The Charismatic Charlie Wade
Chapter 1356-1360

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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1356 After he finished speaking, he looked at Nanako Ito, who was surprised, and said with a smile: “Miss Nanako, your roots and meridians are indeed very good. From the perspective of our traditional Chinese martial arts, your Ren Du two veins have been opened. Nearly half of the time, if the two channels of Ren and Du are fully opened, then you have the opportunity to become a disciple of the inner family.” “Ren Du Ermai?!” Nanako Ito asked in surprise: “Is this the Ren Du Ermai mentioned in Chinese martial arts novels? In addition, what is the inner disciple?!” Charlie Wade said solemnly: “The martial arts novels are also based on traditional martial arts, just like the two lines of Ren Du mentioned in it. This concept was not proposed by the author of martial arts novels, but was an old Chinese medicine practitioner thousands of years ago. The ancestor proposed it.” “As for the inner disciple you asked, let me tell you this, you practice the way you are now, even if you practice for another forty to fifty years, when you are as old as this uncle Yamamoto, you still haven't really entered into martial arts. Only by opening up the two channels of Ren and Du, and assisting them with the teaching of internal strength techniques by masters of the internal family, can they become a disciple of the internal family.” Nanako Ito asked again: “Then...Is the inner disciple very strong?” Yamamoto Kazuki sneered: “Nanako, don't listen to this kid talking about it. The so-called “internal family and external family” is just a method of deceiving people in ancient Chinese martial arts. Do you remember that I have shown you some of them who are called too high-handed? Old Chinese lady?” Nanako Ito: "Remember..." Yamamoto Kazuki sneered and said: “Some old ladies wore a white Tai Chi suit and could hit more than a dozen strong men with a single wave. What's even more outrageous was that they lined up a dozen or two dozen people in a row. An Lady slapped a hand in front of her, and she could knock the entire row of dozens of people down to the ground. It seemed so mysterious, but it was just a scene arranged by the extras!” Charlie Wade smiled slightly: “It is undeniable that there are indeed many people who bluff and deceive under the banner of the inner disciples, but this is just the personal behavior of some liars. You can't deny the existence of this thing just because someone relies on this deception.” “By the way, some time ago I met a few guys in Aurouss Hilll who are known as Japanese karate masters. They are the bodyguards of big men. They brag about themselves as if the world is invincible. But in the end, these people were all caught by my friends and fed to dogs, is it because these people are weak, I will deny you Japanese karate?” Yamamoto Kazuki was speechless for a while, he didn't know whether the story Charlie Wade told was true. The expression on the side of Jiro Kobayashi became very frightened. He knows what Charlie Wade said, who are those Japanese karate masters. His brother Ichiro Kobayashi has always had a team of bodyguards, all of whom are Japanese karate masters. But their subsequent fate, I already knew. Yamamoto Kazuki didn't know this. He sneered and said, “Boy, what do you call Tai Chi and internal strength, dare you compare it with my Japanese karate? Tell you, karate is the most powerful fighting technique in the world. One! It is a thousand miles stronger than your kind of Tai Chi magical skill that is performed by an actor!” Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Mr. Yamamoto, I'm not talented. I have learned a little bit of Tai Chi and internal strength. If you don't believe me, dare you stand here and stretch out your hands to take me with one palm?” Yamamoto Kazuki said arrogantly: “Why don't I dare? But if I hold you in the palm, I want you to kneel and say that Chinese Kung Fu is all rubbish, and you are the sick man of East Asia!