The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1486-1490

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1486 As soon as the voice fell, there were loud gunfire around! When the gunfire gradually stopped, Jiro Kobayashi was shocked to find that there was no one standing around him. Charlie Wade had already explained that, except for Jiro Kobayashi, no one else would stay tonight. Therefore, Cameron Isaac's men are naturally not so kind. Jiro Kobayashi saw his assistant, his driver, and the masters he had invited from a long distance from Japan, all of them fell in a pool of blood, life and death unknown, and his whole body broke down and cried in an instant: “Please! Please don't Kill me! I am the patriarch of the Kobayashi family in Japan and the chairman of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall Co., Ltd.! As long as you don't kill me, I will give it no matter how much it costs!” At this time, a cold voice came: “Jiro Kobayashi, I found out that the people of your Kobayashi family really don't have a long memory, and you always have to have trouble with me?” When Jiro Kobayashi heard this voice, he shuddered. Soon after, he saw Charlie Wade's handsome and arrogant face. “Wade...Mr. Wade?!" Jiro Kobayashi almost collapsed: “You... why are you here?” Charlie Wade asked him: “Liam is my person, and Oracle Pharmaceutical is my company. If you want to kidnap him and snatch the formula of Oracle Nova Dias, then of course I will come to you for a while! lest you think I am a soft persimmon. , You and your dead ghost brother, anyone can pinch.” "Ah?!" Jiro Kobayashi knelt on the ground with a plop, and cried loudly: “Mr. Wade, I'm sorry, Mr. Wade! I really don't know that Liam is yours, let alone Oracle Pharmaceutical is yours. , If I knew, I would kill me, I wouldn't dare to disobey you in any way!" Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Don't f*cking talk nonsense with me, you've already dealt with my people, and your mother said that you didn't disobey me? Are you so easy to deceive me as a three-year-old child?” Jiro Kobayashi was really scared and passed out. Does he know who Charlie Wade is? I also know Charlie Wade's methods. After all, his brother was planted in Charlie Wade's hands. This time, he himself was in Charlie Wade's hands, and he naturally knew that Charlie Wade could not spare himself easily. Because he was afraid that Charlie Wade would kill his own brother like he killed his brother, he kowtowed and said: “Mr. Wade, please calm down and don't be familiar with people like me. You can count on what happened today. I will pay you as much money! How about a billion? As long as you nod your head, I will immediately have someone put the money into your account.” “Ten billion?” Charlie Wade snorted: “Yes, Jiro Kobayashi. This time, I'm not doing it for money.” Jiro Kobayashi cried and asked, “Mr. Wade, how can you be satisfied?” Charlie Wade said contemptuously: “You stay in Japan honestly, our well water does not disturb the river, everyone is in peace, but you don't have long eyes, and you have to come to me for trouble. If so, then I will send you to Meet your brother!” "Ah?!" Jiro Kobayashi had always thought that his brother had been killed by Charlie Wade's men, and when he heard this, he peed his pants in shock. His whole crotch was soaked quickly, even on the concrete floor, but he couldn't take care of it at this time, and he kept crying and crying: “No, Mr. Wade! No! No! I'm still young!! I don't want to die!!! Please! Raise your hands high and spare my life, I am willing to be a cow and a horse for you!!” Charlie Wade said contemptuously: “Jiro Kobayashi, look at you for a good job! The big masters cry like this, aren't you ashamed?” Jiro Kobayashi was already crying with tears, "Mr. Wade...I...I don't want to die...I haven't lived enough... I'm not married yet...No one in the Kobayashi family stays behind...You can't let my Kobayashi family’s blood and soul be broken in a foreign country!” Charlie Wade saw him crying like a girl, and said contemptuously: “Pee soaking urine and take a picture of yourself, how can you look like a hot-blooded man? When did I say I'm going to kill you? Don't worry, I will stay. You are a dog.” Jiro Kobayashi looked surprised: “You... didn’t you say you want to send me to see my brother?” Charlie Wade gave a hum, and said lightly: “I really want to send you to see your brother, but I forgot to tell you, I also left your brother alive as my dog!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1487 When Jiro Kobayashi heard that Charlie Wade said that he had spared his brother's life, his whole body had completely collapsed. He said angrily, “ charged me 1 billion Dollar and promised to kill my brother. Have you been lying to me?!” