad idea,’ I thought aloud, ‘No one is here to hold me back.’ I leaned down and whispered in his ear ‘Your fate has been sealed’

I grabbed Vincenzo’s knife from the table and slowly approached Diego. As I approached him it finally felt like this was the last straw the last thing that drove me off the edge. I felt numb I felt like my old self. I smirked welcoming Dragon back, my face changing as my smirk turned somewhat sinister ‘Isabella!’ he called out nervously. I tilted my head to the side ‘No’ I laughed out excited. It wasn’t like I was a different person, I just shut off all emotions only feeling anger, and for nostalgia only refer to myself as Dragon when I’m like this.

‘D-d’ I started frantically laughing, storming towards him faster than he was able to comprehend. I heard the door open, but my attention was solely focused on Diego. ‘No-No I thought you weren’t going to kill me.’ He quickly muttered out ‘You still need me to find your parents!’ He rushed to reason with me, trying to desperately save his life.

I laughed hysterically I rip off his bandages and stick my finger in his wound. He lets out a painful scream sending goosebumps up my body. ‘No, because when you told me about where they could be, you gave me a small hint. My parents are wherever Xavier is, but not in the same building.’ I explained, knowing Xavier’s tactics. I pulled my finger out from his wound and decided to stab him there instead.

‘Most likely he put them in a safe place. A place he knows can only be accessed by him.’ I continued, ‘So wherever he is they’re not far from him’ I mimicked Diego repeating his previous comment. ‘He is far from home, so he can’t put them in his basement or a place he owns. He isn’t dumb enough to put them in a house with witnesses around, to see or hear them calling for help. He’s going to put them in a small place where no human lives and where no one can hear them.’ I took a second to pause ‘He has them in a storage unit’

Diego’s facial expressions shifted from cocky to fear, I smiled applying pressure to his neck. ‘So, tell me … what do I need you for?’ I uncuffed him and stood him up. Still sticking to my rules about never taking on someone like a coward.

‘I thought you changed when you left Spain, that you weren’t dragon that you killed her and the demons that accompanied her.’ He explained wearily as he watched me with caution.

‘My demons though quiet, are never quite silenced. Calm as they may be, they wait patiently for a reason to wake, take an overdue breath, and crawl back to my ear.’ I pulled him into me stabbing him in the stomach ‘And I’ve had a shit week’ I grunt taking the knife out of his stomach losing myself. As I started stabbing him repeatedly his blood splattered all over me as I watched his soul leave his body. I let out a scream all my built-up anger, sadness, frustration every single emotion unleashed. I snatched his throat stabbing him in the neck, chest, stomach wherever my knife landed.

I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist and pick me up. I cried out screaming and kicking not feeling any satisfaction wanting to keep going. To torture him even if he is dead, to do to him what he did to my parent’s. ‘NOOOO,’ I shouted out in pain feeling everything crumble, my emotions all over the place unaware of what to focus on.

Vincenzo’s memory loss? My parent’s being held hostage by a maniac. The baby in my stomach that I haven’t told anyone about yet. When did everything get so complicated, I was kicking and screaming before finally submitting to whoever was holding me back trying to restrain and calm me down. I cried into his chest, feeling myself calm down. I inhaled his familiar scent, the only person who could make me feel safe and calm after what I had just done.

‘You’re okay’ He whispered in my hair holding me. I cried until my eyes dried out, I felt weak as I started losing balance. Vincenzo quickly caught me holding me bridal style as I laid in his arms struggling to stay awake.

‘Vincenzo?’ I whispered. ‘I’m here’ was the last thing I heard before surrendering and shutting my eyes my head colliding with his chest as everything seemed to fade away.


Vincenzo’s POV

Hacker urged me to follow Isabella saying she was ready for the kill. I had to admit I was intrigued to see what she was capable of, what she was able to do. I heard stories about her, but it felt like the part of me that remembers her was pushing me to go and watch. I saw my men standing outside the door looking shocked and scared, I shook my head asking them what was wrong. ‘Something happened to her, something’s triggered her.’

I quickly opened the door not trying to be discreet slamming it shut behind me making my presence known. She didn’t flinch or move, she stayed put not caring about my presence in the room. I eyed her sceptically as I watched her demeanour completely change. He started begging for his life like a sacred gattino. (kitten) ‘You need me to find your parents’ he caught my attention as I snapped my head in his direction. Her parents? I thought they-

A blood-curling scream snaps me out of my train of thought I look back over at Isabella she has her finger in his wound digging it in deep, I winced on his behalf. I stared at her and how she was interrogating him, it felt like I shouldn’t be here that it was a private manner. But something in me told me not to move, that she’s going to need me at some point. I watched her laugh like a madwoman, making me think about myself.

