The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1411-1415

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1411 Charlie Wade was indeed very disgusted with Yamamoto Kazuki, but one of them said one, and the other said two. His impression of Nanako Ito is still very good. Although Nanako Ito has practiced martial arts for many years, she can still see the tenderness in her bones, and she is a rare sensible girl. Dr. Simmons heard him and said immediately: “I know Master Wade, don’t worry, if she comes back next time, I will do my best to treat guests.” "Well, that's enough.” Charlie Wade said, “I will be home soon, so I won't tell you anymore.” “Good Master Wade.” After hanging up Dr. Simmons'’s phone, Charlie Wade drove into the Thompson First Villa area. Seeing that he was about to reach his door, Charlie Wade gradually slowed down. At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed out from one side, blocking his car. Charlie Wade stopped the car with a brake, and when he looked up, he found that the person in front of his car turned out to be Nanako Ito! He couldn't help wondering. Why is this Japanese woman here? Nanako Ito's strength is indeed very good among ordinary people, so it is not surprising that she can get the first grade of Thompson First. However, Charlie Wade was curious, what did this Japanese woman do for herself? At this time, Nanako Ito stood in front of Charlie Wade's BMW car, did not speak, but bowed deeply to him with a humble face. Charlie Wade helplessly pushed the door and got out of the car. He came to her and asked, “Miss Ito, what are you doing here?” Nanako Ito raised her head, looking at Charlie Wade with a nervous expression. After hesitating for a while, her legs suddenly bent and kneeled in front of him, begging: “Mr. Wade, I beg you to save my master!” "Save him?” Charlie Wade asked amused: “He has all his meridians severed. Why do you think I can save him?" Nanako Ito said confidently: “I believe in my own judgment. I believe you will be able to save my master. Of course he is at fault, but there is no such fault!” Charlie Wade sneered: “This is not the fault? You have to know that he insulted today, not me alone, but all the children of China. Why do you think he was not wrong? I will not mention how much Japan left to the Chinese people. Injuries and scars, just the words of the sick man of East Asia are completely inexcusable!” Nanako Ito said with shame: “You are right. I know those four words are very inappropriate, but my master himself is an old man in his twilight years. Now because of these four words, you will make him useless for the rest of his life. , This is really too cruel, right? Moreover, your subordinates engraved those four characters on his forehead. He has already endured inhuman torture and insult, so please raise your hand and let him go.. ...." Charlie Wade said lightly: “Miss Ito, let me give you a piece of advice.” Nanako Ito didn't understand why Charlie Wade wanted to give herself a piece of advice, so she hurriedly said: “Mr. Wade, please tell me, I'll listen!” Charlie Wade said: “You should return to Japan and find a good man to marry you. From now on, you will be married to each other. Don't try to practice martial arts anymore, let alone hope to be able to make a difference in martial arts.” Nanako Ito looked at him and asked unconvincingly: “Mr. Wade, do you look down on my strength? Although I am not worth mentioning in front of you, I have at least won the championship of two world college competitions, better than most people. Is it much better?” Charlie Wade smiled and said: “Your strength is indeed very good among people of your age, but your mentality is not suitable for martial arts.” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1412 Nanako Ito frowned and said, “I would like to ask Mr. Wade to make it clear!” Charlie Wade said: “First of all, the martial arts must first cultivate the mind, then the body, and then the skill.” “In other words, the importance of mood is greater than physical fitness and martial arts.” "Whether you practice fighting, Sanda, Jeet Kune Do, Karate, Wing Chun, Tai Chi, it doesn't really matter, what matters is your heart!” Nanako Ito asked puzzledly: “My heart? What happened to my heart?” Charlie Wade snorted coldly, and condescendingly yelled, “Your heart is full of women’s benevolence, full of gambling, no open-mindedness, no calmness, and no wolfishness!” "Wolfness?!” Nanako Ito's expression tightened and exclaimed: “What do you mean? What is wolfness?” Charlie Wade said: “The so-called wolf nature is the tenacity and cruelty. If the wolf's companion is caught by the