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Jiro Kobayashi, don't be so silly and sweet. If you come out, you will be intriguing. Can't you understand this?” Jiro Kobayashi said angrily: “ are not trustworthy!” Charlie Wade asked in turn: “I don't talk about credit? You talk? Do you think you are a person again? You fcking came to China from Japan, in order to grab my formula and intend to kidnap my subordinates, you fcking talk about credit? Also, your brother came to China from Japan and grabbed my magic medicine formula. He said he was credited? Or is it normal for your Kobayashi family to grab other people's things?” Jiro Kobayashi was speechless. Charlie Wade said in disgust at this time: “Isn't it saying that I don't speak credibility? That's okay! Then let's just do it, I will let someone kill your brother now!” After finishing speaking, he looked at Jiro Kobayashi and said: “In addition, I have already said. I want to send you to meet your brother, but you don’t want your brother to live, so I can only kill your brother first., And then kill you and send you to hell to see your brother. This should be considered credibility, right?” After hearing this, Jiro Kobayashi shivered with fright. He immediately knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Charlie Wade and said: “Mr. Wade, I was wrong! I just fart with my mouth full, you must not be like me. I have to thank you, you were merciful and spared my brother's life... and thank you, mercifully, you spared my life!” Charlie Wade sneered: “It's almost the same, let's go, Jiro Kobayashi, I will take you to meet your brother.” After finishing speaking, he waved to Cameron Isaac: “Put him up and go to Don Albertt's dog farm!” Cameron Isaac nodded immediately: “Good Master Wade!” Liam on the side also hurriedly asked, “Master Wade, do you want me to come too?” Charlie Wade patted him on the shoulder and said lightly: “You are already busy enough with the pharmaceutical factory. You have experienced this tonight. You should go back and have a rest. You will have the factory supervise the production tomorrow.” Liam nodded hurriedly and said, “Master Wade, then I will go back.” Cameron Isaac asked his men to put Ichiro Kobayashi in one of the cars. Later, he left a group of people to do the aftermath, and he personally drove Charlie Wade to Don Albertt’s dog farm. After arriving at the kennel, Cameron Isaac sent someone to bring Jiro Kobayashi into Don Albertt's office. Don Albertt hurriedly greeted him and said respectfully to Charlie Wade: “Master Wade, you are here!” Charlie Wade nodded slightly and asked him, “Don Albertt, how is Ichiro Kobayashi doing here recently?” Don Albertt smiled and said, “It's not bad. This grandson is quite obedient recently. He raises dogs, walks the dog, and cleans the kennel every day. In his spare time, he learns Chinese. Last month he also asked me to buy him Two dictionaries.” Charlie Wade smiled: “This guy is okay, and he also has a passion for learning.” Don Albertt said: “Master Wade, the key is that this grandson has nowhere to go. He never dared to leave the kennel for half a step. He stays here 24 hours a day. There is something to kill the boring time.” Charlieen said, “Okay, you go and call him over.” "okay!" Don Albertt stepped out immediately. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1488 After a while, a man wearing a blue-gray labor insurance suit, gloves and sleeves ran in with excitement. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Charlie Wade and hurriedly said excitedly: “Mr. Wade, hello! It's been a long time!” Ichiro Kobayashi has been here for a long time. For a long time, he has dealt with several of Don Albertt's men every day. Most of the time, he can only deal with dogs. So over time, he felt very lonely in his heart. Hearing that Charlie Wade had come and wanted to see himself at this time, he couldn't help feeling agitated in his heart. Excited because he felt that he hadn't seen acquaintances and friends for a long time, and Charlie Wade, although he was not a friend of his own, was at least an acquaintance? It is already a rare thing for him to see the faces of acquaintances. Charlie Wade looked at him and said with a smile: “Ichiro Kobayashi, you can speak Chinese well, I can't hear any accent at all. Have you worked hard recently?” Ichiro Kobayashi smiled shyly and said, “In addition to raising dogs every day, I have been studying Chinese for the rest of my time. Other workers at the kennel have been helping me practice speaking and pronunciation, so the progress is not bad, Mr. Wade. you flatter me!” Charlie Wade nodded, pointing to Jiro Kobayashi, who was kneeling on the ground with his back facing Ichiro Kobayashi trembling, and smiled: “Ichiro Kobayashi, I brought an acquaintance over to tell you about the past. Come and see who this person is.” Jiro Kobayashi was shaking violently in shock at this time. When he heard his brother's voice, he was very scared. This was mainly because he knew he was wrong and felt guilty. After all, I spent a lot of money at the beginning and found many people from Japan to come to China to hunt down and kill my own brother. In the end, he even gave Charlie Wade 1 billion to buy his brother's