The Devil’s Fire by Mariam El-Hafi Full Episode
The Devil’s Fire by Mariam El-Hafi Chapter 22


I went silent as I blinked at him.

Then I burst out in laughter.

“Oh my… That’s like the oldest excuse in the book.” I wiped the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard. Damiano stared at me blankly, probably thinking I had lost it.

“You didn’t strike me as the person who would make jokes, but that was a good one.” I continued. My laughter died down when I heard faint voices outside the office.

“….I told you not to do it.” Arianna sighed as she opened the door with Rafaelle behind her. He scrunched up his face as he rubbed his jaw. Damiano turned to look at them and I jumped down from the desk to create a little distance between us.

“I wanted to see how pi*sed I could get him. Yo, Damiano! Did you have to go for the face?!” Rafaelle erupted. I took the opportunity to have a good look at Arianna. I was too caught up in my jealousy that I refused to actually see the resemblance between them. They had the same golden-brown eyes and the same nose, and some features of Lorenzo.

She was literally a mixture of Damiano and Lorenzo.

Oh, f*ck…

Arianna rolled her eyes at Rafaelle and looked at Damiano with a scowl on her face.

“Damiano, did you really have to punch him in front of all these people?”

“He’s lucky he’s even alive.” Damiano calmly replied.

“Is this how you welcome your cousin to your home?” Rafaelle huffed out and I dropped my jaw open.

“So… you’re all … related…?” I pointed at them all, confused.

“We sure are, gorgeous.” Rafaelle winked, which earned him a punch in the stomach from Damiano.

“Rafaelle, shut up! And Damiano, stop kicking his a*s.” Arianna said with an annoyed sigh.

“Don’t worry, I can take it.” Rafaelle wheezed out with his hands on his knees as he tried to compose himself.

“You’re not together…?” I looked back and forth at Arianna and Damiano, and as I kept looking at them, there more I could see they were siblings.

“That would be incest, love.” Rafaelle straightened up. Before Damiano could get to him, Rafaelle earned a smack in the head from Arianna.

“I knew I shouldn’t have let you come with us. Be quiet before I rip your tongue out.”

“G*d, just let me die now.” I groaned in pure embarrassment. I had made a total fool out of myself, and I wished the ground would open and swallow me so I wouldn’t have to be in this situation.

Arianna walked up to me with a smile and put a friendly hand on my shoulder.


“I’m sorry, this was not how it was supposed to go. Damiano is just very private and doesn’t share much. We heard him talk on the phone and we heard a woman’s voice, but he wouldn’t tell us anything. A*shole over there, Rafaelle, thought it would be a good idea to flirt with every woman present to see if he could get a reaction out of him.”

“Totally worth it.” Rafaelle grinned.

“You’re lucky he didn’t kill you.” Arianna shot back.

“Honestly, for a second there, I actually thought he would.” He laughed, completely unbothered and Arianna shook her head and turned back to look at me.

“I’m sorry for all this fuss. I’m Arianna, Damiano’s and Lorenzo’s younger sister.”

“I can see that now… I’m Althaia.” I gave her a small smile. My body was so hot, and I could feel the blood rush to my face. I was probably looking like a tomato now.

“We’ll have a chat later. Now, I really want to get back to the party. Let’s go, you idiot.” She quickly walked over to Rafaelle and dragged him by the arm out of the office while he complained about being abused today.

I looked everywhere but at Damiano, while I shuffled on my feet. How could I ever face him after the way I had acted? G*d… I really wanted the ground to swallow me.

Damiano sat down on the couch and looked at me with this blank expression of his.

“Come here.” He motioned with his finger to approach him. I slowly walked over to him, still feeling embarrassed by the whole thing.


He took hold of me when I was within his reach and sat me down on his lap. I felt him twirl some of my hair around his finger while I looked straight ahead. Finally working up the courage, I faced him.

“I … Well, you could have said she was your sister.”

“You never asked.”

“How was I supposed to ask if she’s your sister or someone you’re f*cking?”

“Maybe if you weren’t busy letting another man touch you.” He raised a brow at me.

“… Whatever.” I mumbled as he continued to play with a strand of my hair.