How we share many qualities, not your average ones. It wasn’t like we both liked the same colour we both had very similar strategies for torture, she was intimidating no doubt. The way she completely loses herself allows her demons to take control of her like it’ll be easier for her to cope and deal with everything if she numbs herself. If she can blame her monsters for who she is, as an escape from the guilt.

‘No, because when you told me about where they could be, you gave me a small hint. My parents are wherever Xavier is, but not in the same building.’ I raised my eyebrows impressed by her ability to decipher such a simple phrase and create a map. I leaned on the wall feeling proud of her like my old self was somehow still in control of my feelings. He was giving me all these emotions and I don’t know what to think or do with them like my soul is yearning for her, but I don’t know her and that scared me.

How I was so stupid to allow my soul to get attached to hers to allow it to bring her into my world.

He lets out a sharp scream I lift my head to see what she did. I smirked and sniffled a laugh when I saw she took her finger out and replaced it with a knife. I squinted my eyes getting a better look at It realising it’s MY knife. I tensed up at the thought of someone using my things, but my better judgement told me to not push her or bring it up when she’s holding a knife and in a state of rage.

She continued explaining her theory of where her parents are ‘He has them in a storage unit’ she concluded and the shocked expression on the man’s face was the only clarification needed. Now most likely being a hundred percent convinced of their location. I watched as she leaned into him and threatened ‘So tell me … what do I need you for?’

I watch my body jolting upright as I saw her Un-cuffed him. I looked at her like she’d lost her mind but despite being free the man stood in front of her terrified not daring to make a move. ‘I thought you changed when you left Spain, that you weren’t dragon that you killed her and the demons that accompanied her.’ He tried to calm her, to remind her that she isn’t a killer that she isn’t herself right now, but something told me she was very aware of what she’s doing.

‘My demons though quiet, are never quite silenced. Calm as they may be, they wait patiently for a reason to wake, take an overdue breath, and crawl back to my ear.’ Goosebumps formed up and down my arms, my hairs stood up a cold chill down my spine as she spoke about her demons how no matter what they’re never quite gone, It was then I realised why I kept her why I was selfish and let her stay in my world.

She pulled him towards her stabbing him in the stomach ‘And I’ve had a shit week’ she grunt’s taking the knife out of his stomach, I watched her loosen up her staring blankly as it felt like she was losing myself like she was fading away. She started stabbing him repeatedly his blood splattering all over her face as she watched his soul leave his body. She let out a scream all her built-up anger, sadness, and frustration like every single one of her emotions were being unleashed. She slashed his throat stabbing him in the neck, chest, stomach wherever the knife landed.

Her scream sent me over the edge it felt like her scream alone was enough to shatter the earth, that she had so many things weighing her down. She was ready to rain hell on earth. I rushed towards her wrapping my arms around her pulling her off of him. ‘Isabella!’ I called out her name repeatedly but she kept screaming and kicking. Like she was fighting an internal battle not knowing what fight to focus on.

She finally calmed down easing into me as she cried uncontrollably in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her tighter keeping her still resting my chin on her head as I reassured her she was going to be okay. ‘You’re okay’ every single fibre in my body just wanted to hold her forever to protect her from the world to shield her from everything bad … even if that includes me.

She whispered my name ‘Vincenzo?’ I reassured her ‘I’m here’ before I felt her body collapse. I quickly grabbed her picking her up and took her out of the basement, ‘Is- ISABELLA!’ I’m assuming her twin started yelling, ‘she’s okay’ I reassured her. ‘Give me her. ISABELLA’ she kept screaming. I rolled my eyes growing frustrated ‘She’s fine.’ my tone firm ‘Do you remember?’ she whispered. I stood there not showing emotion my face blank. ‘Lorenzo get rid of the body in the basement and get Gina to clean it’

‘Vincenzo.’ I stopped walking, still looking ahead. ‘You two loved each other. Even if none of you admitted it … hold onto that’ Without turning around I stood still for a moment letting her words sink in before walking off.

I went into my bedroom and put her on my bed, I sat next to her for a few minutes admiring her beauty, how calm and serene she looked. Like the world stresses all faded away when she allowed herself to calm down, to relax into me. I tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, I look up at the sound of someone knocking on the door.

