"In a society governed by the rule of law, I indeed can't do much to you. However, I've already asked someone to record down your words, so you can look forward to spending the rest of your life in prison." "What... What right do you have to lock me up in prison? Melody didn't suffer any major harm. Why should I spend my whole life behind bars?!"

Wendy, who previously boasted about being ready to meet her end with Melody, felt weak in the knees at the realization that she was going to prison. She still had many good years ahead of her; she did not want to end up in that hellhole!

"You've admitted to planning the kidnapping on your own. Since that's the case, there's nothing left to argue about. My lawyer will handle everything when the time comes."

Lucas did not spare Wendy a single glance as she continued to scream behind him, trying to grab his legs while pleading, "Wait, I don't want to go to prison! I'm only twenty-five years old. I don't want to go back in!"

'Hah, she said she was only twenty-five, but what about Melody? Melody was even younger than her. When she was inflicting harm on her, did she ever think that Melody was also just in her early twenties?' thought Lucas.

His heart was as hard as stone. He could not tolerate anyone who had hurt Melody. She was his weakness, and he would do anything to protect her so that her gentleness could continue to envelop him. "I'll talk, I'll talk! I admit that I wasn't the mastermind behind all of this. It was Thalia who instructed me. Without her, I'd never have taken such risks! Lucas, it wasn't just me!"

In truth, Lucas had been prepared for this, but hearing Thalia's name still made him sigh. He looked at Melody lying so weak on the bed and thought, 'Even if it was Thalia, I'd make her pay the price.' "Edmund, have Leo handle Wendy. He knows what to do next."

"Yes, Mister Lucas."

Melody's wounds had been hastily bandaged, and Lucas carefully tucked her hair behind her ear. He finally breathed a sigh of relief when they heard the sound of the ambulance arriving. The doctors and nurses were startled by the scene they were seeing, and they gingerly moved Melody onto a stretcher.

They had not even moved a yard away when Melody woke up in pain. Her forehead was drenched in cold sweat. "Lucas... Save me. Please come..."

Lucas felt his heart wrench at the sound of Melody's muffled groans. "I'm here, Melody, I'm right here. You're safe now. You don't need to be afraid anymore. I'm sorry I came late..."

Melody seemed to have heard Lucas. She murmured his name a few more times, then fell into a deep sleep.

They rushed her to the hospital. When they arrived, Cedric also saw Melody being carried down. He frowned and asked Lucas what happened.

Lucas' eyes followed Melody into the emergency room before he sighed. He sat down heavily, feeling extremely dejected.

"It's my fault for not taking care of Melody properly and Grandma, which led to all of this happening. I misjudged someone..."

Before Cedric could fully grasp what had happened, he heard Lucas confessing a heap of regrets. He patted the back of Lucas' head.

"What's the use of feeling so defeated? We should focus on finding solutions since things have already happened. You still haven't told me how Melody ended up like this. Did something happen again?"

Ever since Melody was kidnapped once, they had taken extra precautions when it came to her safety. That was why Cedric had not expected to see his granddaughter-in-law being carried off the ambulance in a state of unconsciousness again.

At that moment, he felt like his breath had stopped. His wife had just had an accident, so he prayed fervently that Melody would not end up like his wife as well.

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