“You didn’t wear the dress I sent.” His voice went low and my body tingled when he faintly brushed his lips against my bare shoulder.

“I was mad…” I embarrassingly admitted. I had assumed the worst but then again what else was I supposed to think after that phone call?

“I see.” Damiano checked out my dress, his eyes stopping on my leg.

“Too much for other men to see.” He frowned as he moved his hand to my exposed leg. It was a dress you had to be careful with the long slit, and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone said they saw some of my a*s. But I didn’t care, that was how angry I was…

“That was the point.” I gave half a smile.

“You’re playing a dangerous game with me, Althaia.” He shifted me to straddle him. He buried his face in my neck, his lips faintly touching my skin which made a slight shiver down my back.

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“Where were you?” I finally asked as I breathed out. Damiano leaned back to look at me.

“Italy.” He simply said I raised my brows in surprise.


“Nothing you need to concern yourself with.” He said with a smirk, and I rolled my eyes at his answer.

“Of course…” I sighed. I played with the buttons of his dress shirt when I noticed some black ink that was faintly visible behind his white dress shirt. As the curious person that I was, I unbuttoned the first ones to see. I could only see a little bit of the top of his tattoo that was placed in the middle of his chest, but I couldn’t make out what it was supposed to be. I continued to unbutton his shirt all the way down.

Right there in the middle of his chest was a hooded skull wearing an imperial crown. I pulled his shirt to the side as the tattoo stretched out on his chest. On either side of the skull were massive angel wings that covered the rest of his chest. I raised my brows a little, completely impressed with the art. I trailed my fingers on the skull, fascinated by the details. I looked up to Damiano, who already had his eyes set on me, observing me. I suddenly felt shy at the way he was looking at me and had to look away.

“We should get back to the others.” I tried to get off his lap. I suddenly remembered I had left Cara all alone out there. Well, almost.

“Do you want to?” Damiano stopped me by holding me in place. His hands went under my dress and slowly trailed them up to my hips. I closed my mouth when I was about to answer him. My heart started to beat a little faster, my whole body suddenly getting that

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electric feeling, excited about his touch. His hands caressed my hips, playing around with the string of my underwear.

Then he ripped the string, making me gasp at the unexpected


“That was my favorite!” He didn’t bother responding, instead, he gave me a devilish smirk as he placed his hands on the back of my neck and pressed his lips to mine. I forgot about everything the minute our lips connected, kissing me roughly and biting down on my lip to let him enter.

I was getting hot and excited, and the way his fingers found their way to my entrance and slowly were stroking me, had me almost wanting to let out a blissful sigh. I moaned against his lips when Damiano entered, moving his fingers inside, his thumb went around in circles on my c*it, sending waves of pleasure through my body. I should be embarrassed by how fast I got wet, but the way he was touching me right now made me not care at all.

Damiano’s lips moved down to my neck but stopped and looked down at the halter neck top that covered my breasts. He looked displeased at the sight while reaching for something next to him. He pulled out a knife, and for a second it had me confused. Then almost like a flash of lightning, he cut the straps of the top, watching it fall down around my waist and exposed my breasts.

Pleased with his work, he laid me down on the couch and put my hands above my head in a firm grip. I closed my eyes, shuddering in pleasure when I felt his warm mouth taking in my breast, his tongue going around on my nipple. His fingers found their way back inside of me, moving fast as I moaned loudly. I started to tighten around him, my body slightly shaking as I felt myself closing in on that explosive wave of pleasure. I gasped as his fingers were edging me closer and closer with the way he was


paying attention to that place that gave me pleasure.

I was almost there, ready for the incredible climax.

Then he stopped.

I snapped my eyes open and Damiano pulled away. He stood at the end of the couch and started to button up his dress shirt as he looked at me with a slight smirk.

“Why did you stop!” I almost yelled in frustration and raised my head to look at him. I was so close, and he left me hanging!

Damiano just tilted his head a little.

“Behave, and I might give you what you want.” He said in a low tone. I gaped at him as he made his way toward the door. He rested his hand on the handle and turned to look at me, his eyes trailing down to my dress.

“Looks like you need to change.” He winked and left. My eyes went wide when I realized what he had done.

I got punished by The Devil.


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