Chapter 6


Before I can react, Noah’s l*ps are on mine. It’s a forceful k*ss; a drunk k*ss.

“Noah, Caleb and Eli are here…” I tell him between k*sses

“They went for a walk,” he say

“In the cold?” I ask, not at all concerned for them right now,

He removes my shirt, letting his hands wander freely across my breasts. He tugs, caresses, and squeezes gently as he goes. I arch my back, reveling on the fiery feeling his hands trace all over my b*dy. Suddenly, this room is not cold at all.

I moan loudly into his mouth, removing his shirt clumsily, needing his skin on mine.

His mouth moves to my breasts, raising them to stiff peaks and begins licking and sucking on them furiously.

He’s being more forceful than I’m used to, but considering I’ve already wet my pajama pants, I can’t say I dislike it.

When his hands move downwards, he starts caressing my sensitive spot through the pants, noting how wet they already are.

He grunts

“How could I ever go a night without this?”

He stands up, removing my pants and quickly introducing a finger inside me. I moạn but loud, not the least bit worried if someone hears us through the thin walls of the cabin. I’m greedy already and squeeze his finger for all its worth and he moans, positioning myself in a way that he’s caressing me deep inside.

“Save some of that for later, baby.”

He removes his pants in one swift movement, revealing his member.

It sounds stupid, but I had almost forgotten how much I loved the sight of it.

Coating himself with my wetness, he kneels on the floor and positions me at the edge of the bed.

I hated how short this bed was when I first saw it. Now? Not so much. It’s the perfect height.

He stops abruptly and his expression changes.

“You know what?” He says, fl*pping me on my stomach and placing my knees on the floor and my torso is on the bed; my as s is up to him, “I’m still mad at you for being ok with parading your mate in front of these women,” he slaps my as s.


But it’s so, so good.


Munbe I should make him angry more often.

“If you keep this up, I’ll gladly take you to the others myself,” I tease.

He chuckles.

But all laughter is over when he enters me.


I reel at the feeling of him stretchingʻme, caressing me, stroking me deep inside. My vision starts to blur and I close my eyes at the intensity of the sensation.

He’s using my hips as support to his rhythm and the weight of him on me, confining me to this position, is one of the best feelings ever; it’s intoxicating.

Then, he slaps me again, this time more gently, and it is my undoing.

orgasm, until I feel him finish deep inside me. I moan into the bed as he quickens his rhythm. One of his hands grabs at the back of my n*eck as he pumps furiously inside me, keeping me in place. It extends my

We’re both panting, not daring to move.

He’s still inside me, in the same position, as we come down from our high.

“I think we should get a shorter bed back home,” he says, running a hand through his sweaty hair.

“I second that motion.”

He steps away from me, looking for a towel or something to clean up his mess.

“It’s not that I want to prostitute you out to these women, Noah, it’s that the Kingdon has no other choice,” I say, watching him as he cleans me up.

“I know, I just took it the wrong way. If a man were to even look at you, let alone flirt with you…”

1 smile.


“And I understand it’s for the good of the people, but the more they demand of me, the less I want to sacrifice for them. The only thing keeping me sane is knowing) 1 get to come to you at the end of the day. The future of this Kingdom is not only important to me as a lycan, but to wolves’ survival. If the peace treaty were broken, if rogues became bold enough to go after wolf territory, or worse, if the Council had no other choice but to invade wolf territory to keep the lycan Kingdom alive.

1 gulp.

I had not thought about any of this; not once.

So, in reality, as much as I am here to see to the wellbeing of him and his kind, he’s here to see to the wellbeing of mine.

I stand up and k*ss him, wrapping my arms around is n*eck as he gently traces figures on my bare back.

“You’re the love of my life, Vera,” he says, pure emotion in his eyes,

“And you are mine.”

1 k*ss him again, moving to lay on the bed.