life. But I never dreamed that Charlie Wade deceived himself and his brother was still alive. Therefore, he was afraid that his brother would fight hard with him after seeing him. Ichiro Kobayashi didn’t know that the man kneeling in front of Charlie Wade with his back turned to him was his younger brother. He heard Charlie Wade say that he had brought an acquaintance to tell him about the past, so he curiously leaned in and wanted to find out. It didn’t matter to look at it. When he saw Jiro Kobayashi's face, he was struck by lightning. Soon, Ichiro Kobayashi suddenly burst into blue veins! “Jiro! You bastard! I have always regarded you as brothers, but I didn't expect you to want my life! I'll kill you!” Jiro Kobayashi was frightened, and he blurted out and shouted: “Brother! Brother! I can't be blamed for this! At the beginning, my father took the medicine you sent back, and he died suddenly not long after. I thought that you deliberately killed your father. , So I want you to pay for your life...” Ichiro Kobayashi rushed up angrily, grabbed Jiro Kobayashi by the collar, and punched him in the face with his fists! At the same time, he gritted his teeth and cursed: “It might be useful for you to lie to other people in the family, but if you want to lie to me, there is no way!” “Do you think I don't know what kind of wishful thinking you are playing? You know that I am in China, it is impossible to kill my father so far and make you for nothing!” "You also know that after the death of my father, as the eldest son, I will inherit the family property!” “That's why you added a charge of father-killing, wanted to kill me, and monopolized the entire Kobayashi family!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1489 After a short time, Jiro Kobayashi was beaten with blood on his face and almost passed out several times. However, I was soon awakened by Kobayashi's angry fist! Ichiro Kobayashi is awesome now. Although I used to be a rich second generation who was hollowed out by wine, but during this period of hard work every day in Don Albertt's kennel, his physical fitness has been greatly improved. I dare not say that I am a master, but the hammer is the same. Jiro Kobayashi, who was hollowed out by alcohol, couldn't be more weak. Jiro Kobayashi realized at this time how weak his body was. After a few punches, he was beaten for half his life. He cried vaguely: “Brother, please forgive me for the sake of my brothers and compatriots, please forgive me..." After speaking, he burst into tears. Ichiro Kobayashi gritted his teeth and cursed: “Do you still think that we are brothers? Do you still think that we are compatriots?!” “Jiro, have you forgotten how much I loved you when I was a child and a teenager?!” "Even when we become adults, we often fight for family status, but I have never hurt you!” “But what about you? You know that I am the brother of your same father and mother, and you know that I cannot take the initiative to kill your father, but you still put the charge of father killing on my head, even costing a billion to Take my life!” “I don't have a brother who is inferior to a beast like you. Today I will clean up the door for the Kobayashi family! I personally kill you bastard!” Jiro Kobayashi wailed in fright, and his voice became hoarse. However, Ichiro Kobayashi has no sympathy. His eyes were red with hatred at this time. Seeing that he was really going to beat Jiro Kobayashi to death, Charlie Wade stepped forward to hold him, and said coldly: “Ichiro, let your brother live, and he will take over your job here.” Ichiro Kobayashi was startled, crying and asked Charlie Wade: “Mr. Wade, you...why do you want to keep such a perfidious bastard?! He can even bite his brother, so you are not afraid that he will be right someday. Are you a black hand?” Charlie Wade laughed sarcastically: “I give him the courage, can he dare?” When Jiro Kobayashi heard that Charlie Wade was planning to let himself go and let himself take over his brother's job here, he didn't care about knowing what the job was, so he knelt on the ground and kowtowed, crying, “Mr. Wade, thank you. Great mercy! Thank you!" Charlie Wade chuckled, and Ichiro Kobayashi hurriedly asked respectfully: “Mr. Wade, you let him take over my job, what are my next arrangements?” Charlie Wade turned to look at Ichiro Kobayashi, and asked faintly: “Ichiro, do you want to return to Japan to inherit Kobayashi Pharmaceutical?” When Ichiro Kobayashi heard this, his blood boiled, and he blurted out, “Go back to Japan?! Inherit Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall?! Wade... Mr. Wade... You... You are not... Are you kidding me?!” Charlie Wade smiled: “I am consulting your opinion very seriously. If I let you go back, would you like to go back?” Ichiro Kobayashi was shaking with excitement and crying: “I am willing! Mr. Wade, I am willing!" Charlie Wade nodded: “It's okay to go back, but I have a condition. You must promise me first.” Ichiro Kobayashi knew that Charlie Wade could