Upon returning home, Justin received a call from lan and went straight to the study to handle some business. "Mr. Salvador, the foundation is almost finalized. You can announce it officially whenever you're ready."

Justin's voice was low and carried a hint of weariness. "That's great. Thank you for your hard work."

"And by the way, weren't you planning to take Young Madam on a vacation to Switzerland? I've got a villa ready for you. It's at the bottom of the Alps, and the scenery is magnificent. You and Young Madam car head there anytime," lan said in a cheery tone.

Having toppled Shannon, lan felt rejuvenated. He was so happy that he could laugh even in his dreams.

However, Justin remained silent for a while, lost in thought. He was still thinking about the conversation with Grant and the way his brother had looked at Bella.

The pressure in his chest grew, and his eyes became deep and troubled.

"Mr. Salvador? Mr. Salvador? Are you asleep?"

Justin snapped back to reality. "What did you just say?"

"I said, I've arranged everything for you in Switzerland. You and Young Madam can go on vacation whenever you like."

Concerned, lan asked, "Mr. Salvador, are you alright? You sound exhausted. Are you sick?"

"lan, I talked to my brother earlier tonight. He also met Bella." Justin said, pressing his fingers to his aching forehead, his mind in turmoil.


lan could not help but yell, forgetting all etiquette. "Holy... What were you thinking?!"

Feeling irritable, Justin did not bother to argue with lan. "It was a video call with Grandpa, and Bella was there too. My brother wanted to see her, and I couldn't think of a reason to say no."

"So, you let him see her just because he wants to? Are you going to do whatever he asks you to? Mr. Salvador, you're usually really sharp and quick-witted, but why did you turn into a fool around your brother?!"

lan was so anxious that he could hardly speak clearly. "What happened when you were young was an accident! An accident! While it's true that Young Master Grant suffered greatly, you were also a victim. You almost didn't make it back alive. You can be grateful to him, but there's no need to feel guilty and think you owe him for the rest of your life. You don't have to do what he wishes you to do every time!" Justin furrowed his brows, feeling his heart clench.

"Let's put forth a conspiracy theory. Those kidnappers might've been targeting him all along, and you just got caught in the crossfire because of him!"

Growing increasingly disgruntled, lan continued, "Think about it. You were still so young. You had only gone back to the Salvador household for a few years. Hardly anyone knew about your existence. But Grant was different. He was the legitimate eldest son, always out in public with Chairman Salvador. He was born with a golden spoon! If I were a kidnapper, he'd definitely be my prime target. Kidnapping him would be far more lucrative than kidnapping you. You were nothing more than an unintended bonus!"

Justin's handsome face darkened. He was speechless.

Yet these crude words made sense.

Back then, he was nothing more than a child born out of wedlock, far less valuable than Grant.

However, Justin could not deny that his escape from those monsters was thanks to his brother's self-sacrifice.

"With a face as stunning as Young Madam's, anyone would be smitten! You should've kept her well-protected, but you let Young Master Grant meet her, and it was even his idea... He dared to ask, and you actually agreed to it?!"

Would his brother really have feelings for Bella?

Justin took a sharp breath, shaking his head vigorously and muttering, "No way."

"He's not a monk or gay, so why wouldn't he? If he does develop feelings for Young Madam, what will you do then? Are you going to just let it happen?"

"There's no way that's going to happen."

Justin's eyes blazed with fury, and his fists clenched tightly. His veins were bulging on the back of his hands. "Bella holds my entire life. I would rather die than let anyone take her!"

"In any case, you must stay vigilant! Protect her from others with everything you've got!"

lan then sighed deeply with concern. "If Young Master Grant remains bedridden for life, that's one thing. But if he ever recovers and no longer needs to rely on a wheelchair, Mr. Salvador, your position in the corporation will become extremely precarious. The entire balance of power within the Salvador corporation and family will shift dramatically!"

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