Chapter 9

Meanwhile, Suzy was having a blast snowboarding down the hill. Gliding across the snow smoothly maneuvering her weight, balancing herself as she directed herself into a curve flawlessly. She avoided the trees going deeper into the forest until a frightened wounded huge deer ran across her before collapsing. Still speeding, Suzy thought, ‘I’m going to crash into it. I have to jump’ and then she jumped over it landing coolly on the ground before stopping. ‘What happen to it?’ She thought listening to the creature who moaned in agony.

‘I have to help this animal,’ Suzy muttered walking slowly to it, because of its sex; she realised it was a male. ‘Hey, I won’t hurt you? Who did this to you? Don’t tell me those stupid poachers did this?’ She asked frowning a little before she sighed pulling off her jacket and scarf. ‘If don’t you wrap this wound and apply pressure to it. You’ll get infected and bleed to death. I promise I’ll save you but you have to trust me, Mr Deer’ and she came closer touching it’s fur before realising the wound below his stomach was pierced with bullet. ‘Stay still, Mr Deer.’

She always carried a pocket-knife with her wherever she goes. Observing the wound carefully, she spotted the golden bullet. ‘This won’t feel nice but I’ll get the bullet out’ and she slit the flesh a little and reached in with her hand to pulled it out.

Suzy keep looking at his eyes flickering with anger and so much pain. She stuffed clean snow onto the opened wound to stop the bleeding. She wasn’t a doctor or veterinary but she spent most of her time watching a ton of survival shows like Bear Grills. Suzy felt him struggling beneath her hands, ‘I know it’s hurt but trust me it works, buddy more than you and I know,’ she assured.

Afterward, she folded her jacket into a square plastering it onto the wound before tying it with her pink scarf tightly like a bandage around his waist. She sighed placing her hand on it’s heart, on his side, feeling his heartbeat. It was faint but thank God it was there.

‘We’re a long way from Tyler’s Bed & Breakfast,’ Suzy uttered pouting. Instantly, she started to hear the deer groaned and winced in pain. ‘Hey, take it easy on yourself. There must be a place around here I can drag you in and keep you warm before nightfall.’

With the strength he left and rapid healing because of the effect of snow and her help, the Alpha Deer, Roy, whose deer’s spirit, Gold stood up on his feet.

‘Try to take it easy on yourself, okay, you’re not fulling heal yet,’ Suzy scolded.

Roy was very grateful to this beautiful goddess. Gold immediately, felt a strange connection to her but there something a bit off about it. ‘If I shifted in front of her, she’ll probably freak and run for her life,’ Roy thought smirking. Gold agreed, ‘She’ll do more than that Roy. Don’t you sense something strange about this woman.’

‘Okay, let’s head to Tyler’s Bed & Breakfast I’m sure the guys will take good care of you,’ Suzy assured smiling.

Roy grimaced, ‘I thought I was hearing things when she mention that place’ and his deer, Gold added, ‘She’s living with the enemy, Roy. Maybe we should keep her as a prisoner to lure Tyler and Dakota out and steal their title.’ Roy smirked at the suggestion, ‘That’s not a bad an idea, Gold. What if this woman is his mate?’

Gold added, ‘I don’t sense any male interaction with her soul except there’s something else much frightening, you should know.’

Roy frowned, ‘And what’s that, Gold?’ He was looking at her as his heart skipped when she watched him with wary eyes while patting him gently.

‘She’s a shifter, I sense her bear’s spirit but it’s walled with an usual barrier.’

Roy asked, ‘Then she doesn’t know she’s a bear shifter?’

He watched Gold nodded, ‘That’s about it; she carried a raw bear’s spirit. It’s stronger than Tyler’s own and us. We have to claim her as her own. She will help us win the battle. And even though, she’s a raw bear shifter I like this woman somehow she cares about us more than the women you’ve been with.’

Roy understood but their was warning that all shifters knew, ‘Remember deer shifters can only mate with their kind and the same goes for bear shifters, Gold, have you forgotten that law?’

Gold snorted rolling his eyes, ‘At least let’s know enjoy this hour while it’s young.’

Roy got what he meant trying to sleep with her and but decided to pass on it, ‘Control yourself, Gold, we’ll just have to use her as a decoy to get Tyler. I’m sure this woman must be very special to him as well as the other shifters’ and he started walking to a nearby cave.

‘Where are you going too, Mr Deer?’ Suzy asked following him.

Roy loved the sweet tone of her voice and smiled, ‘If she had a deer’s spirit we can have mate her and mark her as our own, Gold.’

His deer, Gold shook his head, ‘Just do it whether she’s bear or not; it’s not like you'll get another chance with this woman, Roy.’

‘You have a point there, Gold but you’re crazy to think she’s our mate,’ Roy answered watching and listening to her looked at their surroundings in awe.

Suzy admired the forest and then she realised the deer was watching and then she smiled at him as she said, ‘This place is magnificent I love it here.’

Roy felt him hardening from her gorgeous smile so did Gold who yelled, ‘Shift and take her already, Roy! I can’t help myself anymore’ and then when she turned her back he shifted into his human form wearing his cream three quarter sleeves T-shirt, khaki trousers and boots.

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