The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1856-1860

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1856 "Yes! Surrender!” “Leave the green hills, I'm not afraid that there will be no firewood!” Zayne on the phone also gave a long sigh and said to Xion: “Xion, surrender, I will do everything possible to mediate with the Japanese side, and I will rescue you anyway..." The string in Xion's mind was finally loosened. Although he was still unwilling, he nodded and said, “Patriarch, I know... you take care, if you can't Serving you is in control...” Zayne was heartbroken, but he could only speak, “Trust me, I will definitely save you!” "Well! If you believe it!" Xion said angrily, then hung up the phone and said to the flight attendant: “Okay, open the hatch!” The flight attendant nodded immediately and opened the four front and rear hatches one after another. Afterwards, I heard people shouting outside: “Everyone put their hands on top of their heads and lined up to walk down the spiral staircase. Anyone who dares to play tricks will be killed on the spot!” Xion sighed, stood up, and said to everyone with a sad expression: “It is also fate for everyone to work together, I hope you can take care of yourself!” After speaking, she raised her hands above her head, and stepped out of the hatch first. Outside the cabin, the helicopter kept roaring overhead, and the huge wind blew Xion's long hair and clothes. Countless guns were pointed at her below, and someone shouted: “Go down slowly, put your hands on your head and let us see!” Xion could only do so. The moment she stepped down the spiral staircase, she was also flustered for her unknown future. Because she didn't know what the end of waiting for herself was. After all, she is the principal culprit. After being arrested, others will definitely confess their identity as the principal culprit. If nothing else, the death penalty must be waiting for her. Unless Zayne can really save her, she will undoubtedly die. When she stepped down the spiral staircase, several heavily armed self-defense team members rushed up and pressed her to the ground, then put her hands behind her back, and handcuffed them in handcuffs. Immediately afterwards, the remaining fifty or so people stepped off the plane one after another, all of them were handcuffed back and squatting on the ground, the heads of the assault rifles against the back of the head. Even the crew members were not spared, they were all caught by their accomplices. Charlie Wade stood in the cockpit of the plane behind, sneer in his heart as he watched the Banks Familyy get swept away. These fifty-odd people are the claws and fangs of the Banks Familyy. Now that they are all in the hands of the Japanese government, the Banks Familyy's vitality is greatly injured. Banks Familyy, I, Charlie Wade, will definitely let you pay the price for the Anti-Leaf Alliance back then! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1857 After all the members of the Banks Familyy plane were under control, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces began to clear the ground and gradually restore order at the airport. They first drove over three buses with steel protective nets welded to their windows, so that everyone including Xion, under the watch of the self-defense team, boarded one by one. In order to prevent these people from escaping as much as possible, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces put two sets of handcuffs on everyone, besides, they also handcuffed them. Not only that, they also scattered these people and guarded them one-on-one. The seat division on the bus has two seats on each side. Therefore, every Banks Familyy in handcuffs and handcuffs was arranged to sit by the window, and then a self-defense team with live ammunition sat next to them to prevent them from having any chance to escape. In addition, ten self-defense personnel armed with live ammunition were arranged in the corridor of the bus to guard all suspects in the vehicle. If there is any change, they will be shot and killed immediately. Xion was leaning against the window with his face like ashes, looking out the window through the steel protective net. The airport at this time was brightly lit. For Xion, she should have taken off by plane and headed back home, but she never dreamed that she would become a prisoner. She still couldn't figure out which link went wrong. But she knew that she could not escape this time! After a while, all of the Banks Familyy's men were escorted into the bus by the self-defense team. As a result, the three buses started slowly under the escort of ten wheeled armored vehicles, ready to leave the airport. In order to ensure that there are no accidents to the greatest extent, the Japanese Homeland Security Department plans to relocate all the more than 50 people from the Banks Familyy to the Japanese Self- Defense Forces station in Osaka. There are tens of thousands of soldiers guarding them, and no one can rescue them from there. When the bus drove away from the scene, it happened to pass by the plane that Charlie Wade was on behind. The Gulfstream plane Charlie Wade took was a small plane with about ten seats, and the fuselage was not too high. And Xion was sitting in the bus, further shortening the height difference between the two. When passing by this Gulfstream plane, Xion looked at the plane's cockpit, just like looking at the cab of an off-road vehicle from an ordinary car. Leaning against the window of the car, she was so desperate, she suddenly caught a glimpse of a man who was somewhat familiar standing in the cockpit of a Gulfstream plane passing by. She glanced at it, angrily almost exploded on the spot! Because she recognized that on that plane, the man who was looking at her playfully was the man who sat next to her when he came to Osaka from Tokyo! “Why is he also on a private jet?" “And, it's still behind our plane?” "Why does the look in his eyes seem to play with me?!” "And, why would he pretend to be a squinting ordinary person on the plane?!” Countless questions suddenly gathered in Xion's brain. She suddenly realized that the person who leaked her whereabouts was most likely the Chinese who flew to Osaka with her! Xion couldn't help asking herself: “Who is he?!" Charlie Wade was not afraid of being seen through by Xion at this time, he kept looking at Xion in the bus with a mocking look. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1858 Seeing the other party getting closer and closer to him, Charlie Wade had a frivolous smile on his mouth, looked at Xion, waved at her, and shouted: “Hi, beauty!" Xion looked at him with cannibal eyes. Although Charlie Wade couldn't hear what Charlie Wade said, she could still easily recognize the mouth shape of the words “Hi Beauty”. From Charlie Wade's playful and ridiculous expressions, Xion realized that she was planted in the hands of this man. She stared at Charlie Wade fiercely with resentful eyes, and her teeth were almost crushed by her! At the moment when the car and the plane interacted and the distance between the two was the shortest, Charlie Wade made a decapitating gesture on his neck with his right hand. This gesture made Xion immediately furious! Suddenly she jumped up from her seat and shouted hoarsely: “Bad son! I will kill you myself!” Charlie Wade's hearing is much more sensitive than ordinary people, so he heard the woman's angry shout clearly. Immediately, he smiled at Xion, and said with a smile: “I'm waiting for you!” Xion recognized this mouth shape clearly, and was even more sure that Charlie Wade was the culprit who harmed her and more than fifty subordinates. At this moment, she couldn't wait to eat Charlie Wade alive! However, the reality does not give her any chance of revenge at all. The convoy had already begun to accelerate at this time, and soon passed by Charlie Wade, and after leaving the airport, it drove towards the Self-Defense Force station. At the same time, the airport staff had drove the plane towing the plane away, and at the same time the tower began to direct the airport to resume normal operations. The captain beside Charlie Wade said: “The tower has approved us to go to the runway and take off!” "Okay!" Charlie Wade smiled slightly, and said with satisfaction: “I have been out for so many days, it's time to go back!” The plane quickly taxied to the end of the runway, then continued to accelerate on the runway, and finally took off and left Japan. Although Charlie Wade left Japan, Japan was already boiling! All TV stations across the country are broadcasting major news urgently at this time. During the news, the host excitedly introduced to the audience that the Tokyo Matsumoto family killing case that shocked the whole country, 57 suspects have been arrested! The news also specifically broadcast real shots of the capture scene. The shocking scene of multiple armed helicopters, wheeled armored vehicles, and self-defense team members encircling the entire aircraft is indeed jaw-dropping. Soon, the news spread throughout Japan. Zayne was in a hot spring hotel in Aomori Prefecture at this time. After reading this news, he angrily smashed everything that could be smashed in the hotel room, including the TV hanging on the wall! This time, the Banks Familyy not only suffered heavy losses, but also disgraced! The old Lord Banks, who was in Eastcliff, had received the news for the first time. He called and blurted out and asked: “What's the matter?! What's the matter?! More than 50 people were taken by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces?! How did you lead the team?! If you didn't completely hand it over to you, you caused me such a disaster. You are trying to piss me off!” Zayne suppressed the anger in his heart, and said in pain, “Dad! I don't know what is going on, I don't know how to leak the wind, but you should know that I don't want to see this scene more than you. occur!” As he said, he firmly grasped his hair with one hand, gritted his teeth and said word by word: “Although Xion's identity is shameful, she is my flesh and blood after all, and now even her has been arrested. It is very likely that I will be sentenced to death by the Japanese government. Do you understand what I feel when I am a father?” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1859 Xion is only 21 years old this year. Her actual age is one year younger than Zara. However, from her birth until the age of eighteen, Zayne didn't know her existence. Xion's biological mother, whose real name is Kairi Elms, is the eldest daughter of the He family of China's four major martial arts families and one of Zayne's personal bodyguards. Kairi was not only beautiful, but also very capable. She was almost the leader of the Banks Familyy bodyguards at the time. She was three years older than Zayne. When Zayne was fifteen years old, he went abroad to study. For his safety, Lord Banks asked the Elms family to come over and became Zayne's personal bodyguard. That year, Kairi was eighteen years old and had just grown up. Since that year, she has been with Zayne. Accompany him to study, accompany him to study, accompany him to hone his family business, and accompany him to travel around the world. Even when Zayne frantically pursued his current wife Deana, Kairi had been secretly guarding. Kairi joined the world to protect Zayne when he was ignorant, and had been guarding him for more than ten years. she had no understanding of other men at all, so it was natural for her to have a secret love for Zayne, who she was most familiar with. Kairi has always kept this love in her heart because of the differences in their identities, ages, and