hunter, the wolf will only try to save it, and will not try to beg the hunter to spare it!" “If a wolf's companion is injured, it will not lie next to it and whimper, it will show its fangs to help the companion avenge. It will fight once it has been beaten, but if it fails, it will try its best, and it will find a suitable opportunity to fight again!” "However, a qualified wolf, no matter what, will never beg for mercy in front of the enemy! If it is just a husky, no matter how big and powerful it is, it will not be a wolf's opponent,” “So, you are not a qualified warrior at all!" Nanako Ito asked angrily: “Why do you say that I am unqualified?” Charlie Wade said coldly: “I said you were unqualified because you made three mistakes!” “One of the mistakes! You lack the tolerance to bet!” “Your master bet fair with me. The outcome is your own responsibility. Even your master is willing to gamble and accept the consequences of failure. As his apprentice, you can't accept it. You even come to me and ask if If you lose your bet, do you shame and refuse to admit defeat?” Nanako Ito was flushed with reprimand, and she didn't know what to do for a while. Charlie Wade continued: “The second mistake! As a martial artist, although your body is strong, your heart is extremely weak. This proves that you are not worthy of being a martial artist from the bottom of your heart! In my eyes, a martial artist is a brave man who dares to fight and break. You are not afraid of a dead wolf, and although you have the physique and fangs of a wolf, in your bones, you are a poor Teddy dog!” When Nanako Ito heard this, tears burst into her eyes. And Charlie Wade continued. “The third mistake! A warrior should be like a warrior who regards death as home. On the battlefield, his head can be broken, blood can flow, and integrity should not be lost! And you? You came to me and begged for mercy. On the real battlefield, you will also be down on the enemy. Kneel to beg for mercy? Would you also beg the other side to show mercy and let you go?” "A warrior who kneels down to the enemy begging for mercy is by no means a qualified warrior. Therefore, I said that you are not a qualified warrior. Do you have half wronged you?!" "What you are doing now has tainted the word martial artist! Therefore, I advise you not to practice martial arts anymore, you are not worthy!” “Since you have such a benevolent woman, you should go back to be a good wife, a good mother, and a good woman. I believe you will perform better than a warrior!” After Charlie Wade's unrelenting reprimand, Nanako Ito's mood collapsed instantly, and she cried bitterly. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1413 Charlie Wade's words let Nanako Ito understand that she had never been a qualified martial artist. Even though I have ever won a world championship, even if I have been a top young master in the world, I still don't understand the soul of martial arts. Seeing her crying with pear blossoms and rain, the whole person almost collapsed, Charlie Wade couldn't help but sighed and said: “Excuse me, what I said just now is a bit heavier, but I hope you can understand what the real martial arts soul is! Nanako Ito raised her head, and stared at Charlie Wade with big red eyes. She knelt on the ground with her legs bent and said with tears: “Nanako also asks Mr. Wade to make it clear, and ask Mr. Wade to order it!" Charlie Wade didn't stretch out his hand to help her, but said seriously: “The soul of martial arts is not in the level of strength, but the strength of the heart!” "He has a strong heart, even if he is a waste person, he does not live up to the martial arts spirit. For example, your master, although he is defiant and conceited, he can at least bear the consequences of failure. From this point of view, he is indeed much better than you. I" Nanako Ito said sadly, “Master even tried to commit suicide today. I believe that if his hands can still be used, he will definitely choose to commit suicide...” Charlie Wade nodded: “Then this proves that although he is very weak, he still has a strong heart. From the bottom of his heart, he has not lived up to the identity of a martial artist, and you...” Having said that, Charlie Wade glanced up and down Nanako Ito, and said seriously: “For now, you are really not suitable for martial arts practice. Let me give you a piece of advice. After this competition, go back to Japan and go to your university. After graduating from university, you can take a postgraduate entrance examination for further studies, or get married and have children as soon as possible to live the lives of ordinary people.” Nanako Ito said with red eyes