I stood up and opened it, ‘Is she okay?’ I looked at Lorenzo and nodded my head slowly. ‘You two seem close’ I muttered under my breath, he looked at me like I had gone mad before looking at me with pity. ‘You’re so lucky you have memory loss. I’m with her sister but Isabella and I are close. She … she’s my best friend and in the short time I’ve known her’ He drifts off looking at me ‘I would happily take a bullet to save her … just like she saved all of us without even noticing’

I nodded my head gesturing us to go to my office, he walks out towards my office. I turn around and look at her in my bed and found myself smiling at the sight of her. I sighed and shook my head like I was repeating a mistake, I closed the door and told Aberto to stay guard ‘She’s asleep no one but me goes in.’ He nods his head and stands in his post.

I go inside and see Lorenzo waiting for me laying down on the couch, I close the doors behind me and walk around my desk sitting in my chair. ‘I-‘ I huff feeling conflicted with all my emotions, a part of me desires to get to know her to connect with her again. To constantly be with her like I needed her to stay alive but the other part of me feels like this memory loss was a chance for the both of us to part to give her another chance a life without me … a life without bloodshed.

‘Don’t worry’ I shook my head leaning back into my chair, Lorenzo sat up straight and looked at me. He shook his head knowing what I wanted to say. ‘When I first met Isabella, you had just saved her from a hostage situation. She was taken so they can get information on you’ he put emphasis on you. ‘She didn’t utter a word even though she owed you nothing, a matter of a fact If I was her, I would’ve spilled everything I knew. You threatened her in front of the club, knife to her throat. I guess she deserved it but still’ he shrugged his shoulders.

‘But that’s how she was loyal and fucking stubborn. She was never scared of you, she spoke when she wanted, did what she wanted, and I remember thinking Vincenzo found his match’ He smiled at the memory I no longer possessed. ‘That day, however, you rushed home and assembled men in such a hurry to save her. You knew her for a few days if not a week, and you were ready to tear the world apart to get her back, and that’s when I knew you were fucked’ he laughed, I smiled feeling like I’m being told an epic love story.

‘She got forced to stay here because you wanted to use her as a bargaining tool. But I know you too well, that could’ve been a reason but if that was solely the reason to keep her you would’ve shove her in any one of our homes or hotels, but you chose our home. You wanted her close for reasons you didn’t understand yourself.’ He continued explaining

‘She saved us, we were broken. You didn’t do anything but work, hungry for more power to stay feared, without realising it you were turning into him’ he was referring to our dad making me cringe at the thought. I promised Lorenzo and Ariana I’d never be like him … I made a promise to Dante that I would never turn out like our parents, and I couldn’t help but feel like I let them down.

‘But then this fire spitting Dragon came into our lives, and everything changed. You were suddenly more aware and present. You made time for us, you even started doing one on one training with me again for old times’ sake. You slowly started becoming like your old self, she brought out the best in you when you only thought you had monsters to be brought out. And even after all that your reputation only grew stronger, you were calmer you made better decisions with her reassurance … she was like your reason to keep going’

I watched as he spoke about her with such high regards, I felt a warm sensation in my heart hearing everything she’s done for my family … for me. It made the guilt of forgetting her worsen. Lorenzo laughed out ‘No one defended you as much as her, she would cut anyone who spoke poorly of you. You saved her too you know that?’ He questioned I looked at him unaware of everything. ‘She was lost, she had so many traumas she was on the brink of just giving up. You brought out the best in her … you were her reason to keep going’

He let out a chuckle ‘It was rather beautiful to watch, the way you put her insecurities to sleep. The way you dove into her eyes and got rid of all the fears, how you pulled her out from the skeletons she had hidden in her.’

He shook his head ‘I think I know why she drew you in so much’ he thought aloud and I found myself wanting to know more, wanting to hear the rest of the story. Needing someone to explain why I was drawn to her why I allowed her in because now every day is like I just woke up nothing made sense but that’s how I feel throughout the day. ‘It was her; she has a devil in her, and I swear it’ll dance some nights if you’re brave enough to take her hand.’ I pictured her in the basement stabbing and losing all control on the man she had down there.

‘She’s a stubborn fiery soul who takes what she wants, stealing a glance then a night then eventually she stole your heart. She had a smile like an angel but the mindset of a devil, everything she ever loved left her burning. You became a part of her, you carried her, and she left her mark on you. She took on the things that should have scared her away and learned to use them to her advantage. What I’m saying is that Isabella she’s dangerous. The best ones are, and you’re attracted to her flames, with your broken soul and cold heart. You loved her and you once said she was like ‘hell inside of heaven, and heaven inside of hell. She’s a girl who deserves someone willing to through both.’ and at the end of it all, she was a girl who thought she stole your heart, not knowing you can’t steal what you already given her’ He whispered the last part.

