The Couple
Chapter 18: The date


Talking to her relieved me a bit, gave me some hope that maybe Chris is not that bad a decision but I am still not convinced if I took the right decision. I checked the time it was half past eight, girl you need to get ready after taking shower.

By the time I got ready in my red fancy top with deep v-line neck, enough to show cleavage to tempt him a bit but not much revealing with black jeans and black silhouettes. I put on some makeup, not too heavy as too much makeup just makes me look horrible.

I was ready by the time he showed up under my building. I ran down after grabbing my purse, I just hope I am dressed up well for the place. Looking at him, I am sure Shelly didn't choose the wrong outfit for


In a blue button down shirt and black jeans standing against his black BMW car makes him outstanding that could make any girl wet down but till I am here, he will only get me. Just this thought made him press my thighs together to stop it dripping.

"My heaven looks astonishing.", he complimented tracing his tongue over his dry lips eyeing my cleavage and then back to my eyes. He pulled me against himself and left a peck of kiss on my cheeks.

"I doubt we can reach our destination tonight, I am losing control." Mission accomplished, as he pulled me close and shifted his hips against mine pushing his bulge against me. I bite my lower lip to stop moaning in the middle of the street.

"Get in the car, before someone sees us.", I changed the topic otherwise we would have been definitely charged for public nudity. We got in and he drove away. During the whole drive I couldn't keep my eyes off him, well, now I can please my eyes with his beauty rightfully.

"Like what you saw? Take a picture, it will last long." he smirked.

"Loved it. I am just admiring what is rightfully mine.", he took my hand and kissed the back of it and then kept it with himself for the rest of the ride.

"So, where are we headed to?"

"Some place you will definitely like."

"You might have a name."

"You will see", I sighed and decided to wait for the destination.

He stopped the car somewhere near the forest, I didn't notice when he turned this way.

"Why are we here? What if a wolf comes?" I am afraid to get down the car as he got to my side to open the door.

"I am here with you. You are safe. Get down heaven." he got my hand and pulled me out. I was afraid to even look around until he made me look at the lake and a blanket on grass.

"Uuuhh... you brought me here for the date."

"Didn't you like it? We can go somewhere else if you want." his face has that disappointed look over his face like he was angry. I am confused.

"No. its beautiful and I loved it", I told him as I got my slippers out, moved towards the blanket and took my seat. I patted the place for him to sit. He came around and laid down behind me bringing me down with him so I had my head over his chest and laid perpendicularly to him.

"It is beautiful the way water reflects the moon, I wonder how this place will look on a full moon. Will you bring me here on that night again, please Christian?", I gave him that puppy eyes look which always works on Dad.

"No need to beg heaven. Will bring you whenever you want."

"Are you afraid of the wolves?"

"Damn, they are scary. They might look like a dog but they are wild and dangerous."

"They might be scary but not dangerous."

"Please, I had my experience with them. Dad took us for safari and there was that wolf pack which was glaring at me directly into my eyes. It sent me shiver down the spine and even one jumped forward to me fortunately the driver drove fast. Otherwise, you might have been here with some other girl."

"Nope, no other girl can come here except you."

"This is the first time you brought some girl here.", I turned to him as I wanted to see his reaction when he answered me.

"Its not some girl, its you. And yes, you are the first girl I brought here."

"Although I literally spent my childhood here with Ethan, Mary and Jeanne but you're the special one whom I brought here."

"What about your previous girlfriends? Didn't you bring them here?"

"I didn't have girlfriends before you.", as I turned to look at him he continued. "Before you I just had sex." He told me as he started massaging my head scalp with his finger tips.

"Is this your first date?"

"Can say."

"Aaahhh...", I moaned as he massaged my head.

"Don't assault me, its already hard for me."

"You couldn't stop it, it feels so good.... aahhh", he stopped it suddenly and I got up and sat to look at him. "Don't stop, please continue Chris."

"It sounds good when you call me Chris.", he said and cupped my face as he captured my lips in a kiss.

I got up straight and sat on his lap straddling him. I responded to his kiss with the same passion. I traced his lower lip and thrusted my tongue in mouth as he opened. I took a taste of his, its addictive, I want it more. I pulled him close to me if there was some space and felt his hands on my back.

Our tongues were fighting for dominance when he pulled my top above my head. I didn't mind because I wanted the same as him. And I pushed him on the grass and resumed our kiss. He had his hands on my back, one traveled down to my ass and he squeezed it. He earned a moan for it.

We pulled and he started kissing and nibbling my neck and down to my collarbone. My hand ran down between us and grabbed the hem of his shirt and started unbuttoning it. As I was about to taste his skin and kiss his chest, trace his abs with my finger tips. He pulled me up for another kiss.

I could feel his erection against my core, our clothes weren't really any help. His hands were on my breasts and kneading them softly through my lacy pink bra. I couldn't help but moan against his lips. I grabbed his erection and ran my hand over his length, I want to show who got dominance here.

I pulled first this time and went down on him. I was kissing his chest, I loved the taste of his skin just like his mouth. My tongue played with his nipple while my hands ran up and down his chest. His hands were in my hairs, grabbing a bunch of them.

I sat straight and admired his perfectly sculpted chest, strong shoulders and well built muscles. Then I continued tracing his six packs abs with my tongue when I heard a grunt from him.

I looked up at him continuing my assault but he pulled me up and sat straight on the ground.

"I gotta go. Get dressed.", he said and got his shirt.

"What happened?" but he ignored me and choose to remain shut.

I was sitting there looking at him wide eyes, I couldn't understand what happened, if I did something wrong or didn't he liked my body. I sat there embarrassed when I saw him getting up and got my senses back.

I stood up and got my shirt back. I was embarrassed that I was ready to get in his bed within just a week. Did he think I am slut or like other girls who get infatuated by his charms and want to get into his pants.

I took my slippers in my hand and got in the car as I don't want to waste his time as he needs to leave so soon. I didn't ask again what happened since he ignored me last time. I just kept thinking if I did something wrong to piss him off or am I ugly that he doesn't want to continue it.

Is he thinking again about this relationship? Is he in doubt too, wasn't he sure that he wanted to kill someone for me? What happened now or the playboy got bored?

He dropped me under my building and left after saying.

"Go to your apartment and lock it."

Seriously, no explanation and nothing. Just left me like this under my building after our first date and a make out session.

I couldn't move until his car got out of my sight, I took my steps back and turned to the building. I got in my apartment and locked my door. He is really a playboy who leaves girls after sex before dawn.

I changed my clothes and got in my bed naked. I am feeling embarrassed and filthy the way he pulled me away and left me without saying anything. This was my worst date ever. I don't think I can face him again or I want to.

I slept without thinking of that rascal.0000000☐☐☐☐☐☐☐

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