family background. Until Zayne married Deana, Kairi, who was nearly 30 years old, still didnt reveal what she thought of him. In the second year of Zara's birth, Zayne was 30 and Kairi was 33. Zayne encountered a plot overseas. Kairi tried her best to save him at the risk of her life, but Kairi himself was lost because of this. Lost an arm. Kairi, who became a disabled person, had a sharp decline in combat capability, so Zayne had to let her retire and return to the Elm’s home early. When Kairi was leaving, Zayne was also upset. After all, for the 30-year-old at the time, Kairi had been with him almost every step of his life. Therefore, he asked Kairi if there was anything he could do for her. Kairi hesitated again and again, expressing the feelings she had buried in her heart for many years. Zayne, who is usually hard-hearted, was also moved by Kairi's confession. That night, he had an excuse to go out and spent the night out with Kairi. After that night, Kairi left Zayne and returned to her hometown in Northeast China. After more than nine months, Xion was born. Xion did not have the surname Banks at first, but followed her mother's surname. Xion Eims has been held in the palm of the hand by the Elms family since she was a child. She has never been to school. From the age of two to eighteen, she has been practicing ancient martial arts. Therefore, at the age of eighteen, she has surpassed her mother at the age of eighteen and became the strongest in the Elms family. After becoming an adult at the age of eighteen, Kairi told her her life experience. In Kairi's description, Zayne is a good father who values love and justice. The reason why he never cared about Xion is because he never knew her existence. Therefore, Kairi gave Xion two choices. Stay and continue to practice martial arts in EIm’s family; Or leave home to work for her biological father. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1860 Xion considered the latter for a long time and chose the latter. Because she can faintly realize that this is the path her mother hopes to choose. Zayne didn't know Xion's life experience at the beginning, but felt that this girl was extraordinary in strength, a manufacturable, and very much like Kairi back then. Xion also obeyed her mother’s instructions, and didn’t want Zayne to know this, but the old and cunning Lord Banks saw some clues from Xion. He always felt that the look in Zayne's eyes was something wrong with this young girl This kind of wrong made him vigilant. He was afraid that Xion was an undercover agent sent by his opponent, so he asked people to thoroughly investigate Xion's identity. Going up the source step by step, he finally found Kairi. After learning that Xion might be Zayne's daughter, the father ordered someone to collect the hair of the two and quietly compare the DNA. After getting the definite result, he told Zayne all this. Zayne's first reaction was shock, and his second reaction was moved. He is really why Kairi is moved by his feelings. After that night that year, she not only gave birth to her own daughter, but also cultivated her into a talent, and quietly sent her back to him to protect his safety. However, he was also worried about Xion’s identity. After all, Xion is the illegitimate daughter of his derailed marriage. If you let your wife, children, and others know Xion's identity, then your image in their minds will be greatly reduced. Moreover, with the wife's character, she will definitely choose to divorce herself without hesitation. Even with this mistake, nearly two decades have passed. After the old man discussed with him, the two thought of a solution, pretending not to know. Since Xion didn't want to disclose his identity and recognize him as the father, he didn’t need to take the initiative to recognize this daughter. Everyone keeps secrets in their hearts, and everything in life will not be affected by this. In the past few years, Zayne took special care of Xion and even trained her as a leader of the Banks Familyy master team. He felt that even if he couldn't show Xion's fatherly love, he must arrange Xion's future properly so that she could realize her own life value in Banks’ house, and let her become a master in the future, and worry about food and clothing. But he never expected that a trip to Japan would ruin all of Xion’s future, even his life. So, how can he not suffer at this moment! Lord Banks could understand his mood at this time. He was silent for a while, and sighed after a long while, saying: “The current situation is very unfavorable for the Banks Familyy. We have lost so many people at once. This matter will spread before dawn. All over the country, now we are like tigers with broken teeth. I am worried that the Wade family will be the first one to be unable to hold back! So you can't get too distracted by this matter, it's best to go back to China right away and discuss it together. Now, what should I do next!" Zayne choked and said, “Dad, I have a request, and I hope you can agree to it!” Lord Banks hummed, “Say it, I'll listen to it!" Zayne stared at him and said, “At all costs, we must rescue Xion!” Lord Banks said with emotion: “Zayne, this matter is really too ruthless! It is tantamount to slap the Japanese government in the face of the whole world. They will definitely deal with this kind of thing severely. If she is rescued, the cost may be too high for you to imagine!” Zayne said seriously: “Xion’s implementation is what I meant, so I am at my fault in this matter!” He said, “The Japanese government just wanted to catch the murderer and bring it to justice, and give the people an account. They arrested more than fifty of us, and one of the fifty-something was released. The core purpose has no effect, is it always okay to sell face?”

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