The Mafia King: To Insanity
The Mafia King: Chapter 17

I woke up feeling happy this morning, I quickly got dressed and went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I skip in the kitchen opening the fridge, the cooks staring at me like they just saw a ghost. ‘I won’t bite boys go back to work’ they all quickly shuffled returning to whatever it was they were doing.

In walks the boys from last night looking horrible, ‘How do you not look like vomit?’ Lorenzo nods along ‘You drank double us, how the fuck are you … normal?’

Giggling I shrug my shoulders ‘You girls were playing Mama’s game. I have a high tolerance.’ Lorenzo groans and shoves his head in his hands, he calls for a man named Stefano who I’ll assume is the butler. He hands him and the rest of the men aspirin while they all get a glass of water.

Fico sits on the chair to my left and rests his head on the tabletop, trying desperately to hide my laugh I rub his back ‘aw, you poor baby’ I coo as he groans from his headache, Mira places everyone their breakfast ‘eat, food good. You drink crazy is not good for the stomach. Ah, pumpkin good girl she didn’t drink.’

Smirking at the boys ‘yeah boys be like pumpkin’ Lorenzo opens his mouth to out me I quickly grab his pancakes and shove them in his mouth. ‘Eat, it’s good for the headache’ I wave my hand pursing my lips as I resume my seat.

Maria comes down and joins us for breakfast, obviously taking a seat next to Lorenzo. She plays with his hair as he rests her head on his shoulder. I shake my head at them smiling, I’m happy for the two of them.

The sight of them makes me remember Vincenzo, I wonder where he is. ‘Men’ the sound of Giovani makes the boys straighten their postures ‘we have a shipment coming in tonight, it’s the new guns for the armoury. The feds are on our tail, so we need all of you in and out. Vincenzo and I will also be coming with you.’

‘Lorenzo, eat I need you to head downstairs and run up numbers and check inventory in the armoury’ I watch as he walks away, and I stare at Lorenzo ‘Can I help?’ I ask with a pleading look. He stares at me with wide eyes ‘absolutely not” He quickly shuts my idea down.

‘Fine, I’m gonna do it any way but I’ll walk away leaving you to believe I won’t’ I jump off the chair putting my dishes in the sink, I walk upstairs going towards Vincenzo’s Office doors.

I open the door and see him at his desk phone to his ear, it looked important judging from the way his entire body was tense. He didn’t even notice me in the room. Closing and locking the doors behind me I walk closer to him and lean on the desk, smiling I tilt my head, he shakes his head and indicates for me to leave.

(Sexual scene)

I shake my head no, I walk around the desk, so I’m standing right in front of him. I hold my hands and innocently eye him. I lick my lips as I get on my knees, Vincenzo’s eyes went wide as he cuts himself off, giggling I point at the phone reminding him he’s still on a call.

I spread his legs open as I inch closer, I trail my hands down his hard toned chest. Biting my lip, I slowly feel his hard-on through his pants, Vincenzo’s breathing became harsher and rougher as he tried to finish his meeting. ‘I expe- ahem expect the contracts to be …’ He grabs me by my throat pulling my up to him and eyes me warningly.

I bit my lips as I continue toying with him. The man over the phone calls his name making him loosen his grip on my throat as I return to what I was doing. I unbuckle his belt and slide his pants off.

I kiss his throbbing dick through his boxers, it twitches as i place small kisses on it. With the tip of my tongue, I lick it from top to bottom, causing Vincenzo to grip the side of his chair and his phone ‘Listen I-‘ he sucks in a breath not able to continue his sentence, I slide his boxers off and take him length in my mouth.

‘Oh fuck’ he leans his head back on the headrest as he groans out. ‘Oh no not you, I just remembered something I had to do.’ He quickly mutters out, feeling victorious that I was finally in control for once and he was the one who was in a vulnerable position. I lick his head with the tip of my tongue as I trace the tip.

I started pumping him faster, taking in his entire length. My head bobs up and down as he struggles to form words. ‘Cazzo … something- fuck ahem. Somethings come to my attention I’ll call you back.’ He quickly hangs up the phone as he rests his head on the headrest and takes a fist full of my he keeps me still for a minute before offloading.

