Melody looked at him apologetically and held his hand.

"It's over now. Thalia has been caught too, so there won't be any more danger in the future. This was just an attempt to catch her off-guard. If you hadn't contacted me in advance, maybe I wouldn't have thought of doing this to capture her. It was only by luring the snake out of its hole that we could take her down. Thank you, Lucas," Melody said as she gazed at him affectionately and rested her cheek on his palm.

She had only woken up that morning, and upon learning of this, Lucas naturally felt overjoyed. However, he had not expected to hear such a shocking revelation from Quinn. He told Melody, and it was Melody who came up with such an idea.

Of course, he disagreed with it. She had just woken up, so how could they take such a risky method? What if Thalia actually hurt her? He could not and would not risk Melody's safety. However, as Melody pointed out, they would have to live under constant guard for the rest of their lives if they could not catch Thalia.

They were not afraid of Thalia, but they had to be cautious of her. It was not like Lucas could always be around Melody to protect her, so following her suggestion and taking advantage of this opportunity to apprehend Thalia was the best choice.

In the end, Lucas reluctantly agreed with the condition that Melody would not get hurt in the process.

"Grandma would've lectured me again if something were to happen to you. She asked about you just now, but Grandpa and I didn't dare tell her exactly what happened to you. We'll have to wait until she's fully recovered before gently breaking the news to her. Otherwise, given her temper, she'd probably want to climb out of bed and come find you," Lucas said in a deliberately light tone, hoping to lift them out of their anxious mood.

Melody smiled wearily. "I'll visit Grandma again in a few days when I've recovered a bit more. She'll worry if she sees me like this."

Lucas nodded and anxiously tucked Melody's hand back under the covers. "Just focus on resting and recovering. Don't make me worry anymore."

"Okay. I'm feeling kinda tired. I think I'll take a nap..."

It took one whole week for Melody to recover and be discharged from the hospital. Prior to this, she had already arranged a fan meet-up in advance. The originally agreed-upon time was delayed by a few days, so she made sure Paige prepared generous gifts to make up for her tardiness.

It was worth noting that being a newly debuted actress, although she would occasionally get approached by brands for sponsorship, she

not actually have any endorsements yet. Therefore, each gift was

carefully selected by her and paid for

out of her own pocket.

From cosmetics to daily necessities, when choosing each item, she thought about how happy her fans would be when they received them. Thus, she did not feel too much pain over spending the money.

Melody's lavish no-expenses-spared fan meet-up shocked many people. It seemed as though she was about to retire from the entertainment industry.

Melody could not help but laugh when she heard those speculations, but she did not do anything to dispel those rumors. She knew in her heart what she was doing.

It was not easy for fans to meet up


with her. More than money, she valued the people who loved and supported her. They had spent so much time and energy just to see her, so naturally, she wanted to give them the best experience possible.

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