The Lycan King (Book 1)
Chapter 50. Ball


"Oath of fealty?" Rhazien paced around the courtroom.

The court was over for the day and only Vladimir, Sofiya, Rhazien, Darius, Leikos and Ezra, Ava and I remained.

"Really. The people do not like it." He shook his head. "First is having their King being killed by a werewolf. Second is a werewolf?being?their King and now you gave them hope but took it away by demanding the oath of fealty."

I glared at him. "You have no say in that matter. Tread carefully Rhazien."

"The people are scared of you, Nikolai. Many people have tried to kill Vasilik and all of them have failed. They think that?you?are the one who killed him. They are scared and confused and don't know what to to." Ezra said.

"And it will remain that way.” I said firmly. "As far as anyone except of us knows, [?7am?the one who killed him. And I have been nothing but kind to the people. They have nothing to fear.”

"You killed the Sacredos. I think there is plenty to fear." Rhazien said dryly.

I slammed my hand on the hand rest of the throne in anger. "He was a rapist. I will not hear another word about Louis."

"Apologies." He bowed his head.

"It's fine, Rhazien. What do you suggest for us to do?" Ava asked.

Rhazien remained silent.

"Earn the trust of the people.” Sofiya said. "Interact with them. Show them you are a good person beneath the tough exterior. Do one good and a hundred people will speak about it."

"I am not going to put Ava’s life in danger to go out and interact with people to gain their approval.” I snorted. It would be foolish to do so.

"You can throw a ball.” Vladimir said. "Vampires love to party. It will be a public setting. The security will be at its highest and the Kingdom's richest will be in one place. Attacking there will basically be attacking the economy of the kingdom. We can't afford it. Anyone with a decent mind will know that.” He said.

I thought about it. I really didn't need anyone's approval. I was leaving in a couple of days. But this would help Vladimir a lot later on.

"Fine. Tomorrow night.” I agreed. "Anything else?" I looked at the people surrounding me.

"No, King Nikolai.” Lady Ezra said. "Thank you for your time."

"Welcome." I said and stood up from my seat.

Ava and I walked out. I was exhausted already. I just wanted to go back to the pack. I hated being answerable to these people. My brothers understood me. We understood each other. We had an understanding. I knew what was best for the pack. We made a good team. What I said goes, without question.

"Its not my place.” I yelled. Why does she not understand?

"You are the King!" She thrashed harder and her hair started turning white.

Fuck no.

I spun her around and pushed her so she was bent over a study table. I held both her hands tight behind her back with my one hand and her cheek pressed to the desk. Her hair turned to the normal dark brown colour and I signed in relief. I didn't want any destruction here.

"If I want to punish you here, right now. Will you let me?" I asked, my voice rough.

A tear splashed down her cheek and on the desk and she nodded.

I slapped her ass. "Words, Avalyn.”

"Yes, Master.” She whispered.

"Will I listen to?anyone?if they tell me otherwise?" I asked.

"No, Master." She whispered, understanding dawning in her eyes.

"Why?" I growled.

She remained quiet and pressed her lips together.

"Because I want you to?" She whispered.

"Yes. And?"

She bit her lip hard in thought. I pressed my groin over her hips and placed my hand besides her head, looming over her. "Because you belong to me, Avalyn. You're mine.?All mine."?l hissed in her ear. "You screamed to the heavens that your body belongs me while I pounded into your dripping pussy. Or do you need me to remind you again?"

A blush rose on her cheeks. She was remembering that night again, I could tell.

"I remember. But another reminder would be good too.” The vixen spoke.

"But you have been too naughty for that.” I released her arms from behind her back but she remained in the same position, waiting.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "I understand now."

"Goo—" I heard the door about to be opened and I pulled up Ava in a flash and straightened her dress and stood besides her.

It was Zora.

She was shocked to see us but she smiled and bowed. "My King. My Queen.” She greeted.

"Zora." I nodded back because Ava was too flustered to say anything.

"I want to thank you both. You are the reason I am here.” She smiled.

"You never should have been put in the prison in the first place.” I said.

She let out a small smile and nodded. "If there is anything you need me for, please let me know. I would be happy to help.” She bowed again before she climbed up the library.

I walked to the other study table and picked up the books Leikos wanted. Even the wet ones. I held them in one arm and grabbed Ava's hand with the other and and walked out.

Thankfully, our quarter was near the library. I shut the door after we entered.

"Why did you bring the books? We didn’t even enlist them in the register.” Ava said.

"Look at them.” I passed them to her.

Her eyes widened as she read the names. "Why does he want to know about Faes so much?" She whispered.

"He knows." She whispered.

I gave her a sharp nod

She sucked in a sharp breath. "But he's not a bad man, is he?"

"I do not know." I told her. "I told you to be cautious. No one can know, Ava." I caressed her cheek. "You can't trust anyone.”

"I'm sorry I didn't trust you." Her hand covered mine. "Again. I'm sorry I hit you. And I'm sorry I yelled at you like I did." Her head lowered.

"I know you are. And you need better control of yourself Avalyn. You were going to use your powers again.”

"I didn't realise it." She bit her lip. "I need you to help me to control myself better.”

I don't know how.

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