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1357 "Sick man of East Asia?” Hearing these four words, Charlie Wade had a playful smile on his face. It seems that this Yamamoto Kazuki is really arrogant. However, he seems to have some misunderstanding about his own strength. With his kind of rubbish outsider, even if he has practiced his flesh skills to the extreme, he cannot be his opponent. Originally, it would be fine to despise the two, but I didn't expect this bastard to have no sportsmanship. It would be a bit hateful to even move out the four words for the sick man of East Asia! So Charlie Wade smiled slightly and said: “Since Mr. Yamamoto wants to play a little bit bigger, then we might as well put the bet even higher.Yamamoto Kazuki sneered and said, “No matter how much you play, I will stay with you to the end.” For Yamamoto Kazuki, no matter how strong Charlie Wade was, it was absolutely impossible to defeat himself with a single palm. So I made this bet with him, no matter how I bet, I will win? So I don’t care about increasing the bet. Charlie Wade smiled and said, “In this way, I am the most fair and principled person in doing things. Since you mentioned the words sick man in East Asia, as a Chinese, I am the most disgusted with these four words. Then we might as well make a bet. Whoever loses the bet, whoever wins, use a knife to engrave these four characters on the forehead of the loser.” Yamamoto Kazuki laughed loudly after hearing this: “Boy, I didn't want to have fun like this, but I didn't expect you to find death by yourself. Charlie Wade smiled and said, “It doesn't matter whether you can find someone to die or not. Everyone comes out and mixes. Since I dare to say it, I can naturally afford it. Just tell me, dare you dare to play!” Yamamoto Kazuki didn’t expect Charlie Wade to be so stubborn. He immediately sneered and said: "What can I not dare? So many people have witnessed that whoever is afraid is the real sick man of East Asia, come on!” Nanako Ito hurriedly persuaded: “Second, a little thing, why bother so unpleasantly.” After speaking, she looked at Charlie Wade and said seriously: “This gentleman, my master has a bad temper. I apologize for him. He shouldn't mention those four words in front of you and hurt you. I hope you don't mind!” Yamamoto Kazuki shouted sternly: “Nanako! Although you are the eldest lady of the Ito family, you do not need to intervene or allow you to intervene in the affairs of a teacher!” Nanako Ito was so scolded by him, and immediately bowed apologetically and said, “Master, I'm sorry!” Yamamoto Kazuki ignored her. Instead, he looked at Charlie Wade and said lightly: “Before we start, we have to make it clear how to win or lose.” Charlie Wade nodded: “It's very simple. I'll slap you. After that, as long as you can stand up, I lose.” Yamamoto Kazuki thought to himself: “There are too many loopholes to take advantage of here!” “First of all, even if he hurts one leg with one palm, he can still stand on the other leg.” “Secondly, even if he hurt his two legs with one palm, he can stand up with his hands and climb other things.” "So, no matter how you play, you are a winner!” So he said arrogantly: “If that's the case, then do what you said, let's do it!" The corners of Charlie Wade's mouth rose slightly. He didn't even need to make any preparations, he just slapped a soft palm at Kazuki Yamamoto. If you just look at the strength of his palm, people who don't know think he is going to give a friendly high-five with Yamamoto Kazuki. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1358 However, no one knew that Charlie Wade's palm contained powerful inner strength and reiki. Yamamoto Kazuki laughed almost immediately when he looked at Charlie Wade's useless palm. He said with disdain: “Just a palm like you is not as good as a three-year-old child. The old man can take it with just one hand..." Yamamoto Kazuki wanted to say that it can be resolved with just one hand, but the word “resolve” has not been said yet. Charlie Wade's palm just touched his skin, and he was like being hit head-on by a high-speed train. On, followed by a sharp pain. Yamamoto Kazuki made a sound, and the whole person flew out at high speed. This flight threw him more than 20 meters long in the air! Before he landed, his nerves were already in the air by Charlie Wade's reiki, and they were all broken! In other words, during the time he was flying in the air, he had gone from a martial arts master recognized all over Japan to a useless man without the power of a chicken Immediately after Yamamoto Kazuki banged, he hit the ground heavily! At the moment when Yamamoto Kazuki fell to the ground, a stream of atomized blood spouted from his mouth! I saw a cloud of blood rising into the air. Yamamoto Kazuki tried to stand up with pain and horror on his face, but he found that his hands and feet couldnt exert any strength at all. He does not understand traditional Chinese martial arts. Otherwise, he must be able to judge his current state immediately. If you use four words to