Chapter 188 

Morgan had thought that introducing the child to the world might’ve roused Magnus from his despondence. But what he received instead was his grandson’s resentment

Magnus had regained his memory! 

Unable to hold back his tears, Morgan’s steps faltered “Good, good, my lad, you’ve done well I’ve been a fool, and I must bear the consequences of my actions. But could you perhaps bring the little one to see me every now and again? I simply can’t bear the thought of not seeing him 

“I’m sorry but I will be the one to raise the child, and no one else can visit him! Magnus‘ cold demeanor made Morgan’s heart sink. 

After saying this, he turned to his ever–present butler, Linden Linden, escort Morgan out And from now on, no one is to visit me 

if Morgan was so averse to Magnus wife, why should he be allowed to see the child‘ 

Linden, not daring to say anything else, slowly helped Morgan down the staircase. “Let’s go, Sir shall we?” 

Morgan’s face, lined with age, was filled with disappointment This was the grandson he had raised, he was ruthless, cold–hearted! 

As long as Magnus managed to recover and continue the legacy of the Andersen Corporation, it didn’t matter if Morgan didn’t visit! 

“Very well, very well indeed Morgan muttered under his breath, leaning on Linden for support as they descended the staircase Morgan’s silhouette was hunched, and his steps were faltering It was as if he had aged a decade in just one night 

Ignoring Morgan’s departure. Magnus looked down at the little bundle in his arms, feeling his heart melt. 

This was his little one, his and Nat’s son 

He looked down at the small figure in his arms, reaching out to touch the soft baby cheeks. The little one stared back at him with wide eyes His heart was melting 

“Linder, May! Find a nanny and a pediatrician, and purchase everything the baby might need 

Linden and May immediately agreed, and the entire Sapphire Island erupted in cheers. Magnus had regained his memory, and he was “back to life 

Most importantly, his son was home. The adorable baby boy was Magnus and Ms. Natalia’s son 

Magnus held his son, barely daring to blink, afraid that everything would turn out to be a dream 

Tears of joy streamed down his face as he held his baby. “Nat, our son is alive! Can you see this from heaven?” 

Looking up at the clear blue sky, his eyes filled with tears 

“What should I call you? Magnus pondered. “Let’s call you Jonas.” 

Jonas sat innocently between Magnus legs, seeming completely indifferent to his new name. All he knew was to gnaw on his fingers. He looked up at Magnus as if to protest, 1m hungry!” 

As Magnus caressed Jonas s little head, a slight smile formed on his lips, followed by a hint of melancholy. 

This was the bloodline of him and his beloved wife, but his wife was never going to see this 

A single tear drop fell onto Jonas’s hand He felt something cool, and eagerly put it in his mouth. He tasted it and scrunched up his face in disgust. 

Magnus laughed at Jonass reaction. His gaze was filled with affection “Baby, that’s daddy’s tear, you can’t eat that ” 

While saying this, he held Jonas in his arms and pointed at the vast sea outside the window ‘Do you see that? That’s the sea. Your mom loved watching the waves. always said there were countless stories hidden in the waves. I didn’t believe her before, but now, I do believe 

Jonas listened intently, making cute noises from time to time. The shadows of the father and son stretched long on the floor 

After seeing off Morgan and purchasing baby supplies, Linden returned to the mansion. As Linden placed the newly bought items, May, who was standing by the door of Magnus study was wiping away her tears 

Upon seeing Linden, May immediately gestured for him to be quiet. Shh, he is playing with the baby. Let’s not disturb them 

Linden seeing Mays red eyes, couldn’t help but feel a lump in his throat. Ever since Magnus woke up from his coma, he’d been like a walking corpse. But now, with the arrival of the baby, there was finally some life in his eyes 

“Alright Linden nodded ‘Let’s not disturb their reunion 

Saying this, Linden quietly turned around and when May wasn’t looking, he wiped away a tear. 

inside the room, Magnus was holding little Jonas, and looking out at the sea Jonas didn’t fuss at all, and after a while, due to his hunger, he pouted at Magnus before failing asleep 

Magnus, knowing that Linden and May were waiting outside the door, whispered, “May, Linden, you two need to take good care of Jonas.” 

May and Linden, who had been standing outside the door immediately entered. They moved softly towards Magnus May reached out to take the baby, and only after twice did Magnus reluctantly hand over the little one 

Magnus was still worned Be gentle don’t wake him up 

May nodded repeatedly Don’t worry, young master I raised you and I won’t make any mistakes. 

“Ainight Magnus nodded You need to be even more carefu an when you were taking cam of me. Only because Jonas didn’t have a mulher 

Magnus heart was heavy 

“Don’t worry, young master: Linden quickly reassured. I’m here too! 

Only then did Magnus feel slightly relieved. He watched as the two of them were about to leave, and quic 

back to have one last loot 

“His name is Jonas Remember that ” 

At thu, May’s eyes welled up with tears if Natalia knew how much Magnus missed her she would surely rest in peace, would 

Promise me, you’ll look after him Maghus pressed A newfound determination was etched across his face. “I have been in the dark for too long, it’s time i settia my stuve with Lucius 

Lindan and May, cradling the child, auted the study with a would get away! 

enewed confidence. Their young maste © dnally back? This time, no one vehic 


These last few days 


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1 Andersen as the new national Heartbrok 

Chapter 18 

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