I had a swarm of emotions running wild not knowing which to focus on, Isabella was truly one of a kind. A girl full of life yet full of stresses she could take on the devil and win. I smirked at how we would’ve been as a couple, both being the alpha type needing to control and dominate. Her stubbornness and my very thin patience.

Our head snapped up at the sound of a girl screaming, Lorenzo laughed out ‘Isabella’ he gestured taking a bow like he explained her very accurately. I rolled my eyes and stood up Lorenzo followed close behind. ‘What’s wrong?’ I asked her, she looked at me with a rather mad expression. ‘What’s wrong?’ she mocked me frustrated. I looked at her clueless not understanding why she was screaming. She let out a frustrated screech and stormed off, I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me. Her body colliding with mine, ‘We need to talk’ she stood frozen for a minute taking in a deep breath before nodding her head ‘Okay’




Isabella’s POV

I was pissed he left me, it felt like all I needed to feel safe, and calm was his presence. To be able to hold him while he reassured me in his calming voice that it was all going to be okay. I needed him more than ever and it killed me I couldn’t have him anymore.

I walked inside the office watching him as he slowly closes the office door’s he approached me cautiously; I eyed him sceptical. These damn hormones fired me up I mentally calmed myself down and let out a small sigh. I looked up I see him standing in front of the broken mirror. Staring at himself lost in thought. I stood behind him staring at him through the mirror, he looked to the side seeing me in the reflection before focusing back on himself. His face turned to stone, his entire body tensing like he had no idea who was staring back at him, and whoever it was he didn’t seem to like who he saw.

‘You stare at that mirror so often I’m surprised you don’t know who’s looking back at you’ I commented, his eyes fixated on me through the mirror … ‘Do you?’ he questioned I was taken back ‘Sometimes’ I replied. I eyed him curiously ‘What do you see?’ I whispered so low like I feared his answer, not wanting to anger him. He seemed to be pondering the question for a minute ‘A monster’ he stated. I nodded my head slowly, ‘Are you a monster? Or is this what it means to be a person?’ I questioned. His eye’s never leave my reflection in the broken glass. It seemed like he wanted to say something, the words at the tip of his tongue before he shut his mouth shut and decided against it.

‘How did it break?’ He changed the subject, I winced at the memory of him finding out about his brother’s death, ‘You punched it … then a few weeks ago so did I’ my fingers tracing my cut-up knuckles. ‘Why?’ I stayed silent not wanting to relive that part of our life hoping he would simply drop it. He sensed my hesitation and cleared his throat.

‘How are you feeling?’ He proceeded with caution like he was handling a bomb and I was going to blow up at any minute. I nodded my head slowly ‘I’m better … and thanks for pulling me off when you did’ I whispered feeling stupid at how I lost control in the basement. When I took over this mafia I took over as both dragon and Isabella I was able to control and tame my demons and still have emotions, be reasonable as it wasn’t like Spain, and I wasn’t responsible for just myself anymore. But when I found out about my parents and how both tortured them, I lost all senses … It felt like both sides of me wanted to do that, that my demons overpowered me once again and that terrified me more than anything.

‘Are you sure?’ He pushed; I eyed him sceptical ‘Vincenzo why the sudden interest? You spent every chance you get to avoid me and now you’re all of a sudden concerned about me?’ I was so irritated, and these damn hormones didn’t help my emotional state. ‘Isabella … I’m worried about you’ He admitted ‘You’re worried about me?’ I questioned letting out a mocking laugh before looking at him again.

‘Where you worried about me when you completely shut me out? Where you worried about me when I spent an entire month looking for you! Only to find some half version of you!‘ I screamed. ‘It’s not like I forgot you on purpose Isabella!’ I whipped my head turning to face him, ‘What?’ I repeated ‘You might not have done it on purpose. But you CHOSE not to try! ‘ I cried out forgetting that he is currently trying to reach out, but I had so much built-up frustration I never got to let out when I first found out and now it was like everything was spilling out at once.

