The Lycan King (Book 1)
Chapter 10. Game Time


I woke up the next morning and went to train with the others first.

"The area heads are already in the dungeon.” Dimitri informed me after we were done. I smirked at nodded. I was itching for some blood.

"Thirty minutes.” I told everybody.

I went to my room and saw Ava wasn't here. I took a quick shower and went to the kitchen, hoping to catch her before I had to leave. She was there, flipping pancakes for Andrei and Sofiya. I went near her and gave her a peck.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Good morning.” She smiled back. "Will you have pancakes?" She asked.

"Only a couple, with chocolate.” I said and sat down at the counter. If she wished, I would have breakfast even if everyone had to wait for me.

She gave me a plate with a stack of pancakes and then put chocolate over them.

"Thanks, Love." I said, enjoying the delicious taste of her food.

"Welcome." She smiled back sweetly. She wasn't hurt about tomorrow anymore, I was happy.

I quickly finished my plate and went to the dungeon. They already had five people tied to the chair and placed in a semi circle so they could see each other properly. Good.

"Tell me your names and what you do." I ordered. The sound of my shoes clicking on the floor resonated in the room as I circled my preys.

"Who are you to demand me? You have no right to kidnap us and bring us here." A blond shouted. I chuckled darkly. Big words for a man who is tied down.

"Alpha Nikolai Volkov." I announced, coming to stand in front of the semi-circle, glaring at each one of them.

"The Rogue Alpha.” One of them whispered in disbelief and then slowly recognition and then the fear crept in their eyes. My wolf fed on this fear as he laughed at them.

I knew that my face wasn't the most recognised one. No one had really seen me. But they all knew my name. My reputation preceded me. That was for a reason. To build up fear. Men always feared unknown and also, I had no reason to leave my pack. I was the rogue Alpha. Rogues loved their freedom and I gave them that. They did their own thing, as long as I approved it right. I gave them security, a pack to live in and in turn, they gave me loyalty and obedience. You either do as I say or die. My pack was on no man's land for a reason.

"Mikhail!" I snapped. I knew he was bringing the table, I loved to see the slowly building fear in their eyes, that??s why I had my weapons brought to me later.

"Alpha." He said, bringing the table besides me. I nodded.

"The Alpha asked you all a question!" Dimitri growled while I was busy wearing my gloves and choosing from the wide range of options.

"Lennon Black, head of Tusckny.” The first person gulping, looking at the tri-dagger knife which I was currently holding.

"Jack Simons, head of Regus." The next one said. All of them said their name except the blond.

I looked at Vladimir who was standing behind them. He came ahead and gripped the blonde??s ponytail.

"Answer." He glared.

"Ray Hugh??s, area head.” He glared at me. I was going to have fun breaking him

"Lets play a game. Whoever gives me the best information about your high rankers will be shown mercy. You have one chance only, do your best." I grinned darkly, my wolf was going to enjoy this. Let the games begin.

"They have been sending spies on your lands." The first one gulped, still looking at the knife in my hand. I nodded, I knew that.

"They are planning to sabotage one of your court hearings.” The next one said. Lie. I picked up a silver dagger and threw it exactly in between his eyes.

"This is what will happen when you lie. I can see it in your eyes if you will lie." I looked at each one. They were all looking at the now dead Jack Simons with wide, fear filled eyes. The smell of his burning flesh engulfed the dungeon

"Get on with it." I snapped at the third person who hadn't looked away from the dagger that was still stuck in his head.

"They are trying to buy out the underground fighters from your club.” He looked scared as fuck and I grinned inwardly at that. I nodded at him.

"Alpha Emilio has a whore. I'm saying the truth, he had come to a club in my area to check it out once. I have even helped him punish her. You can target her, he only lets special people touch her." Ray Hugh grinned smugly. "She was his only constant, the rest came and went but she is still there, the one with perfect tits and ass, brown eyed and black-hair beauty, go for her. He likes her." He smirked and did exaggerated hand gestures motioning huge tits in front of his chest.

Rage filled in my body at his words, how fucking dare he speak about my mate in such a filthy manner. A loud growl tore through me. I could feel my claws extending and I knew my eyes were pitch black as well.

My wolf was trying to come out but I pulled him right back in. I forced my wolf to calm down. This was not the time.

All of my men froze, their face was still as impassive as it should be but I knew they were furious as fuck too. I could feel it. I was going have fun torturing him. I didn't say a word to him, his turn would be the last. I looked at the last person.

