The Couple
Chapter 33: A monster and that too greatest of all


Finally after a tiring and tortured week, I am in my new apartment. Today, Mary and J both helped me unpacking everything here. This time, Jeanne and Greg had dinner with us. And everyone left after dinner. Chris left only to return, he will be here anytime now.

While everyone was leaving, Mary asked me if she should stay as she doesn't want me to be alone on my birthday although they both will return tomorrow and we all three girls will be going to a spa and then boys will join us for movies. Then, we will later have dinner and then return to my apartment to hang out. It was Greg's plan, surprisingly.

Mary knew Chris will be returning for the night but she chose to tease me in front of Greg and J. And after the day, here I am in a black lace night piece with loose wet hair. I applied a little bit of makeup even if it will all be smudged as soon as he arrives.

He knocked on the door and I ran to him at a bolted speed. He suggested we spend the night together after J mentioned my birthday at dinner. Grandma wanted me to stay for my birthday and leave after tomorrow but one look at Chris at the table and I knew he didn't want that. I refused grandma politely and surprisingly she also didn't persuade me again as if she understood my reason and turned towards Chris.

Chris was there in a blue shirt and olive green pants with his hands in his pocket waiting for me to open the door with a smile. His expression changed as soon as his eyes fell on me. He stepped inside and closed the door behind him while I stepped back. He extended his one hand and pulled me to him.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer. Our lips met and tangled like they were meant to be. Without letting him or his sweet soft lips go, we moved back until the back of my leg met the couch. I turned around and pushed him on it. After spending a whole week with him pressed under his weight but without doing anything with him was a stress in itself.

I sat on his lap, trapping him between my legs. I pulled his hair, throwing his head back which gave me good access to his lips. I invaded his mouth with my tongue while he chose to pull my hips closer to his erection. By the time we pulled away, we both were panting.

In a swift move, I was on the couch under him shirtless. Thankfully, we are no longer in his house otherwise I can't moan as I want to. I want to scream loudly, moan his name, tell the whole building who is making cum and tell him what he is doing to me. He was kissing and licking my neck and collarbone. Hearing me moaning, he looked up and smiled.

"I definitely missed you moaning and tonight I will make sure you scream loud enough to hear the whole building." He raised up and I captured his lips again.

He sucked my breasts through my silk nightie which was of no use while he sucked them. He went further down and kissed me through my panties. He sidened my panties, smeared my juices around and pushed two fingers in. And fingered me while kissing my thighs. He bent his fingers inside and touched my g-spot. I felt my orgasm building. I was moaning and panting because of his assault. He pulled my panties down with his teeth and got rid of them. While his fingers fucked me, his thumb circled my core but soon his fingers left me. He got up when I was near the edge and took off his pants, as much as he looked tempting in those pants, they looked better on my floor. He got back between my legs and put them on his shoulder. He bent down and bit my ear lobes gently.

"Now, you will moan and scream my name."

He got back in his position and stretched my legs a bit to settle down between them. He placed his dick's head at my entrance and just pressed it a bit without entering yet. He was circling it and teasing me.

"You can't come till I release inside you. You are on pills, right?" He commanded and I shivered under him. And he pushed it inside in one go and pulled out immediately. I was frustrated with him for not giving me what I wanted. After waiting for a whole week, if he is going to do this then I might force myself on him and take what I want but he slammed it in and pulled out with just head inside this time. I moaned with thrust as he slammed into me slowly taking his own time. He got harder inside me with each push and I clenched my walls around him. He hissed and picked up the pace like I wanted him to. Our bodies moved together rhythmically as his balls slapped my butthole. This position was a bit painful and the pleasure made it worth it.

"Please, let me... aahhh... Chrisss come."

"Not yet... Come" His order brought my orgasm while he came inside me. I could feel our juices mixing like last time. He pushed two more times and I moaned each time louder. He pulled out and took the napkin from the dining table to clean himself as well as me. He pulled his boxers up and gave me my panties from the floor but I chose to toss them back. He smirked.