and earnestly said, “But...but I really don’t want to give up martial arts!” Charlie Wade said lightly: “Since you don't want to give up, then you have to find a way to make your heart stronger.” Nanako Ito asked, “Mr. Wade, do I become stronger inside?” Charlie Wade said: “It's very simple. First of all, you have to start with your master. First confess his fate for him. This is the first step to a strong heart; to avenge him is the second step to a strong heart.” Nanako Ito hurriedly waved his hand: “Mr. Wade, I never thought of avenging Master... Nanako knows that she is far from your opponent, and also knows that Master's ending today, no wonder you..." “Yeah.” Charlie Wade nodded approvingly, and said seriously: “Since you know that you can’t blame me for this matter, it proves that you have made a little progress. This matter is entirely your master’s fault. So I advise you not to You need to put too much psychological pressure on yourself. If you think he is pitiful, just take care of him after returning to Japan.” Nanako Ito nodded again and again: “Master Wade, Nanako understands!” Charlie Wade said, “Well, it's okay if you understand, it's okay, it's not too early, you should go back early.” Nanako Ito hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, Nanako has one more question to ask you...” Charlie Wade: “You said.” Nanako Ito asked, “Mr. Wade, is it possible for you to accept Nanako as a disciple?” Charlie Wade said decisively: “It's impossible.” "Why?" Nanako Ito hurriedly asked him: “Is it because I am not qualified enough, or because I am a Japanese?” Charlie Wade didn't conceal his words, and said straightforwardly: “The main reason is that you are a Japanese. For thousands of years, the Chinese have taught the Japanese so much, but the Japanese don't know how to be grateful. In the past two to three centuries of modern times, I have repeatedly made enemies with China and even harmed the Chinese people. As the saying goes, I will gain one wisdom from one bite. Therefore, I will never pass the Chinese martial arts to a Japanese woman.” Nanako Ito lost her heart instantly. For the first time, she felt ashamed because she was a Japanese. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1414 So, she hurriedly put her hands on the floor, bowed her head and said: “Mr. Wade, Nanako apologizes to you and the Chinese people for all Japanese who have hurt the Chinese people. I'm sorry! Nanako will do her best to repay Japan's debt for the rest of her life!” Charlie Wade waved his hand: “Okay, this account may never be clear. I am very pleased if you have this heart.” After finishing speaking, he reached out to support Nanako Ito and said: “You have two more matches to play next. Go back and prepare well. As Aurora's coach, I am still looking forward to seeing the two of you meet in the finals. So in the next semi-finals, you must play well. Only after successfully qualifying for the final can you meet Aurora in the final.” Nanako Ito said firmly: “Mr. Wade, please rest assured, Nanako will definitely go all out to meet Aurora in the final!" "Okay." Charlie Wade nodded in satisfaction: “Then see you in the final.” After all, Charlie Wade turned back to the BMW car and drove the BMW into his Thompson First Villa. Nanako Ito looked in the direction behind the car for a long time, until Charlie Wade disappeared, and she was still standing there, touching for about ten minutes. At this moment, deep in her heart, a strong admiration for Charlie Wade suddenly emerged. It turns out that a man like Charlie Wade is the real martial arts master. Deep down, she made a comparison between the two. In contrast, although her master was firm enough in his heart, his strength and personality were far worse than Charlie Wade. Especially the rebellious and blind self-confidence of Master before him, thinking that he is already a top expert, and proactively provoking Charlie Wade. From this point, it can be seen that Master's mentality has lost more than 100,000 compared to Charlie Wade. Eight thousand miles Charlie Wade's strength was incredible, but before he really took the shot, he couldn't see any arrogance or arrogance at all. From an objective point of view, the teacher who put the words of the sick man in East Asia on his lips at that time was like a clown. And Charlie Wade's words were not wrong at all. The reason why the master would end up like this was to get a hammer. At this moment, her adoration and admiration for Charlie Wade was like a nuclear bomb that broke out in an instant, and it had an extremely powerful influence deep in her heart. So that she was full of Charlie Wade's