Chapter 457

"Even if I wanted her song, I'd tell her. I'm not stupid, we're both in Pulse Entertainment. And if I used her song, she'd find out right away. It does no good for me or the company. I'm surrounded by negative news right now, and I'm really hurting. Why am I always the one getting hurt? Is it because I'm not cut out for the entertainment industry?"

Keira said this, holding her head in her hands, tears already starting to roll down her cheeks.

Keira made a lot of sense, and Carolina totally bought her story. But when Keira mentioned that she might not be cut out for the industry, Carolina got a bit jittery.

"Alright, I know you're under a lot of stress right now! That's on me, I didn't consider your feelings. The whole company is relying on you, you're super talented, how could you not be cut out for this industry? You're our lucky star. You must encounter difficulties, persevere, and the result will always be fine."

"I know, I've faced a lot of challenges and I've managed to pull through. I thought I could handle this one too! But... Jeanette really crossed the line this time... She could have talked to me privately, and she didn't even get her facts straight before she spilled the beans in front of the reporters..."

At this, Carolina's face darkened instantly.

"Where's Jeanette?"

Keira shook her head, "I don't know, she's been out since this morning."

Carolina said coldly:"She hasn't produced anything for two years, and now she's stirred up such a big mess...

Without another word, she stood up.

I'm going to find Jeanette; she needs to be taught a lesson."

Meanwhile, Jeanette went straight to Lenard's studio only to find he wasn't there, so she went to his house.

Lenard had cleaned up all the music scores Jeanette had left at his place.

He was about to leave, keys in hand, when he opened the door to see Jeanette hurrying towards him.


Lenard was visibly uncomfortable.

But Jeanette, feeling helpless, didn't notice Lenard's discomfort. She quickly grabbed his sleeve, looking at him anxiously.

"Lenard, where's the song I gave you the other day? The one called A World of Love, why did it suddenly become Keira's latest single?"

Lenard furrowed his brows and shook off Jeanette's hand.

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

Jeanette's already pale face went even paler. She slumped against the corridor wall, looking at Lenard in disbelief, asking shakily:

"It was you... right? You gave my song to Keira, didn't you?"

Lenard glanced around nervously, then opened the door and pulled Jeanette inside.

Jeanette stood in the middle of the room, holding back tears, glaring at Lenard with a face full of disappointment and sadness.

"Lenard, why did you do this? Why? Do you know how important this song was to me?"

Lenard said impatiently, "Jeanette, I warned you a long time ago, don't pursue your dream of becoming a singer, you are not suitable for singing! I admit you have musical talent, but it's limited to playing instruments!"

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