‘Cazzo’ he purrs. I look up at him wiping the excess off my mouth with one finger. ‘You looked stressed’ I shrugged as he tried to regain his posture.

(end of sexual scene)

‘I was in a meeting Isabella’ I shrug and let my hair loose. ‘Made it more fun.” I smiled up at him. He rolls his eyes before grabbing my hand and planting me on his lap. ‘How about I take you out tonight?’ I look at him confused ‘Don’t you have that shipment coming in tonight?’

‘I forgot about- how did you know that?’ he questions, ‘Your dad paid us a visit in the kitchen’ he nods his head before a smile takes over his features, ‘How about now?’ now it was my turn to be speechless, ‘I’m not ready! Look at me’ I exclaim, he looks me dead in the eye as he whispers ‘I am’ I shake my head trying to not let the smile overtake my features.

‘Fine, but I need to wash up and change first’ Vincenzo laughs before gesturing to himself ‘A wash up is desperately needed’ I jump off his lap and quickly rush to get to my room. I go towards the bathroom, washing my face, I apply the bare minimum of makeup seeing as I have no time.

Adding some eyeliner to finish off the look, I walk towards my closest… I’m too indecisive ‘MARIA’ I call out, the door slowly opens Maria peaks her head ever so slightly ‘You called?’ I look at her desperate ‘I need a cute basic outfit, you’re the fashion model pick me something simple, but that says im not trying to impress you but you should thank whoever you believe in I’m here with you and not someone else’ I ramble on, Maria looks at me completely dumbfounded before shaking her head gesturing me to step aside.

‘He finally taking you out?’ she asks as she goes through the potential outfit choices. ‘I guess so, this may be like a first official date?’ I answer her question, but my answer sounded more like a question than anything else. She hands me my outfit smiling ‘I’m amazing, now dress go have fun and I want to hear everything when you come back!’

I change into the white tank, the loose grey pants and white air forces. I quickly blow dry my hair before walking out. I go downstairs and see Vincenzo talking to Lorenzo. I approach them quietly before eyeing Lorenzo, ‘You look less like vomit’ he turned his head towards me with that ‘this is all your fault stare’

‘Chica shut it. Before I go all Latina on your ass’ I purse my lip laughing ‘Latina? Your Italian’ he continues staring at me with a blank expression. I squint my eyes ‘You don’t scare me pretty boy’ He rolls his eyes before flicking his non-existent hair and walks off.

‘I worry about him’ I laugh out as I turn to look at Vincenzo who is already staring at me. ‘Bellissima’ he whispers. Looking down I try my best to hide my face so he can’t see me blushing. ‘Come on’ he grabs me by my hand as we walk towards his car. Like he was in a rush “why the hurry?” I asked curiously “because if we don’t leave now, I’m going to bend you over that couch” he harshly breaths out.

My eyes going wide with excitement “not a bad idea” I point out ‘Where are we going?’ I question, ‘You’ll see’ he smiles. ‘Oh come on just say it’ he shakes his head as he drives out of the driveway, I stare at him as the puppy dog expression takes over my features, ‘Pleaseeee’

‘No, don’t give me that look.’ He shakes his head refusing to look at me. I huff before crossing my arms over my chest, ‘Fine’ The rest of the car ride was silent if you didn’t count my random outburst as I tried to guess where we were going.

We finally got to the destination, I quickly jumped out of the car as I looked at the scenery in awe. He took me to a Horse ranch, clapping my hands I run back towards Vincenzo and hurry him along. ‘MOVE COME ON’

He laughs at my childish behaviour, the place was empty as we approached the barn with all the horses, Vincenzo walks straight towards the black one, he stroked its head as he leaned his own head on the horse. I tilted my head and as an aw left my lips.

‘Isabella this is, Mercy. Mercy this is Isabella’ I shake my head laughing at him, ‘Nice to meet you, Mercy.’

The old man who owns the ranch walks towards us, ‘Welcome back Mr King’ He greets Vincenzo before he extends his hand out to me, ‘Isabella’ I answer his unasked question shaking his hand. He nods ‘First time riding a horse?’ he asks me. I shake my head no ‘My Grandpa use to take me and my sister all the time as kids.’