"Tomorrow, I don't want everyone to know where we did it." After cleaning the couch, he got me up only to get laid under me pulling me into his chest. It felt good laying like this. I wish I could do this for the rest of my life and lay beside him in his arms till my death day.

We laid there for sometime while we talked about nothing in particular but he asked frequent questions about Harris and my office. I deliberately avoided his questions and tried to divert the conversation on other topics. Each time my bare pussy rubbed against his thighs, I moaned. I could feel him growing hard and I stroked his length under my hands. He started moaning and that was my cue to get above him. I pulled his boxers low and sat above him with his erection standing between his body and mine. I started rubbing my already wet pussy along his length. I was enjoying the sensation of his hard length stroked under my clit. I raised myself a bit to take it when he put his hands on my waist and pulled me down.

"Let's try this too." I nodded and continued rubbing against his length. I bent down and kissed his lips slowly like I stroked his hard dick slowly with my pussy. I could feel my orgasm building and my release near. His grip tightened around my hips and helped me pick up my pace. I bit his soft spot on his neck and licked it, and repeated my action again at the same spot. I felt his teeth a little too sharp near my neck but he pulled back and got his attention back to our orgasms. He picked up the pace back and we both came together while I came on his dick and his cum spread on his chest and a few drops on his face too. It was my turn to clean us and stayed in his position while I cleaned his chest off with a napkin and kissed his face tasting his cum. And I heard the clock striking twelve and he pulled me into a big hug.

"Happy birthday Heaven." He kissed my forehead and I got up into a sitting position.

"Where is my birthday present? Don't tell me you didn't bring me anything."

"Am I not enough for you?"

"No, now give me my present. Mary already told me you got something special for me."

"Damn, Mary. She never holds secrets well." I pushed my hand forward to get the present. He got up and pulled me up from the couch. Bent down and carried me up in bride style.

"Give me my present. Don't tell me you got your dick for me as your present." He stopped in his tracks. Did I just guess it, right? No, please say no Chris.

"Who gave you their dick as a present?" He said through his gritted teeth, emphasising each word.

"Why, you will kill him?"

"No, I will cut off his dick so he can never make such ugly references." I laughed and he just left me before catching me again soon bringing my attention back to him.

"No, no one offered me that but someone offered that to Shelly on her birthday in high school." He carried me to the bedroom and laid me on the bed while he went back to the living room and returned back in a minute. He shut the door behind him and drew the curtains close after closing the window. He came, put a small box on the side table and sat in front of me, took my hands in his hands and held them tightly.

"I am going to show you something. You know I was hiding something from you and that was this. Just remember, I love you." My heartbeat skipped a beat as he said those three words. I don't know how to feel, should I say him back? "No, you don't need to say the same, these are my feelings. You need not feel the same... right now. Remember, I will not hurt you ever. I might not look the same but I will never hurt you."

"I know you will not hurt me ever but why are you saying all these now and what is in this box?" I moved my hand towards the box but he held my hand in between and continued speaking. "Just remember my words and wait here you will get your answers soon. Try not to scream now." He kissed my forehead and got up from the bed.

He pushed his boxers down and kicked them aside on the floor. He was standing there naked with his head down and suddenly his bone snapped. I tried getting up from the bed and got to him but raised his hand up and signed me to stop. I went back on the bed and saw his nails growing into claws. He fell down on the floor on his all fours with a thump. I wanted to go to him and ease out his pain but I couldn't bring myself to move. I just sat back and witnessed him transforming into something I don't know. His body got covered with smoke white fur.

His face changed and his jaw and nose elongated, his ears grew out more. With time, he transformed into a white wolf. I heard a scream. He took a step forward and I took one step back. I noticed the mark on his head, like a pine tree leaf of white color. He took one more step but this time I moved back and got up from the bed. I went to another corner of the room.

"Don't come near me, please leave me." I felt attraction to his mark on forehead but I was scared to death that I couldn't move myself and rang towards the door. On my way, I heard the doorbell and felt relieved that someone came to my rescue.

I opened the door and there was a middle aged lady standing in her white nightgown. She looked tired after the whole day but I can tell she was not sleepy at all. She had her hair in a messy bun and had a book and a cell phone in her hand.

