The Devil’s Fire by Mariam El-Hafi Full Episode
The Devil’s Fire by Mariam El-Hafi Chapter 30


I woke up from my deep slumber, stretching and feeling just how sore my body was. It was the best sleep I have ever had in my life, and it was most likely due to all the sex. Damiano really meant it when he said it wasn’t over yet. At some point, we had fallen asleep but he had woken me up during the night for yet another round. I wasn’t complaining, he definitely knew what he was doing and made me realize just how flexible I could be.

I looked to where Damiano was sleeping but was met with an empty space. When I heard the shower was running, I got up and made my way toward the half-open door. The soreness between my legs was going to be a reminder for a while of how rough he had been with me.

Damiano was standing under the shower with his back facing me. A satisfied smile appeared on my lips at the sight of scratch marks I had left on his back. I wrapped my arms around him when I stepped inside and he pulled me around to face him. He looked at me with a lazy smile before tilting my chin up to meet his lips.

“Morning, beautiful.” His voice was deeper and husky from sleep, which sent a delightful fluttery feeling.

“Morning.” I smiled shyly when he called me that. He pressed me close into him, and I let out a blissful sigh as the hot water was helping my sore body. Damiano buried his face into my neck, plastering small kisses around while his hands roamed my body in a way that made my body immediately react to him.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with the nape of

his hair. His hands trailed down my body, rested them on my a*s, and lifted me to him. I wrapped my legs around him when my back hit the cold tiles.

“Are you trying not to make me walk?” I chuckled when I felt his hard length teasing against my entrance.

“Maybe… Then I would know you would stay put.” He touched me in ways that immediately sent a steady pulse between my legs. I let out a soft moan as he entered me, making me throw my head back as he continued to attack my neck. Luckily, he wasn’t as rough as he had been during the night because I couldn’t handle that type of pounding right now.

He moved at a pace I could follow, and I even moved my hips a little against him, making him groan in pleasure as he kept thrusting in me. I tightened my hold around him, resting my head on his shoulder when I reached my climax. Damiano followed right after, pulling out before he reached his peak.


“I’ve slept a lot but I still feel like sleeping. But I’m also hungry.” I complained and laid back on the bed. Damiano stood at the end of the bed in nothing but a towel that hung dangerously low on his hips. He was a delicious hot sight right now and so muscular it was insane.

“Hmm, we could stay in and do something else.” He co*ked a brow, gesturing to the bed.

“No, I need a break.” I laughed. I sat up to get dressed but then realized I didn’t have any spare clothes with me.

“Maybe we need to stay in. I didn’t bring anything with me.” I sighed. I could wear the clothes I arrived in but I didn’t have any


clean underwear with me, and going commando in jeans was not pleasant.

“It’s in the closet.” He slid the closet door open and sure enough, it was filled with clothes. He pulled out a white dress shirt and grey dress pants for himself. I walked up and looked at the many choices that were hanging out for me.

“These are brand new clothes.” I looked through the clothes and the price tags were still on.

“When’s the auction?” I asked. There were too many clothes for it just to be a short trip.

“Tomorrow. I had them fill up with anything you might like as we might stay for a few days.” I raised my brows slightly at the information. Was this his way of a getaway weekend? So far, it was starting out right.

“Wear this.” Damiano chose something from the closet for me to wear. It was a light-colored, off-shoulder mocha dress. It was tight on the top and flowed out from the hips. It was actually a cute dress. I dropped my robe to the floor and put on the dress. Damiano tilted his head to the side as he looked at me.

“Going commando is good for the body.” I grinned.

“Hmm, easier access for me as well.” He half-smirked.

“Have you not had enough?” I asked amused. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, leaning down to meet my face.

“No. It’s mine now, and I can’t have enough.” His voice went into a low, deep tone that had my body flutter in an insane matter. I cleared my throat and had to look away to control the

overwhelming feeling and to hide my flushing face. But not before.

earning a satisfied look from him at my reaction.

“Food now?” I had to step away from him a bit. I couldn’t seem to think when he was this close to me and looking at me the way he just did.

“Whatever you want.”

“So, why are we going to an auction?” I asked and sipped my latte. We found a cute, small restaurant, having a croissant sandwich for breakfast.

“Why do you think people go to auctions.” Damiano was

entertained by my question, and I rolled my eyes a little.

“I know why people go to auctions. I’m just curious as to why we are going.” I elaborated.

“See it as a get-together.”

“Like with a bunch of mafia people or normal people?” I realized how it sounded but luckily he was amused by my choice of words.

“It’s a way to show off your power and wealth to others.” He explained, and I raised my brows in surprise.

“So, mafia people. But why do you do that?”

“It’s also another way of forming alliances between families and starting a business. You would only want to have the most powerful by your side.” I was really intrigued by the information he was giving.

It made my heart just beat a little faster as I got reminded of what type of person Damiano really was. I knew what he was capable

of. I had seen it with my own two eyes but still, I wasn’t scared of him. A dangerous world I had stepped into, yet I was interested in what could happen.

“But, uh… should I be worried about going with you…?” I asked nervously. One thing was to be around Damiano and his men, but a room filled with skilled killers who couldn’t care less about me was a tiny bit worrying.

Damiano leaned forward, resting his arms on the table, and looked at me with dead serious eyes.

“They have a death wish if they dare to touch you.” He stated firmly. An involuntary shiver ran down my spine at his cold tone.

“How assuring.” I gave a half smile. Truth was, I had no idea what to expect or what kind of people I was going to meet. I just hoped that it wouldn’t go as far as where people would kill each other in the middle of an event. But then again, did these people really give a f*ck about anything? They were, after all, the biggest criminals to exist.

“Do you need to… I don’t know, carry weapons to such an event?”

“You would be naïve if you didn’t. I always carry at least one weapon anywhere I go.”

“Even now?!” I gasped in a whisper, and my eyes widened a little.

“Even now.”

“Where do you have it?” My eyes trailed down his body to see if I could spot anything. He co*ked a brow and leaned back in his seat.

“Why? Are you planning something?”

“Sure, because I have years of experience and I plan on taking you all down. I’m the next Queen, so be aware.” I dramatically flipped my hair back. Damiano looked at me to the point where he was actually smiling a little.

“Who knows? You might be hiding something. Pretending you have no idea what you’re doing.”

“Sadly, I’m not that interesting. Nor am I skilled to do any of that. The only skill I have involves a pen and paper.” I sighed. I was really boring compared to him.

“You’re more than that. I have seen your work, and you’re very talented.” His golden-brown eyes looked intently at me, and I squinted my eyes.

“And how would you know?”

“I have seen your sketchbook. You have a very creative mind.” My jaw dropped.

“Wait, how much did you see?” He smirked at my reaction.

“All of it.” I blushed as I remembered what I had in my sketchbook.

I always have my sketchbook with me wherever I go because it was my way of relaxing. When I arrived at the manor on the first day, I needed to distract myself because I kept worrying if they had been hurt. I sat outside on the balcony, intending to catch the sunset on paper, but turned out my mind had different plans and I ended up sketching him.

“Of course you have…”

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