Chapter 66 


The smell of blood in front of me was enough to almost send me into a spiralling frenzy. Perhaps it was because of all those times I tried suppressing my hunger that I started to get used to it. However, I still feel it – the gnawing hunger that is ready to consume me whole should give it a chance. 

“You can 

take it slow,” said Guinevere as she sat in front of me. Alden and Dreyfus are nowhere to be found, and it was not surprising as they also told me that they’re trying to find a way to free Andreas. 

“Why do you think they’re taking so long?” I asked, and she looked at me. From the look on her face, I know she already knows who I was talking 


“I don’t know much about that warrior, but he is strong, that I can guarantee.” 

My hands fidgeted. The thought of Andreas being imprisoned did not sit well with me. The feeling of uneasiness did not settle even as I already know that Andreas is undoubtedly the strongest warrior there is. 

I looked again at the blood bag in front of me before gingery picking it up. The crimson temptation made me swallow hard, and when I looked at Guinevere, she gave me a reassuring nod, telling me to go for it. 

Slowly, I brought the bag to my mouth. The moment I felt the blood in my mouth, I could not stop. I kept drinking and drinking until I realized there was nothing else for me to drink. I gasped and inhaled deeply, the metallic taste lingering on my tongue as I finally withdrew the empty bag. Guinevere watched me intently, her expression a mix of concern and relief. 

“You did well, Henrietta,” she praised softly, her voice a comforting presence amidst the turmoil of my own thoughts. You took the first step.” 

I nodded, feeling a strange sense of accomplishment mingled with lingering guilt. The primal satisfaction of feeding had temporarily quelled the relentless hunger that gnawed at my insides, yet a part of me recoiled at the realization of what I had become. What I am 

“I don’t know if I can get used to this, I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. 

Guinevere reached out, her hand resting gently on mine. The gesture was warm, and I felt a sense of familiar connectivity with her. “It takes time, Henrietta. But you’re not alone in this journey. We’ll navigate it together.” 

Her words were a balm to my weary soul, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows that threatened to engulf me. With a deep breath, ! summoned the resolve to face the uncertain future that lay ahead. 

“I worry about Andreas still, I said, and she sighed. She was about to open her mouth to say something when I stopped her as I heard footsteps 


“Open the barriers,” I said, and Guinevere frowned. 

“I can’t-” 

“Just open it,” I hissed. 

With a resigned sigh, Guinevere waved her hand. The barrier now gone around my chamber, and that’s when I was instantly outside. I was surprised with my own speed but I went on, looking for the source of noise I heard earlier. And then I found Alden. Before he could notice my presence, I grabbed him by the neck and slammed him against the wall. 

“Where is Andreas? Why did you not tell me anything?” 




Chapter 66 

Dreyfus attempted to stop me, but I glared at him, making him stop 

  1. p. May gaze went back to Aiden. 

43% 13:25 

“How are you out?” he asked, but then the sound of footsteps echoed, and behind me stood Guinevere. Understanding crossed Aiden’s features and then followed by a sign of defeat. His grip loosened on my wrist before he nodded in Dreyfu’s direction.. 

“He’s in the dungeons of the Suan Manor. We can’t get in. I don’t have any clue as to what they have done to him.” 

The news made my blood freeze. 

“We need someone who can get in with no problem.” 

I let go of his collar as I thought about it. Then my head drifted to the most recent invitation Lady Grace sent me following my poisoning. It was her gesture to check up on me. 

“I can get in,” I muttered, and they all looked at me, surprise of their faxes. 

“You certainly can’t go out there. Not when you can’t control your urges,” Dreyfus snarled, and I snarled back at him. 

“Who else can get inside that manor undetected?” 

“And what would you do? Reveal yourself as a vampire and have yourself in a dangerous situation? You do realize what it would do to us, yes? Andreas would probably skin us alive-” 

“I am your only hope,” I cut Dreyfus off. 

“I can get in and save Andreas.” 

Guinevere stepped in, her touch firm yet gentle as she held my arm. “You can’t go out there, Henrietta. I agree with Dreyfus. You’re struggling to control your urges.” 

Despite the gravity of her words, my desperation to save Andreas surged within me. If our roles were reversed, I knew he would stop at nothing 

to rescue me. 

“Then what do I do?” I asked. “What do I do to help control it? Surely Guinevere would know. Perhaps she knows a spell that could at least help me become less hungry. But then again, if she did, she would have used it before when she turned into a vampire. 

Dreyfus let out a dry chuckle. “Rabbit’s blood would surely not help it.” 

I looked at him. “What?” 

“You will never be able to control a hunger that you refused to alleviate. It’s simple. If you wish to control it, then you have to cure it. Animal’s blood will never give you that! 

I swallowed before my gaze went to Guinevere wo was silent. She met my eyes, and the look on her face was enough to tell me that what Dreyfus said was true. 

I have to stop drinking animal’s blood and have to drink a person’s blood. 

The idea of it frightened me. However, if it was the only way… 

“1-1 will help you, my lady.” A meek voice echoed, and my eyes searched for it. I saw Niana standing near my chamber. Her hands were fidgeting, and her eyes teary. With trembling hands, she reached for her hair and shoved it aside, exposing her neck. The sight of it made me jolt. Her pulse echoed inside my ears, and all I could think about was to bury my fangs into her skin. 

I shook the thought away. 

Chapter 66 

42% 13.2) 

your chamber without him so I could not get in, my lady. But now…now that you’re out of your chamber, please 

“Sir Andreas forbade me to enter y 

let me help you.” 


“Sir Andreas is your husband. And I understand your will to help him no matter what. Please allow me to help you, my lady.” 

The scent of her blood made me clench my hands. Swallowing hard, I stepped forward. 

Will I be able to stop n 

myself once I 

e I get a taste of her blood? 

As if reading the doubt on my face, Guinevere clasped my shoulder and said, “We’re here. We’re not letting you spiral out of control.” 

The words encouraged me, and before I knew it, I was already in front of Niana. 

She looked scared, I could see from the way her fingers trembled as she held her hair. 

Tm sorry you had to do 

do this, Niana.” 

She shook her head. “I swore 

e to your 

father that I would be here for you. And I made a promise to you a long time ago that I will help you with everything I can. For now, this is what I can offer, my lady.” 

Gently, I held both her shoulders. The scent of her blood seemed to be pulling me closer. 

She closed her eyes, and that’s when I could not stop myself anymore. 

My fangs sank into her skin and her blood flooded my mouth. The taste of her blood was very different from that of a rabbit’s. Niana’s blood tasted so much better. 

I kept drinking and drinking and before I knew it, hands grabbed my shoulder and pulled me away from Niana. Realization hit me instantly as I saw Niana sitting on the floor, hand on the wound I inflicted. 

Her eyes were teary, but the moment they met gaze, she gave me a warm smile. 

The hunger in me subsided. The familiar feeling of something gnawing inside me was gone. My body felt different–lighter and stronger. 

Dreyfus handed me a piece of cloth, and I wiped my mouth with it. The red stains were a stark reminder of what I had done. become. 

  1. e. What I truly have 

I was about to open my mouth to thank Niana when I saw another figure standing at the end of the hallway. 

His eyes were wide as hel 

he had probably witnessed the whole thing. 

“Philip,” I called, and he stepped back. Fear was evident on his face, and his eyes went to Niana and then at the bloodstained cloth I was holding 

“H–Henny, what–what have they done to you?” 

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