‘I don’t want to fight; I don’t want to yell I just … I-‘ I cut myself off drifting away sadly as I eyed him with glossy eyes. ‘Sometimes I wish I was you’ I admitted he looked at me sceptically ‘Sometimes I wish I was the one with the memory loss, to escape the pain of being in this relationship alone.’ My anger faded away and now all that was there was grief like I was still mourning him. ‘You don’t think it sucks for me? I look at you and it’s like my body and soul are gravitating towards you. Like it’s going to erupt if I’m not near you, but my mind is screaming at me that it doesn’t know you! Like my soul and mind are at war’

I nodded my head sadly sucking in my lips, ‘I know’ I whispered knowing the fight he is going through ‘Sometimes it’s just easier to forget, to ignore the battle’ I explained his situation to him showing him I knew why he distanced, why he shut me out. ‘Vincenzo has always been a man who knew what he wanted, and these unknown feelings are telling him you know this person you have a connection with her, but his mind is shutting it down. For the first time, you are in conflict with yourself more specifically with your feeling’s and you chose to listen to the one you’re most familiar with… your mind’ He looked at me shocked like I just read him like an open book.

‘How did you?’ I smiled ‘Because I know you not just Vincenzo King the man the scary Mafia boss, but I know your soul. When I found myself wishing to forget, I remember all the times we spent together all the memories, how your lips felt against mine, how your voice calmed me down. How beautiful your singing voice is. I remember your soul and I would never want to forget it. It would be such a shame.’

‘We drove each other to insanity’ I laughed out looking at him, he was concentrating on every single word I said like it was gold. ‘But that was our thing, insanity’ I nodded off losing myself in my own train of thought. I slowly walked towards the window near the couch and sat looking out.

‘I want to believe everything you say, but-‘ still unconvinced. I cut him off continuing ‘You know no one noticed how guilty you felt.’ I stated, he huffed ‘I don’t feel guilt’ He spat angrily. I smirked still deciding to continue my observation ‘They only saw your guilt. No one saw the pain you were in; they only saw the pain you caused. No one realised you hated yourself, far more than anyone hated you.’

‘No, I don’t have guilt, I wasn’t in pain, and I don’t hate myself. I do very bad things, and I do them very well.’ He was getting frustrated Vincenzo came to terms with his demons but now he was reset, back to factory settings. Still denying it and avoiding all his buried emotions. ‘Okay’ I replied not pushing him further. ‘I think it’s time for me to go’ I whispered, he looked at me irritated. ‘Maybe it is, I’ll see you tonight for dinner’ He replied brushing his hands through his hair.

‘No,’ I whispered softly physically hurting. ‘I mean for good’ his stare turned dark and icy. He lunged towards me gripping my arms lifting me up, ‘what?’ He warned lowly, ‘I think it’s time for me to go’ I repeated. ‘No’ he answered short and simple letting me go, ‘I-‘ he cuts me off screaming ‘NO ISABELLA, NO!’ I watched his body tense his worry lines on his face and his hurt expression no matter how much he tried to hide it I saw it. ‘What do you need me to do? What is it you need!?’ He shouted his voice boomed through the office, I looked at him my anger levels slightly rising.

‘What do I need?’ I repeated, ‘I NEED YOU!’ I shouted silencing him; he dropped his arms down looking at me his mouth parted his eyebrow’s furrowed as his eyes softened. ‘I need you! That’s what’s wrong I miss you; you are fucking idiot! I Miss you; I miss Vincenzo. I need the old you back the one who knew me! The one who touched my soul and dragged me back to life, the one who understood me … who understood my daemons without me even saying a word’ I shouted, I lunged to him and pushed him back ‘YOU! I FUCKING NEED YOU!’ I kept shoving him back and hitting his chest until he hit the wall.

‘My dead parents are alive! They’re being held captive by Xavier, and I didn’t tell anyone. I didn’t even tell Maria because I didn’t know how too. I needed you, I needed to tell you because YOU always knew what to say.’ My voice got softer the more I confessed to him. His worried expression deepened as he looked at me with sympathetic eyes. I closed my eyes tears escape sucking my lower lip to stop it from quivering.

‘I miss you … I need you!’ I shouted feeling every single emotion as it rose to the surface, I started hitting his chest again screaming, pleading, and begging. ‘Please give him back to me!’

He gripped my writs to stop me from hitting his chest and pulled me towards him forcing me into a tight embrace, I sobbed in his chest wrapping my arms around his waist. I had no idea what I needed to do about the two of us, but one thing was sure I needed to save my parents.

‘I- I don’t know what to do … but one thing I know is I need to go to war. I need to kill that fucker and I need to save my parents.’ I whispered softly. He lifted my chin up with his fingers and whispered ‘then let’s go to war’

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