describe it, it means that the meridians are all broken. In traditional Chinese martial arts, once a person's meridians are cut, it is no longer possible to get rid of the word waste. The difference from high paraplegia is that if you compare a person's nerves to an intricate road network, then the main road from the brain to the entire body is now a person's cervical spine. High paraplegia is equivalent to completely destroying the main road at the cervical spine, so that the brain and the body cannot communicate effectively. And if the meridians are completely broken, it is equivalent to destroying all the nerves and the road network, whether it is the main line or the branch line! At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki was the latter! Seeing his master, Nanako Ito was lying on the ground unable to move, her face full of extreme pain, hurriedly ran to him, and asked nervously: “Master, how are you? Are you okay? * Yamamoto Kazuki's lips trembled slightly, and his eyes were full of horror: “I...1...I can’t feel my limbs, my torso, and everything about me... .... I... I'm scrapped...” After saying this, Yamamoto Kazuki's eyes flowed out two lines of muddy old tears He really did not expect that he had been in the martial arts world for many years, and in the end, he would end up so tragically! When Nanako Ito heard this, she was frightened for a while, then hurriedly looked at Charlie Wade, blurted out and pleaded: “Mr. Wade, please save my master! I'm kneeling for you!" Charlie Wade said blankly: “His whole body meridians have been completely broken, and he can only ask for more blessings for the rest of his life!” After finishing speaking, he stepped up to Yamamoto Kazuki, lowered his head, looked down at him, and said lightly: “Yamamoto Kazuki, there is a buzzword on the Chinese Internet, “I don't want to waste you, but you If you want to send it to the door and beg me to abolish you, then I can’t help it.” “In addition, don't think that this is over. Our bet has just begun. I will give you one minute to stand up. If you can't stand up, then I won our bet.” “Since I have won, then I will engrave the words Sick Man of East Asia on your forehead!” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1359 At this moment, Yamamoto Kazuki trembled with fright. This was the first time in his life that he felt terrified from the depths of his soul. He has never seen such a master, and even this has far exceeded his knowledge of masters. What kind of master would have such terrifying strength, a soft palm turned himself into a completely useless person. The key is that even if he completely beats himself into a waste with one palm, he is still not satisfied, and he has to engrave the extremely humiliating four words on his forehead. Thinking of this, he begged in a panic: “Sir, you are not as good as a human being in playing skills, and it is your own responsibility to be abolished by you, but please leave the last face for you, don't engrave those four words on the forehead of the bottom, please Up!” Nanako Ito also bowed to Charlie Wade in tears, and said in an urgent and pleading voice: “Sir, please see my master's seniority, give him a chance!” Charlie Wade looked at Nanako Ito and asked, “If it is me who loses, based on your understanding of him, do you think he will give me a chance?” Nanako Ito was speechless She knows what kind of person her master is. It can't be said to be a heinous bad guy, but he is definitely a ruthless person who says nothing. With the character of the master, if he had won Charlie Wade, then he would definitely not give Charlie Wade any chance to beg for mercy. Thinking of this, Nanako Ito didn't know what to do. She wanted to continue to intercede, but she felt that the intercourse would not have any real meaning. Although I don't know the Chinese man in front of me, I know the history of China and Japan. Therefore, I also understand that the words sick man in East Asia are the existence that every Chinese and every Chinese child hates. Over the years, the Chinese have been constantly striving for self-improvement. From the feudal society where others were bullied, they have become the world's second largest and powerful country with more than one billion Chinese people. The efforts of several dozens of hundreds of years are to get rid of the four sick men of East Asia. A word, and let the Chinese nation rise again on top of the world. Under such circumstances, the master even had to make a bet with him with the words “Sick Man of East Asia”. Doesn't this mean that he