"You alright, lady? I heard a scream from your apartment." That was my scream which I heard sometime back. I wanted to tell her the truth to call 911 and save me from someone inside my apartment. I don't even know what to call that creature who is right now inside my apartment, in my room. I felt a hand around my waist and I turned my head to see Chris back in his body standing behind me with his pants on. "Hey Jenny, what are you doing up so late?"

"Hey Christian, I was reading my book when I heard a scream from this apartment. Is everything alright?"

"Yes, I hope so. Meet my girlfriend, Celia. I just proposed to her to marry me but she screamed so loudly." He told her while holding a ring in front of me to show her. She smiled and looked at us with teary eyes as she moved a bit with the gesture.

"Calm down girl and say yes, you might regret it if you deny. He is a great boy." I didn't realise till now that I was breathing too loudly and violently as if I was forced to breathe. I want to hug Chris and let it out, forget all this as a nightmare but at the same time I want him to leave and never meet me again. She was about to turn when Chris spoke again.

"Jenny, it is a surprise for everyone, nobody really knows."

"You got me boy, no worries." She hugged me and whispered something in my ears which I couldn't make even after the proximity as I was too lost in thinking about the wolf in my room. She smiled and mouthed me to say yes again and left. Chris pulled me back and closed the door behind us. He pulled me inside the room and I forgot how to speak. I saw his lips moving but no sound came out. He slapped my thigh to bring me out of trance.

I hugged him but soon the vision returned and retracted back from him. He was standing at one end of the bed while I was sitting at the other end. I wanted the headboard of the bed to engulf and take me away. I don't know how to think clearly and what to do to save myself in this situation.

"Please leave." I wanted to tell him and I moved my lips as well but no sound came out.

"I can't, Jenny saw us in your house together and she knows I proposed to you. If I leave so soon, there will be too much gossip and WE can't afford it." He gulped down visibly and got on his knees in front of the bed with his hands on the bed visibly trying to calm himself. "Look, I know it is too much for you to understand but this is the truth I was hiding from you. Before I proposed to you, I wanted you to know me completely in and out, my each part and side. I know, it scares you but trust me I won't harm you even if I am in my wolf form. I love you with everything, even my scary side loves you with all it has." "Who are you?" This time I spoke and my voice came out too.

"A werewolf."

"That's not even real. It's all fantasy. They are not real. Is it a prank?" I still can't breathe and saying all this at once left me breathless.

"It's real and I am a werewolf and the alpha of our pack."

"You're a monster and that too the greatest of all." Hearing the words, his eyes got moist and he was hurt. I could see it. I want to comfort him, take my words back but no, it is the truth. He is a monster. He got up, grabbed my leg and pulled me down. "Lay down and sleep. Further questions will be answered tomorrow."

"You leave first." He shook his head while holding me and covered me with the quilt. I was struggling to free my hand and run away in the opposite direction again but his grip was too tight. I won't be shocked if there will be bruises tomorrow. He laid down beside and loosened his grip around my hand only to grab my waist and pull me into his chest. I pushed him with all my strength left but he was too strong. I stayed awake the whole night remembering his shift and that wolf in front of me in this room. I dared not to move or else who knows what this monster will do to me.

He fell asleep as soon as he laid on the bed, still his grip was too tight to free myself. I pushed him and moved his legs and hands around me but he wouldn't budge even a centimeter and instead tightened his grip around me. His breathing was normal but his lips were trembling as if he was sleep talking. I couldn't make all of it but I heard some words like, "Not a monster", "Won't hurt you", "Heaven", "Love", "Can't live".

I didn't remember when I got relaxed in his arms and my ragged breathing became normal. I slept in his arms repeating his words he told me before turning into the wolf which he claims is a part of him., I don't know if it was me who didn't want to leave his arms or he was too strong and I was too fragile to compete with him.


It took me sometime to think of the shift and her reaction. Sorry for delayed chapter. I hope you will enjoy it. Please share as much as you can and help me grow. Thank you for reading.


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