Chapter 511 A Few More Times

Kandi's film crew was in a rather tough timent.

It was a small production, so the budget Wis not at high. All the conditions were C ively rudimentary

Nicoletult of the vall. There were people scattered around, hard at work. The lights were bright and dazzling, but it was impossible to see anyone clearly. The Slounding was filled with whispa low-pitched complaints.

"Ms. Stanton, watch your

Xander went over her. Nicole smiled but casus rushed his arm away and walked 10ard.

She glaaround the venue. No one recognized her since they were busy with their own business. No one cared about who just arrived

This made Xander very dissatisfied. He cleared his throat twice to attract. attention, and Nicole glared at him before putting on a 'gentle' smile. "Keep a low profile in case we're being

Nunder froze and immediately realized the seriousness alih n er.

Niculeloaloid left and right, then went up 1 a the director

The diretor was sitting beside a few machines on standby with an unpleasant

look on his face

"Hey, who are you..."

A person of the side reminded hiig the director raised his head. I OY when he saw Nicole and back to his senses the next seran

How would people often mixed in the entertaiment le not know who Nicole Stanton

She was much more popular than female celebrities, and her status was even more extraordinary

However, she did not give others the opportunity to pick her. She was the one who stood high above and picked the people she wanted.

The director immediately stood up. "Ms. Stanton!"

This was likt encountering a jose that laid golden ces!

Falcon Entertainment invested in this filmu, so he could not refuse anyone they forced towards him

Although the person had no acting skills and was not up to standard, he could only grill and agree

Nicole smiled and walked over. "I'm sorry for interrupting...

The director's face changed slightly GY he saw Xander at the back.

"Xander, where did you gon't you know that you're film o night? Do you know that hundre prople are waiting on you alone


Xander lodo at Nicole with a somewhat arrogant excitement.

"I'm sorry about tonight. I had some important things going on..."

The director was immediately furious. Xander was not even an A-list actor, yet hi e was already putting on airs!

Before he could scold Xander, Nicole said

with a clear voice, "Director, Xander sal that he's willing to malce up for the scenes being tilmed tonight. He'll be fine no matter how Ing it takes." Everyone was stume,

When did Xander come so diligent?

The director's ire dissipated. Then let's get started."

Xander looked at Nicole and the direcci in confusion. Nicole smiled at him Visi San opportunity for me to wash shoot. You won't refuse, rier

Of course not!

Xander happinent to put on makeup and get cka. Since the rich woman wanted him filming, he could only use his perfect appearance and superb acting skills to win her heart! Nicole sat next to the director, who felt a burst of fear.

He suddenly remembered who Xander looked like. Since he appeared with Nicole, did it mean...

Xander moved very quickly. In front of the

Damera, he played the advantages of his Dani ta the fullest.

He was playing the role ol a domineering president, the supporting male lead who was attainable venaitre being hurt by ile fiale la

Nicoletelt quite complicated as she listened to the director talking to them inloout the scene. She lelt that it was a little similar to Eric..

In this scene, Xander went tatymale lead and begged to reconciN the woman was unwilling on his derangement, he tojump into the Sea so that they would feel heartbroken Xand y recited his lines and jumped into the water without further ado.

The director cursed under his breath." Pretty good. Let's do it again!"

It was cold, the water was icy, and it was very late!

Xander was clearly getting somewhat impatient. He was not a professional, soh e was not that dedicated to acting.

The director could see this too. Hoya with Nicole around, he could not continuing to make demanded He decided to make do it and was just about to take back

w he said... Nicole was s et for a long time before speaking up the right time. "He's not in a good state. Let him jump a few more times until he finds the right state..."

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