Chapter 104 

Glancing at the approaching man, Sabrina eyed him warily. “What do you want?” 

Carter stood before her, his towering stature making her look like a child in comparison. He raised her chin, meeting her wide, innocent eyes. 

A strange fluttering sensation passed through his heart, but it was gone at quackly as it came “As a woman with a fiancé, coming home late at night with another man and reeking of booze, what do you think your fance would do? Hmmm?” 

“Or is it that my presence isn’t enough for you prompting you to have such an moiting nightlife? He gripped her chin tightly causing her to wincs 

Sabrina tried to free herself from his grasp, but he pulled her into his arms, ifting her off the ground 

Before she could react, he was carrying her up the stairs. 

What was he doing? 

Sabrina struggled but his iron grip remained unyielding his gaze as cold as ice 

He kicked open the bedroom door then closed it behind him. Without a second thought he tossed the struggling woman onto her king med bed 

Sabrina felt dizzy. The alcohol had taken its toll, and she felt like throwing up. This damned mant How dare he throw her onto the bed like that 

She hadn’t provoked him. Why was he acting as if he’d been wronged? 

“Miss Shaw understand that I’ve been neglecting you driving you into the arms of other men. But tonight, í að fulfill my duties as your fance” unbuttoning his shirt as he spoke 

Then he unbuckled his belt, his eyes filled with defiance his lips curling into a smirk 

abrina quickly got to her feet and tried to leave but he caught her by the arm. “Where do you think you’re goingTM 

Let go Are you out of your mind? Why do you care if I’m lonely? The man was driving her cray late at night. She felt sick to her stomach and i splitting headache. This bastard 

Carter coldly watched her He pulled her into his arms and they both fell onto the bed 

He looked at the herce woman in his arms, a hint of amusement playing on his lips 

He bent down to kiss her but the stench of alcohol on her breath made him cringe. He picked her up and carried 

Carter placed her in the bathtub and turned on the shower “Clean up You reek of alcohol” 

Her clothes were soaking wet clinging to her petite figure 

Carter glanced at the drenched woman in the bathtub. He swallowed hard and turned away, leaving the bathroom 

He returned a short while later holding a bathrobe “Clean up” he ordered before leaving again, 


to the bathroom 

It the bedroom with big strides and walked out to the balcony of the study. Shit He looked down, noticing the bulge i 

amn if He hadn’t been this embarrassed in years Seeing that woman had aroused him 

The image of Sabrina’s curvaceous body floated before his eyes. He closed his eyes and 

Meanwhile in the bathroom, Sabrina fumed That pervert: What was it to 

Wh. asked him to carry her He was just trying to take advantage of her 

But as she remembered fam rying her up the stars and attempting to 

mte uneled good a sot masculine scent. He isasm bad looking either 

She stripped off her wet clothes cursing Carter a thousand times in her head 

by the tarte sher got out of the bath hall hour had passed. She wrapped her coat 

her, her face flushed 

færated. A complete jäycho 

bathrobe and slepp 

öter søn a figure standing on the balcony Without saying a word, she left the am and headed for Coulam be bothered to argue with this heak 

itu had made it to her bedroom and was abroad to close the door aŋși sleep. the i re you doing here? Im gong to bed Get out) ike Lan talk tomorrow her head was gunng 

Try your han rie was holding a per the stepped in and plugged i m 

After a few routeYN 

tempted to lay her with anyone bef 

Her delicate features enthvaled hen, the serene dhytten af før betalt. Ühe vingast enocent under Her cent the maxicating bend of 

tightness wilitan has cheat 

Shaken, Carter retreated to the tranquilit ho bakung ilang mau the dog vicious cycle of angetood mesang with ha poker palysers of a

Chapter 104 

Confused, he decided to escape the growing tension. He strode down the stairs and out of the house, got into his car, and drove aimlessly around the city it wasn’t long before he remembered their betrothal. Why was he behaving like a fugitive? With newfound resolve, he made a U–turn back to the house he’d left in haste 

The living room sofa became his companion for the rest of the night. He sat there, engulfed in thoughts, the tendrils of smoke wafting from his cigarette curling around him. As fatigue set in, he finally surrendered to sleep, right there on his makeshift bed. 

In the morning. Marian, the housekeeper, opened the door to prepare breakfast She gasped when she saw the man on the sofa. “God, Mr. Cliff, why are you sleeping on the sofa? Where’s Miss Shaw? My God, the room is full of smoke. Have you been smoking all night? Did you have a fight with Miss 


Carter was awakened by her shouting. He frowned in annoyance. “It’s nothing‘ He stood up, intending to go upstairs to change and wash up. 

But then he remembered the girl sleeping in the bedroom upstairs. He turned around, grabbed his keys, and left the house. 

When Sabrina woke up, she realized she wasn’t in her own bed. She jumped up in surprise. 

Oh no, how did she end up in his bed? She remembered drinking some alcohol the night before, coming home, and the man’s tantrum. He had thrown her 

in the bathtub and then dried her hair. 

She couldn’t believe he had dried her hair. He wasn’t that nice, was he? 

Did he carry her into his bedroom after drying her hair? This man was a real pervert. 

She had her own bedroom, alright? She hurriedly left the room and went to her own bedroom to change her clothes. 

Once she was dressed, she descended the stairs to find Marian smiling at her, “Ms. Shaw, you’re awake. Ready for some breakfast?” 

“Where is Mr. Cliff?” Sabrina asked, finding it strange. He was clearly at home the previous night, and she couldn’t understand how she ended up in his bed 

“Mr. Cliff has already left for work, Marian replied, her smile beaming. “Did you two have a fight? He spent the night on the couch because of you.” 

On the couch? That seemed impossible. 

She had slept on his bed and he had spent the night on the couch?

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