Reuben POV

I was up early to watch the morning training session. Nowadays my beta Nate ran the training sessions but every now and again I like to make sure everyone was pulling their weight.

I had no time for slackers! It also calmed my wolf to know that we were still the best of the best, still undefeated and unchallenged.

“Morning Alpha.” Nate walks over to me having sent the warriors off for their morning run.

“Nate.” I nod in acknowledgement yet watching my men as they run off into the distance. I could see one or two had only just turned of age and needed some extra training.

“The young ones need more training Nate.” I growl, not happy with the weakness in our defence.

“I know Alpha, I’m adding them onto the night time training as well. They are just finding their feet still.”

“We need to be prepared for war at all times. I can’t have weakness in my men, they wont last two minutes.” I can feel my wolf coming forward, my own eyes changing into the colour of his.

I was Alpha King for a reason and I expected respect and hard work from my warriors. It’s was how I was trained from a young age, my own wolf coming forward earlier than others of the same age.

“Yes Alpha, I understand.”

“Good. Now any updates for me?” I start to head towards the alpha mansion, gesturing for Nate to follow me.

Nate had been born into my pack and we used to play together as children. He was the closest person I would consider to being a friend. He was my closest confidant!

He was just as demanding of the men as me and understood that a weakness in the defence could result in mass destruction for the pack. Something he wouldn’t allow to happen on his watch, the pack members were his extended family too.

“Yes Alpha…its regarding the Silver Moon Pack.” He looks at me as we head up the steps into the alpha house.

He stops me in my tracks, I wasn’t expecting a response just yet from that pack.

“Not here.” I whip my head to motion towards the secure confines of my office.

Once we enter my office, I take a seat at my desk and Nate closes the door behind me. He was built like me, a strong fighter. He had short cut hair, most of my men did, it made it easier for when I sent them on scouting missions at short notice. I didn’t need fucking precious males that gave a shit of how they looked when they were nose down in mud spying on the enemy.

“Well?” I demand of Nate as I sit behind my desk.

“Alpha, the Silver Moon pack has declined your invitation…”

“WHAT?” I roar at my beta, anger rising from the pit of my stomach into my chest.

I could hear her high heels running along the wooden floored hallway, why did she wear high heels all the time? She wouldn’t be able to wear them if she shifted to fight…so why bother?

“What’s wrong?” Vicky opens my office door having heard my commotion. I don’t miss the rolling of the eyes that Nate gives as Vicky walks towards me and stands by my side.

I’glare at him to remind him not to disrespect her, especially not in front of me.

I know what he means though, she had

a habit of entering situations uninvited.

However, she knew how to detach herself emotionally from a situation. She didn’t think like a female, she didn’t worry about innocent bystanders …..the woman and children caught up in the cross fire.

To her, she knew the end game…and how to get there. She was the complete opposite to Evelyn.

Evelyn had a compassion to her that I never really understood. She would negotiate with my council leaders to try and prevent aggressive actions at all costs. She also never got in the way unlike Vicky. She never assumed I would grant her access to my meetings, she always waited to be invited in on secret pack discussions. Her suggestions were taken on board seriously by the council members and she often sorted conflict with just a simple phone call.

“The Silver Moon Alpha has declined my offer of communication.” I growl as I update Vicky. I knew Nate wouldn’t, I had ordered him not to. To never share information with Vicky, I didn’t want to burden her too much. Or at least, that’s what I told myself and wolf.

“Fucking nerve. Who does he think he is? Time to hit him where it hurts.” She roars as she steps out of the office slamming the door behind her.

“Dismissed.” I command to Nate, who I could tell hadn’t finished updating me, but I wanted to be on my own right now.

Just who was this secret Alpha of the

Silver Moon pack? The alpha family

were dead so how has he managed to claim the pack?

Was it a head warrior that had decided to step up? No one would have survived that fire in the alpha house.

I vaguely remember seeing the

destruction for myself, every part of the building was burnt to crisp or ash. I had given my wolf more control in the days after Evelyn abandoned the pack, his anger was far too strong and I let him get on with it.

“You don’t really think she is dead do you?” My wolf whines in my head, his owns guilt coming forward.

“Yes! No one would have survived that. Especially not Evelyn.” I correct my wolf.

I had blanked out during that time but he gave me back control as soon as he saw the burning house, the burning bodies.

“How could you be so…” He growls at me.

“What? Callous? Realistic? Let’s not forget you were just as angry when we found out about her fucking Noah. Perhaps if you went back in your own memory you’d see things that kept your guilt afire.” I see the at him.

“What does that mean?”

“I’m not doing this again with you. It’s been four years. She is dead, her parents are dead. We just need to find out who this new alpha is and why he is plotting an alliance against us.” I pull my desk drawer out and place a

cigarette to my lips, setting it alight. I inhale deeply on the cigarette, letting the warm air burn into my lungs. I went through stages with these little shits and they won when I got stressed and angry.

As I finish the cigarette, I stub the end on my desk and place it in my now empty cold coffee cup. My wolf was still forward with me, not letting me win so easily.

I couldn’t keep doing this, back and forth with my wolf for four years. It was driving me insane. We were meant to be connected.

His longing for Evelyn was only because I didn’t get to reject her as my wife, but she is dead now. So technically I am a widower.

A loud crash from the kitchen takes me out of my thoughts.

“What the hell is this?” I hear Vicky scream at Michelle in the kitchen. Now what? I sigh to myself.

Candice had left around two years ago. Since then I couldn’t find anyone to replace Candice’s spot here. I had a feeling the females of the pack didn’t like Vicky and nobody stepped up.

Candice was so ecstatic to find her

mate. I had offered him a place here but

he was a beta of the Blue Moon Pack

and he needed to remain with them. It certainly helped to have that connection with the pack, to keep the alliance strong.

I knew at least they wouldn’t join the Silver Moon pack.

“Sort this fucking now.” Vicky seethes out.

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