We keep k*ssing each other, reconnecting, for a long while, until exhaustion gets the best of both of us and we inevitably fall asleep; this time, in a much warmer and

cozier room.

When I wake up again, Noah isn’t here. The bed is still warm from our lovemaking and his scent is still very strong; he couldn’t have left too long ago.

I stretch out my legs and arms, cracking my back and moaning.

I can’t believe how much I missed this. I also can’t believe I made fun of Noah for being in a mood due to the lack of se x if I was on the same boat, I just hadn’t realized it; this morning I feel much, much better.

I stay covered in the sheets for a little while, the sun is barely coming up and I take it all in. The faint ache in my b*dy, the scent Noah left on me from our night together, it makes me giddy.

Chapter 6

“Vera?” Lucas calls from behind the door.

I frown. What is he doing here?


“I think you better come see this.”

I get up quickly, putting on some clothes, noting the urgency in his voice.

I follow him without saying a word, dread pooling in my stomach.

We enter the manor hurriedly, before the so called guards can stop us, walking towards the dining room where the dinner was held last night.

1 hear voices coming from inside as Lucas opens the door for me.

“This is the greatest disrespect on this house! On this family! We receive you, feed you and host you and this is how you repay us?!”

Cecil is beyond angry; she’s livid. To my surprise, her tirade is directed towards Noah.

1 come closer to them, staying by Caleb’s side as Eli is closer to Noah and Cecil; Caleb is off to the side.

“What’s going on?” I whisper.

“Apparently, the Queen here is angry that Noah didn’t spend the night in his room. She suspects he spent it with you.”

I turn slightly red.

“Of course, this is all conjecture because Eli and I made sure nob*dy was watching, considering how offensive this would all be if it were true,” he gives me a knowing look.

“Then how could she know?” I whisper again.

“Jeremy!” She yells.

Jeremy walks in with his head low.

“Yes, my Queen?”

“Jeremy, please tell His Highness what you saw last night.”

“I… I…” he stares helplessly between Noah and Cecil, “I saw his highness at the cabin, my Queen.”

“And?” She raises an eyebrow at him.

“And… and he entered it with her,” he points at me and all eyes turn to me.

The room is quite crowded and most of the guests form last night are here too. Out of all the faces, I spot William and his expression is almost apologetic. I’m starting to get really tired of him.

“Step closer, whore!” Cecil commands me.

This earns her an angry growl from Noah,

“I’m sorry, my King, you were not raised like the rest of us, you were raised like a brute! So let me teach you a little lesson on manners. The King does not share a bed with a whore! Mate or not.”

Eli steps in front of Noah, blocking his path to Cecil as he knows how badly this could end for all of us.

Chapter 6

near it. Eli says. “Jeremy was with me during the night shift, guarding the outside of the manor, tell me how he could have witnessed the King entering the cabin if he was nowhere

Cecil throws Jeremy a look. Their lie crumbling in front of all of in.

“… I went back for some tools,” he says, mumbling.

“No, you didn’t,” Eli clarifies.

“Cecil, that’s enough,” William says, stepping forward.

“William, stay back! You brought these brutes into our home, I should be kicking you out as well!”

“Stop embarras sing yourself and this family! I saw Violet entering the King’s bedroom late last night, so we should be the ones asking you to explain yourselves?” he


I’m shocked he would put Cecil on the spot like that.

A pregnant silence follows.

You could hear a pin drop in the room.

All eyes are turned to Violet, who is looking in my general direction with wide eyes. I narrow my eyes at her. Had she actually tried to seduce Noah in his room last night, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, I would be ripping her to shreds.

Bat something strikes me as odd in her stare.

I move closer to Caleb, making sure it’s me she’s staring at. For some reason, my head starts racing, but it’s almost as if it wasn’t mine. I turn around, looking at where this feeling could be coming from

I turn to Lucas, who is standing behind me. He’s looking at Violet, his eyes wide and I can almost see his heartbeat through his shirt.

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