‘Why’d you stop?’ My smile becoming slightly smaller ‘I got shipped to America and my horse stayed back home’

‘Oh I’m so-‘ I shake my head stopping him from apologising ‘Oh no don’t be it’s okay.’ One of the horses neighed I turned my head to the noise seeing a gorgeous brown horse, I walk up to it and it was a little startled, ‘That’s a new horse dear, he scares easy I wouldn’t get to close’ completely ignoring him, I still approached the horse.

I put my hand out and began stroking him, ‘It’s okay boy’ The horse settled down under my touch, ‘She has a stubbornness issue.’ Vincenzo informs the man. I turn to give him a look before he shrugs carelessly.  ‘You ready to ride?’ Vincenzo asks me, smirking back at him ‘maybe tonight” I respond to his question.

Looking at me confused, I continue staring at him waiting for it to dawn on him. His eyes widen at the sudden realisation as the old man bursts out laughing. I shake my head as the man comes and helps me get the horse in its saddle. We take the horses to the open field, stepping on the little ladder, I get on the horse.

I stroke his head a little, Vincenzo strides next to me on his horse. He eyes me before a genuine smile overtakes his lips. He lightly kicks its side causing the horse to traut. He sees me on his tail, causing him to go faster.

Now neck and neck we both start to slow down, ‘Come on I want to show you something’

‘Where are we going?’ I ask since I can no longer see the ranch in view, he shakes his head ‘can you not let anything be a surprise?’ he questions. Looking his dead in the eye ‘Not with a man who runs a mafia, for all I know I can be riding to my death.” shaking his head ‘If I wanted you dead Isabella, believe me, I would have done it already’ raising one eyebrow up ‘That’s … reassuring” I sarcastically mutter out.

Looking straight ahead I hear what sounds like a stream, I look back at Vincenzo and see him smiling, I honestly don’t think I have ever seen him smile so much in the entire time I’ve known him. He stops the horse causing me to stop mine from going further, He hops off the horse and helps me off mine. ‘Almost there’ he takes the lead walking closer to the sound of the water. We come into clear sight of the most beautiful river. He guides both the horses to the river so they can drink some water.

He comes back towards me pulling me closer to him, like he was scared I was going to run away, as we walk to the right, I see a small picnic laid out on the floor, my mouth drops as my eyes soften at the effort.

‘You didn’t’ I turned and looked at him. ‘It’s nothing major’ he shrugged ‘You’re a little softie when you want to be’ He rolls his eyes before guiding me to the blanket laid on the floor.

He started talking about how he first found this place on a ride, as he spoke, I couldn’t help but think back to the first time I saw him, the first time I stared into his eyes. There was nothing but hate, darkness and evil, but now I see a small light deeply hidden behind.

‘It’s peaceful,’ he says in the softest tone, I look around us taking in the scenery. ‘In my world, it’s easy to get caught up in the darkness. I like coming here, looking at the horses the flow of the stream, and allow myself to remember it’s not all dark.’

I tilt my head smiling at him as he finally starts opening. ‘I haven’t been here in years … I got caught up in work.’ he recovers as if he almost let something slip his tongue.  ‘I just got caught up in being the King, in order to be the king, I needed to shut off a lot of things that resembled humanity. I needed to be feared to be taken seriously. So, the light was overtaken … and now there’s no going back’ his face resumed his hard expression as he lost train of thought and started at the river in front of him.

I inch closer to him before connecting our lips, he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in tighter. I break the kiss and rest my forehead on his.


It starts to get really dark as we lay on the blanket staring at the sky, this is the most cliche moment, but I didn’t care, it was such a simple, thoughtful and beautiful day. Then I remembered Vincenzo had to go to the shipment. ‘Italy, don’t you have the shipment coming in?’ he shakes his head ‘It’s too early, the feds expect the shipments to arrive at seven. That’s why I pushed it back to ten.’

He sat up opening the picnic box taking something out of it.

‘The first day you entered my office, you reached for a book. I grew curious and so I read it. It was a novel that resembled Tangled.’

He hands me a lantern, ‘so I figured what better way to end the night?” He lights both of our lanterns, as we each whisper something over it “if anyone is going to drive me to insanity let it be Vincenzo King” before letting it go.

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