Chapter 923 The Truth Unvelled 

Wynter turned toward the voice and saw a mother and her son at the doorway. The woman still had her apron on, looking like she worked at a fruit chain store. 

“A very handsome man told us to come here,” Jolle said, holding Harold’s shoulder. “I hope we’re in the right place.” 

Given the unique nature of the bullying case, the Special Unit was indeed the only one handling it. 

Wynter approached them. “You are, ma’am. We’re handling the case.” 

“That’s great,” Jolie said urgently. “My son has some clues that might help Dulcie.” 

Wynter’s eyes brightened at that. “New clues are exactly what we need right now. Thank you both.” 

Hearing this, Harold lifted his head and looked at Wynter. “Before I give you any clues, I want to ask a few questions to the person in charge.” 

“I’m the one in char 

charge. Go ahead,” Wynter said. She then handed Jolie a glass of water. “Let’s sit and talk.” 

Seeing Jolie being treated with respect, Harold felt a surge of emotion, 

“If my clues involve high–profile individuals, can you deal with them? What will you do? Can you ensure that my mom and I won’t face any repercussions afterward?” 

His string of questions revealed his deep concerns. 

“I’m not scared for myself, but my mom only has me. She’s a single parent, and she’s had a tough time raising me. If we offend the Lowe family, I might have to drop out of school.” 

Harold’s words came out in a jumbled rush, but Wynter understood. “Don’t worry. After today, the Lowest will no longer have any influence in the education system. 

“I assure you. Neither you nor your mom will face any retaliation. Moreover, witnesses who provide clues 

will be rewarded.” 

“The reward doesn’t matter. Dulcie didn’t kill herself.” Harold, fearing he wouldn’t be believed, grabbed Wynter’s arm. “Wyatt and his friends tricked her into the supply room and bullied her. There are no 

cameras there.” 

He was trembling all over. “The PE teacher sent me to get equipment. I stumbled upon them by accident. I -I took pictures!” 

Jolie’s head shot up upon hearing his words. 

Harold looked into her eyes. “Mom, I reported it to the police. There was an investigation, but nothing came of it. Two days later, there were rumors online about Dulcie having a questionable personal life.” 

Harold lowered his head. “The Lowe family spread those rumors to silence Dulcie. She went to the teacher right after.” 

Chapter 923 The Thith Unveiled 


Clenching his fists, he continued, “I was outside the office, ready to testify for her. But the teacher said” 

Harold’s voice trembled. “She said it would be shameful to talk about it and advised her to take a bath and think it over. She said Dulcie should consider whether her family would be worried and upset if they 

found out.” 

Wynter’s eyes darkened further. “Is this teacher your homeroom teacher, Ivana Kowalski?” 

“Yes.” Harold’s hands shook with rage. “She always taught us to report bullying to teachers immediately, saying they would help us. But she turned a blind eye to many things!” 

His eyes turned red. “How could the teachers not know we were being bullied? They just pretended not to see because they didn’t want to offend the Lowes, the Thompsons, and the Reeds!” 

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