has touched his negative scale? Thinking of this, Nanako Ito cried and said, “Sir, my master is old and he should have enjoyed his old age. It was for me to come out again. He has lost his ability to move. The next half of his life is bound to be very hard. He has been severely punished, so please raise your hands high and don't humiliate him anymore.” Charlie Wade glared at Nanako Ito, and then asked, “When he mentioned the sick man of East Asia to me, why didn't you think about it. He insulted not only me, but the entire Chinese nation? He thought I was a Chinese son and daughter. Is it still bullying like that a hundred years ago?” Nanako Ito shook her heart. It seems that the master really offended this young Chinese to the extreme this time. The other party will definitely not give up. At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki was also very worried. If he was allowed to lie on the bed for the rest of his life, he could barely accept it, but if he had a sick East Asian man with a knife on his forehead, it would really be better to die! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 1360 So he cried bitterly: “Sir, I am willing to give you money! A lot of money! You give you all my life savings, just beg you to let me go this time!” Charlie Wade smiled: “No matter how much money you have, how much money can I have?” Yamamoto Kazuki said hurriedly: “There are nearly 100 million U.S. dollars in savings. If you are willing to let me go, sir, I can give you all the money, which is equivalent to at least five or six billion Dollar!” Nanako Ito also said hurriedly: “Sir, if it's about money, then I can give you a relatively generous figure. Why don’t I give you 100 million dollars as well, what do you think...” Charlie Wade looked at Kazuki Yamamoto, then at Nanako Ito, and then pointed to the frightened Jiro Kobayashi on the side, and said, “You two ask this little man, how much money do I have.” Jiro Kobayashi's legs kept trembling, and he stammered: “Wade...Mr. Wade, I really don't know how much money you have..." “I don't know?” Charlie Wade said with a smile: “Then you can tell them directly, just your Kobayashi family, how much do you honor me?” Jiro Kobayashi hurriedly said: “Um...Mr. Yamamoto, Miss Ito, honored our Kobayashi family to Mr. Wade by 10 billion..." "How much?” Charlie Wade frowned: "How come it has become 10 billion?” Jiro Kobayashi was terrified. In fact, the entire Wilsonlin family honored Charlie Wade with 11 billion Dollar, of which 10 billion was given to him by his father Masao Kobayashi when he was alive and used to purchase drug patents. The remaining 1 billion was given to him in private to murder his own brother. Therefore, he dared not collect the 1 billion, so he said a 10 billion. Seeing that Charlie Wade was very dissatisfied, he could only bite the bullet and said: “I'm sorry, sorry...I was a little nervous for a while, and my mind was a little confused. In fact, our Kobayashi family honored Master Wade with a total of 11 billion Dollar... .... Nearly 2 billion U.S. dollars...” Yamamoto Kazuki was stunned by the number. The Kobayashi family alone contributed 11 billion to this young man? What is this because of? Isn't he just a coach? There are more than 10 billion Dollar, why do you want to coach Aurora? ! Nanako Ito was also shocked. Although the Ito family is very rich, Nanako Ito is still studying after all. The money she has saved through various channels since she was a child is only 50 million US dollars. She promised to give Charlie Wade 100 million, and the rest 50 million, you have to find a way to ask the family for it. But she didn't expect Charlie Wade to be so rich! In this way, spending money will not make him hold his hands high... At this time, Yamamoto Kazuki was desperate. He looked at Charlie Wade, his eyes were red and swollen, and he choked up: “Mr. Wade, I really know what I was wrong. I just ask you to raise your hand, don't take away the last bit of dignity as a warrior... you and me As a warrior, I believe you will be able to empathize with me...” Charlie Wade laughed and said, “Don’t be arrogant and cry for mercy when you can't hold it. It's useless. I hate others for insulting our country and nation. It's your ancestor who has accumulated virtue, otherwise, I can send you to see Amaterasu with that palm.” After all, Charlie Wade took out his mobile phone, called Don Albertt, and ordered: “Don Albertt, come to Aurouss Hilll Stadium, it's time to show off your human calligraphy!”

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