Chapter 392 “Of course it is! You‘ll only care about someone if you like them. “That‘s why Ms. Quinn ca

n‘t keep calm about anything about you! “Just like me, I don‘t feel anything about other men spending t

heir time outside, but if my boyfriend does this then I‘ll definitely explode!” The beautiful attendant said

solemnly as she looked at Scan. “Is that true?”

Scan touchied his foreliead and looked at Ziegler again.

He really did not understand the relationship between men and women. When he was in the army, he s

eldom even had contact with girls, so how could he understand?


Ziegler scratched his head and quickly said afterward, “It must be!” “You guys stop guessing, that‘s it. “

Only women are better at understanding other females‘ feelings and thoughts. Mr. Lennon, Ms. Quinn r

eally likes you.”

The beautiful attendant nodded again with a very affirmative tone.

Sean was silent for a few seconds and suddenly could not help but feel happy in his heart. When the p

erson you liked also happened to like you, this felt so good. “I‘ll explain to her when I go back.”

Sean immediately turned the wheelchair and was about to leave.

“Hey, isn‘t this the cripple Lennon?” Just as Sean and the others came to the door of the hotel, a voice

dripping with sarcasm suddenly sounded. It was the bad apple, Quill Zimmer. Quill was wearing a small

suit at this time with smooth and shiny hair.

He had a Hermès clutch tucked under his arm and acted like a decent man.

The four bodyguards in black behind Quill followed him closely.

“Young Master Zimmer!”

The hotel staff greeted Quill with due respect. “I was wondering why Willow ran out in a bad mood just


“It turns out that this cripple made her unhappy?

“But it‘s okay, I‘ve wiped away Willow‘s tears and hugged her for a while to comfort her.


Quill looked at Sean with scorn in his eyes.

However, Sean did not believe even a word of what Quill said.

Even if Sean really made Willow unhappy, she would never indulge herself with other men.

Sean was confident about this.

“By looking at your complexion, I think you’ll be dead in the future.”

Sean said softly as he sat in a wheelchair with his arms folded in front of his chest.

“Hehe. Are you threatening me?”

Quill reached out to take the clutch and patted it lightly in his hand.

He suddenly remembered the things Jason Yeast said on the phone before.

By looking at Jason’s reaction, if those things really belonged to Sean, perhaps Sean was really not an o

However, even Sean was not an ordinary person, it was just the past.

The current Sean was just a cripple and Quill could kill him with one hand.

“You should thank Willow.

“If I wasn’t afraid that Willow would be unhappy, no one would realize if I killed a piece

of trash like you.”

Quill stepped forward slowly and glared at Sean with a stern smile.

Sean glanced at Quill but he was not even interested in speaking to him. He slowly turned the wheelcha

“Hey, don’t go!”

However, how could Quill let go of this opportunity to humiliate Sean?

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