not let himself go back for no reason, so he did not hesitate to say: “Mr. Wade, no matter what the conditions, I promise you! As long as you can let me go back to Japan!” Although the days at the kennel were not hard and did not suffer any serious crimes, it was after all countless times worse than when Ichiro Kobayashi was the eldest son of the Kobayashi family. He had suffered for so long and wanted to go back in his dreams. He thought that he might be inseparable from this kennel in his life, but he did not expect that Charlie Wade was really willing to give himself this opportunity now. Therefore, no matter what the price is paid, he has no complaints! However, he never dreamed that Charlie Wade opened his mouth and said: “Ichiro Kobayashi, I will send you back to Japan to let you take control of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals again, but I want you to give me 80% of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals. Can you agree?” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1490 "What?!" Both Ichiro Kobayashi and Jiro Kobayashi were blindfolded. Charlie Wade wants 80% of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall's shares? ! This appetite is too big! This is no longer the lion's big mouth! This is the big mouth of the whale! Kobayashi's expression was extremely uncomfortable. Just now, I was thinking that Charlie Wade might just want some money at most, and it doesn't matter if he has a few billions. After biting his teeth, he gave it to him. After all, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall is still making money very quickly. But I never dreamed that they wanted 80% of the shares! However, when Jiro Kobayashi on the side heard this, he immediately settled an account. Why does Charlie Wade want shares of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall? It must be that he wants to produce his Oracle Nova Dias with all his strength. For example, if Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s current market value is 100 billion Dollar, then 80% of it to Charlie Wade, it looks like it gave him 80 billion Dollar. However, my brother was staying in this kennel, and he certainly didn't know the Oracle Nova Dias that was just launched. The effect of this new stomach medicine was amazing! Look at it this way, if Oracle Pharmaceutical continues to develop, the income of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall will be greatly affected. If revenue plummets, market value will plummet. Maybe after a while, the market value of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall has fallen below 20 billion. In that case, what if you own 100% of the shares? Didn't it still cost 80 billion Dollar, even far more than 80 billion Dollar? If Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall goes downhill because it can't compete with Oracle Pharmaceutical, it might go bankrupt one day. However, if you accept Charlie Wade's cooperation, it will be another situation. Once accepted the cooperation, Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall is equivalent to selling itself to Charlie Wade, and Charlie Wade will definitely use Kobayashi's production line to produce Nova Dias. In that case, the output of Nova Dias will increase sharply and profits will also increase. Although the Kobayashi family still has 20% of the shares left, if Charlie Wade develops well, the market value of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall may double or even double. If doubled and the market value changes from 100 billion to 200 billion, then 20% will be as much as 40 billion! If you doubled it several times, it might even be better than doing it yourself before! After all, now Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s leading products are completely overtaken by Oracle Pharmaceutical, and Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall's performance is bound to decline rapidly! Thinking of this, Jiro Kobayashi hurriedly vomited the blood in his mouth, raised his hands and said loudly, “Mr. Wade, I am willing! I am willing to give you 80% of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall’s shares! I beg you to let me go, and don't let my brother. Let it out!” As soon as Ichiro Kobayashi heard this, he didn't hesitate to say, “Mr. Wade, don't listen to this beast barking here! I agree to your proposal! Give you 80% of Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall!” Jiro Kobayashi hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, I will give 85%!!!" At this time, Jiro Kobayashi knew very well in his heart that if he failed in the competition and was left here, he would not be able to turn over for a lifetime! Seeing this, Ichiro Kobayashi on the side scolded: “Jiro! Are you a brute still trying to harm me?! Your conscience has been eaten by a dog!” After speaking, he turned to look at Charlie Wade, gritted his teeth and said: “Mr. Wade, I am willing to pay 90%!"

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