"He is going to open the biggest S&M club in town two months from now, its going to be very private with strict checking and very few people allowed, only those who Alpha Emilio knows personally.” He said, his eyes trained on the table with the weapons beside me.

"The winner is..." I trailed, letting the fear build in their eyes. The blond was still sitting smugly, thinking he was going to get out of this alive. He had no idea what I had in stock for him. Or my wolf.

I picked up my gun.

"I said I will show mercy and I'm a man of my word.” I said after I shot the last guy in his chest, the bullet piercing through his heart.

"Take the rest aside and bring him out.” I said darkly as I grinned darkly at Ray Hugh. Mikhail and Vladimir got on with the job and Dimitri stayed by my side. They took the other three men, where they would torture them for more information before killing them.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" He looked scared now. "I gave you crucial information! You should let me go! I have a mate and a child and??"

I punched him hard, dislocating his jaw. Blood spewed out of his mouth.

"Shut the fuck up.” I snapped and then put my hand out, "knife."

Dimitri placed a knife in my hand. I used the knife to slowly cut off his hand. No, I didn't hack it off, that wouldn't hurt nearly as much as I would like. Cutting it slowly and hearing his screams was much, much better.

"You used your filthy little hands to fucking touch her." I snarled when his wrist was hanging to his hand by a little skin.

He was crying his eyes out and begging me for mercy.

"Please!" He cried. "Don't."

"Okay." I shrugged and then he looked at me with hope through his teary eyes. Blood had flown into them, making his eyes blood red. I know that a little more pain and his eyes would start bleeding and he will pass out.

"I will not cut the rest of your hand." I smirked darkly, knowing that was worse. It would hurt much more, aggravating the wound with dead weight.

His eyes were drooping now and his heart slowed down.

"Water." I commanded and two guards came from behind me and poured ice cold water over Ray's head, jerking him awake. He gasped in shock and looked around, his eyes wide.

His eyes fell on me and he started crying like a fucking pussy again. "Please. Let me go." He sobbed pathetically. "I didn't even do anything.”

I growled at him, not even bothered to give him any sort of explanation. I wanted him to die quickly with a lot of pain before I go back to Ava. I need to see her right now.

More screams echoed in the dungeon. Mikhail, Andrei and Vladimir are doing a good job, I suppose.

I picked up the silver spiral knife with my gloved hand and and made a cut on top of his arm socket, on his shoulder, making him scream again.

The smell of his sizzling flesh spread in the air and I grinned, taking a deep breath. I removed my gloves now, wanting to feel his blood on my hands now.

Slowly, I inserted my fingers my fingers in the narrow wound, making him scream again. The only sweet sound than this was Ava's voice.

I worked my knuckles in and when my wrist was in, I flexed my fingers, wrenching another delicious scream. I extended my claws and then laughed as he screamed and squirmed.

"Please!" He sobbed. "For goddess sa-sake."

"Shut the fuck up.” I snarled and grabbed hold of his bone and yanked, pulling out his entire arm out of the cut I had made.

He let out an ear piercing scream. His cry echoed throughout the dungeon and for a second, the screams of the others silenced.

Ray had fainted by now. And I'm okay with that.

Because now, it's time to end it. And he will automatically wake up.

"Get me kerosene." I grunted.

A guard came in in half a minute with a gallon on kerosene.

"May I do the honours, Boss?" Dimitri asked.

I grunted in agreement. He wanted vengeance for his Luna too.

He opened the cap and poured some on his crotch before splashing some on his face. His mouth and ears were bleeding and he head fell back. He squeezed his nose, making his mouth fall open. He put the kerosene bottle upside down in his mouth, forcing the fucker to drink it. I smirked at that.

Ray woke up and tried to cough it but Dimitri didn't waver. Even through the blood, Dimitri emptied at least half a litre in him.

And then, he handed me a lighter.

I grinned. He grinned back.

Ray was looking at me with fear in his eyes, already knowing what was to come.

"Please kill me quickly. Please.” He rasped, his voice gone because of screaming so much.

Anger flared in me again. He deserves a long, excruciatingly painful death.

"The woman you talked about before, the woman you touched without her consent, the woman you raped, is my mate.” I said lowly yet menacingly.

His bloody eyes widened before he gulped and closed them again, resigning himself to his fate now.

I flicked open the lighter and put the burning flame in front of his eyes. His fear filled eyes reflected the fire.

"This is for my mate.” I dropped the lighter on his dick and saw the flames licking at him as he screamed for his dear life

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