The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Novel
The Four Mafia Men and Their Prize by M C Chapter 35

35 Trouble with Angels 

Jason POV 


Ben and I were at a boring ass quarterly lunch meeting with the Mayor, Chief of Police, and the Head City All these fuckers were so corrupted, it was easy to corrupt them further, lining their pockets and increasing the blackmail against them so they overlook our not so legal activities. 

They had a few philanthropic proposals for us like usual and the slime ball Mayor always brings along his filthy slutty daughter Macie, trying to set up an alliance. I fucked with one time after a night of heavy drinking at my Club X and now she thinks we are supposedly “soulmates“. She wasn’t even good in bed. She couldn’t give decent head and her cunt was loose, not surprised of course considering she is notorious for sleeping with anything that has a ball sack. She makes no attempt to hide the obvious eye f**king and 

I have stopped her three times now trying to touch my dick with her over manicured claws. 


She wears too much makeup making her look like a clown with plastic surgery, wore a stripper dress to a lunch that had her fake boobs popping out, her perfume is suffocating, she has a terrible bleach blonde dye job, and she is just bad company. She has a nasal voice that makes me want to vomit. Her no–good father is a weasel and we only put up with him the way we do because he is in charge of the zoning that we need to precure for our investments. 

I am on my third glass of scotch, pretending to listen to these assholes discuss business that they know nothing about when Ben nudges me and hands me his phone. His eyebrows are furrowed with confusion. 

I take it and see a message from Charlie with a picture of our sweet girl on the sofa sleeping. But upon closer inspection, she has a gag in her mouth and her hands are bound behind her back. I look at Ben with a raised brow myself. Our princess has been naughty! This afternoon has just gotten better. 

While I look at the phone, Charlie texts the group: Princess had a bad tantrum. Got 50 with the paddle plus gag and cuffs. 

Kai responds quickly saying: Damn! That bad? 

Charlie replies quickly: Yep. 

Ben and I are just reading the exchange, a smile gracing our l*ps. 

Ben leans over and whispers in my ear “She must have really pissed off Charlie for him to bring out the cuffs and gag.” I nod in agreement and respond back “I can’t wait to hear all the details. My balls are hurting just thinking about her.” 

Ben nods his head “Yeah me too. She certainly keeps us on our toes.” He exclaims and I couldn’t agree more. She is exhausting but when she eventually comes around, it will be worth it. 

“Let’s end this shit show and get home to see our sleeping beauty? Hm?” I ask Ben quietly and he nods once in 


We quickly let the others know we are excusing ourselves and end the lunch early. After the men leave with handshakes and a few envelopes of hush cash stuffed in their knock off suit pockets, Macie gloms onto my arm. She begins to whine and practically grinds her fake plastic b*dy all over me begging me to take her home and I quote “fill 


35 – Trouble with Angels 

me up and put a baby inside me.” I tell her to fuck off while forcibly removing her b*dy from mine. She begins to sob and throw a tantrum as we leave the restaurant without looking back. The valet tosses me the keys to my black Lamborghini and we get in and speed away, our security team struggling to keep up while we race home. 

When we finally get home, we both rush to our strategy room, only to be shushed by Charlie who was working at his desk. Aurora looked so peaceful, her beautiful fair skin flushed pink and dry track marks on her cheeks from her crying, Drool was all over her mouth from the black ball gag secured tightly in her mouth. Her soft breathing was musical. 

While Charlie began to softly recant the tale of what happened, I approached her gently and took the handkerchief from my pocket and wiped the drool off her face before placing a lingering k*ss on her forehead. I moved a few lose strands from her cheek. Oh my naughty little princess

I went to my desk to answer some emails and Ben went to his station to finish his latest blueprints for a new mission vest he was excited about and we continued with our work, keeping a watchful eye on our precious little prize on the sola. 

Aurora POV 

I slowly open my eyes from the darkness of sleep. I tried to stretch my sore muscles, feeling like my extremities were numb only to be stopped by a force behind my back and I remembered that I fell asleep with my arms and legs bound. I tried to make a noise only for voice to be muffled. 

After a few more jerky movements and struggling breaths, my blurred sleepy vision is restored and I notice Jason was walking over to me. He shushes me and removes a few loose strands of hair that fell in my face. 

“Shh, it’s okay love” he coos softly, rubbing his thumb on my cheek. He squats in front of me and I try to wiggle away from him, but being confined on a sofa doesn’t quite help with distance. He looks at me annoyed briefly before asking me “Do you understand what you did wrong Aurora?” 

I nod my head yes, realizing that my little tantrum, although completely justified in my opinion, would make them 


“Are you going to be a good girl from now on?” He asks me and I nod my head again knowing that is the only correct answer if I wish to ever get out of these damn restraints. 

“Good girl!” He tells me and k*sses my forehead. My lower region begins to heat up with that small praise. F*** you 


He slowly removes the gag from my mouth and I start moving my jaw instantly, trying to get feeling back in my face. He then removes the cuffs from my feet and then my hands, making sure to rub each extremity gently to help increase the blood flow back into my b*dy. 

Ben comes next to Jason with a open water bottle in his hands. I sit up slowly and take a few generous gulps, feeling just how dry and harsh my throat was from that gag. I muttered a soft thank you when I could finally speak. 

I decided to be a bigger person for now and then walked over slowly to Charlie who was at his desk, furiously typing on his keyboard. My ass was burning and every step I took made me want to wince. I took a deep breath to steady my heartbeat and to steady my growing pain. 


35 Trouble with Angels 

“Charlie, sir” I begin, looking down and holding my hands nervously. I hear his typing slow down to a stop and I see 

his fancy shoes come into my vision. He grabs my hands gently and I look up at him. I meet his beautiful eyes and feel like I could get lost in them. 

“I–I am v–very sorry for how I b–behaved.” I swallowed the invisible knot in my throat. I wanted to say a whole lot more but I didn’t trust myself right now. 

After a moment, he smiles sweetly and says, “I forgive you sweetheart.” He then pulls my hands to his face and k*sse them. I takes every ounce of control not to wipe off his germs on my outfit in front of him. 

He released my hands and turned back to his computer. “Why don’t you go and relax in the movie room. Kai will be another few hours and then we can all have dinner together, yeah?” I just nod and head out the door slowly, noticing Jason and Ben smiling at me as I leave. I walk with a slight limp trying to ease the ache in my gluteus maximus. My usual escorts in black are behind me and when I look behind me, they have very clear smirks on their face, amused at my pain. 

I walk down the corridors and soon find myself plopped on a very large plush red sofa bed, surrounded by equally lush pillows. I called one of the kitchen staff on the intercom system to bring me my unicorn crack that I didn’t get to enjoy as well as some buttered popcorn and an ice pack. A sleek black remote was in my hands and I was fl*pping through the various movie options

I soon found one of the greatest movies of all fl*pping time. Trouble with Angels. It’s a classic with Haley Mills and just pure comedy gold. I was so engrossed in the film, I forgot all about my bruised behind. I almost fall off the sofa bed a few times because I’m laughing and squealing so much. When the nuns pour their tea and bubbles start to form in the cups, I just can’t help but yell ‘GENILS! to literally no one! And that is when the wicked ideas start to flutter in my head. They are already pissed, might as well make it worth it. 

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