king her rough 

glishman, not on thy 

Chapter 225 

Natalia felt dizzy as Magnus whirled her around, struggling to steady herself. She stood tall, facing Magnus‘ predatory gaze. “I don’t need your sincerity anymore, so please” 

“Mmm…..” Magnus couldn’t bear to hear Natalia utter another heartless word, so he silenced her chattering lips with a kiss. 

Natalia was fully aware of his deep love for her, had repeatedly trampled on his heart and disposed of it like garbage. He decided it was high time for some discipline! 

This time, Magnus intended to punish Natalia. He scooped her up in his arms, striding over to the table in two steps. He leaned heavily over her brutally ravishing her lips 

“Mmm let go mmm. “Natalia struggled desperately, but she was no match for Magnus Despite her best efforts, she couldn’t resist Magnus in the slightest. 

Magnus, at this point, was nearing madness. He greedily devoured Natalia’s lips, consuming every bit of her sweetness. He wished he could consume her wholet 

After a while. Magnus couldn’t control his arousal anymore. He rose to undo his belt 

“Magnus, you madman Let go of me 

Taking advantage of a moment to breathe, Natalia accused him, embarrassed. She tried to push him away, but it only resulted in a stronger hold from him. At this moment in her eyes, Magnus was a madman 

He quickly undressed Natalia His desire from last night ignited instantly, and his mind was filled with the thought of her marrying someone else He couldn’t stop 

He wanted to make her his before she could become someone else’s! 

Magnus, trembling slightly from the excitement of their reunion, pulled down his pants, pressing himself upon Natalia He reached to tear off her clothes Darling, 

want you! You’re mine 

With that, he pressed his whole body against her His eyes were red with desire, and his arousal was growing stronger. “Darling, can you feel it? | thought i was impotent, I haven’t been able to get it up in five years, but it rose when it saw you! Darling_” 

Natalia was so embarrassed she wished she could disappear She clenched her teeth. “You’re insane, bastard?” 

She knew no matter what she said at this point she wouldn’t be able to change the mind of this obsessed man. What did he take her for? 

His actions made her feel like a cheap prostitute! 

But how could she, a petite woman, resist Magnus‘ control? Natalia’s eyes welled with tears, regretting her impulsive decision to come here, which had only 

provoked Magnus 

Natalia still treated him coldly, so Magnus picked her up and carried her to the large bed in the lounge. 

Natalia looked into his frenzied eyes and was reminded of her first time, that rainy night, when he took her virginity. And then he took her heart. 

He then hurt her so much that she drowned herself in the sea. He was a devil! 

Tears rolled down her cheeks 

“Darling, don’t cry Darling. I love you. Let me take care of you.” Magnus kissed her tear–streaked cheeks, babbling, “Darling, I’m sorry, I lost control again. If you don’t 

like it. I won’t do it. Don’t be scared, don’t cry.” 

“So you want to have sex with me like the way you took my virginity on that rainy night, don’t you?” Natalia’s blue eyes shone in the dim light. 

Upon hearing her words. Magnus froze. He awkwardly climbed off Natalia, pulled up his pants and helped Natalia off the huge bed. Darling, don’t be upset. | was wrong. I just love you too much, I can’t control myself whenever I see you. And don’t ever mention your engagement again 

Natalia shook her head, and tears were streaming down her face. She was truly scared of Magnus. She was terrified of this man who was obsessed to the point of 

madness because she never knew what he’d do next 

She shouldn’t have come up here today So what if she knew Magnus was the CEO of Orange Honzon? What good would arguing about it do? Regardless of who the legal person was, she didn’t care! It was better for them to stay away from each other 

Natalia sniffled, and her voice was heavy with a nasal tone “Magnus. I want to resign” 

Magnus face darkened, and he demanded harshly. “Why? Why do you want to resign? Darling, do you really despise me that much? Besides, this comparty is yours! 

Natalia took a deep breath, her tane detached “Mr. Andersen, I am just an ordinary employee I’m not the legal person of this company! | can’t manage this job Now are you telling me I’m not even allowed to resign?” 

“No! You can’t resign Magnus refused without hesitation In order to keep Natalia, he had to resort to his trump card, “Even if you don’t admit that this company is yours, you signed contract with the company if you quit, you have to pay a penalty of two hundred million. And you can’t 

Natalia argued “When did i sign such a contract with you? impossible!” 

Magnus didn’t argue he pressed a button on his office phone, instructing his secretary to find the contract he had stored away 

Before long, the secretary brought the contract Natalia had signed when she joined the company After placing the contract on the table, she discreetly room, as the atmosphere was getting too heated for her to bear 

As soon as the secretary closed the door behind her Magnus opened the contract and turned to the page where Natalia had signed. He signature, and said, “Darling, take a good look, isn’t this your signature?” 

ted at the beautiful 

Natalia recognized her signature of course She suddenly remembered the unfair clause in the contract that stipulated a penalty of two hundred million for breach of contract. At the time, she thought they had written such an unfair clause to prevent other companies from poaching employees. Nok, she malized it 

set for her 

This is clearly an illegal contract. It’s not fair!” 

Fair Oh, my dear wife, it’s as clear as day in black and white, with your actual signature gracing the bottom of the doc 

contract?Magnus chuckled, his eyes gleaming with shrewdness hidden beneath 

Atalia was fuming. She knew she | fallen into Magnus trap from the very beginning 

If she were to leave now shed be facing the conundru 

come up with such an amount How cunning 

Natalia stomped her foot in frustration. “Magnus, you’re so despicable 

the start, and just waited for ma 

Thank you for the compliment, dear Magnus dideh dip a beat. His laughter was achoing in the root. Whan a comen to anything short attention to every single detai 

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