figure, lingering. The ears were filled with Charlie Wade's sonorous and powerful reprimands. To her, it was simply an initiation. Jiro Kobayashi waited for a long time outside the door of Thompson First, only to see the desperate Nanako Ito walking slowly. He hurriedly got out of the car and asked, “Miss Nanako, have you seen Charlie Wade?" Nanako Ito nodded, and whispered absent-mindedly, “See... I saw him.” Jiro Kobayashi was busy and asked again: “Then he promised to help Mr. Yamamoto?” Nanako Ito shook her head and muttered softly as if she was talking to herself: “This matter is because I think wrong and think too much. I shouldn't give up the soul of the warrior and come to ask Mr. Wade to save people...Master His old man is a qualified warrior, a qualified warrior, who must have the courage to face his own destiny...” "And I...Since I want to be a qualified warrior, I also have the courage to face the fate of others...” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1415 This night, Nanako Ito stayed up all night. She kept thinking about what Charlie Wade said to herself, somehow, after thinking more, she suddenly felt that she must not give up martial arts! Even, I must redouble my efforts and work hard, and I must make Charlie Wade admire myself! Perhaps Charlie Wade would never accept her as a disciple, but she must use practical actions to tell him that she would become a qualified warrior! Jiro Kobayashi, who has always wanted to pursue Nanako Ito, has not been able to sleep for a long time. While he couldn't wait to take Nanako Ito, he also looked forward to the next advertising campaign by Kobayashi Niranex in China. Because Kobayashi's Niranex is the title sponsor of the finals, now is a good opportunity for Kobayashi’s Niranex to promote it. Moreover, what Jiro Kobayashi did not expect was that Chinese player Aurora turned out to be a dark horse in this game! For him, because he wants to open up the Chinese market, he very much hopes that Chinese players can achieve excellent results in this game. Because, the more so, the Chinese audience will pay more attention to this game. It is best if the Chinese players can win the championship, and the influence of this game will become very big in China. Then, Niranex can take this opportunity to carry forward in China. However, he did not dare to expect Chinese players to win the championship before, after all, among the top five seeded players in this game, there are no Chinese players. However, it now appears that Aurora has the posture of counterattack to win the championship, which is definitely an unexpected good result for herself. As for Nanako Ito, Jiro Kobayashi didn’t want her to win. First, if the winner of this game is a Japanese player and sponsored by a Japanese company, it is likely to cause a certain degree of resistance from the Chinese audience. Secondly, Jiro Kobayashi wanted to wait for Nanako Ito to marry her after graduating from university. If she wins this competition, she must prepare for the Olympics next. If she wins the next Olympics championship, It will definitely take advantage of the peak state to prepare for the next Olympics. In this way, the matter of marriage must become insignificant in the eyes of Nanako Ito. Therefore, if Nanako Ito loses this game, then abandons martial arts, abandons the Olympics, and marries herself willingly, and then teaches her son, that is the best result for herself. If Aurora can win this game and arouse the attention and pride of the whole of China, then Niranex will surely be able to use this game to successfully spread across the country. In that way, at least tens of billions of profits will be brought to Kobayashi Pharmaceutical every year, which will enable Kobayashi Pharmaceuticall to quickly restore its vitality and set foot on a new peak! This is the result that Jiro Kobayashi wants most! The next day. Stefanie started filming an advertisement for Nova Dias in the studio of a film and television base in Aurouss Hilll. When shooting the commercial, Charlie Wade came to the film and television base to explore the class. In fact, he didn’t want to come at all. However, because his wife, Claire Wilson Wilson, really wanted to see the whole process of Stefanie shooting the commercial with her own eyes, she pestered herself to bring her over. Although Stefanie was quite dissatisfied with Charlie Wade's act of bringing his wife to visit the class, in general, Charlie Wade's presence here still made her feel very happy. Advertising shooting is relatively simple. After shooting the material for a day, the shooting is basically done.

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