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. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 831 At dinner, Claire Wilson Wilson barely moved her fork. She repeatedly picked up her mobile phone to call Elaine Ma and send WeChat messages, but everything seemed like a stone sinking into the ocean without any feedback. Jacob Wilson looked at ease and content, anyway, he felt that Elaine Ma had better run away, just like Hannah. In that case, his life would be truly liberated. Claire Wilson Wilson repeated anxiously about going to the police station. Jacob Wilson said to the side: “Oh, Claire Wilson Wilson, your mother is an adult. Maybe she has something to do. What do you care about her? What if she is single-minded. If you want to leave this house, you can't let the police catch her back, right?” "How come?” Claire Wilson Wilson said seriously: “Mom has been looking forward to the Thompson First villa for so long, and now she has finally moved in. She wants to leave this home again, and she will never leave this time because of her character! Dad, you have lived with Mom for so long, don't you still know her?” Jacob Wilson suddenly fell into thought. The daughter's words woke him up. Who is Elaine Ma? She is a person whose vanity is so strong that she can even explode. And he is also a person who dreams of having fun. When she left home, it was impossible for her to leave home on the day when the whole family moved into Thompson First villa. This was not his style at all. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but frown, wondering to himself, could it be that Elaine Ma was really surprised? In fact, although Jacob Wilson dislikes Elaine Ma, he has lived together for so many years after all. If something happened to this person suddenly, his heart is somewhat empty. If he is really staying at home and drinking tea, he always feels a little inappropriate. So he sighed and said, “Eat first, and I'll go out with you after eating.” Seeing that his father's attitude had eased, Claire Wilson Wilson felt a little more comfortable, and said hurriedly, “Dad, why don't we wait, let's split up, I'll call the police, and you can find the mahjong hall my mother often goes to.” Jacob Wilson said: “Okay, I'll find it.” Charlie Wade said: “My wife, let me go to the police with you.” Claire Wilson Wilson hurriedly said: “The alarm is simple, one person is enough, you should go everywhere with your dad.” "Okay." Charlie Wade nodded, but he was a little worried about Claire Wilson Wilson, so he said to Loreen: “Loreen, you can stay with Claire Wilson Wilson.” Loreen hurriedly said: “No problem, I will be with Claire Wilson Wilson.” After a few bites of food hastily, the four of them were divided into two vehicles and soldiers to leave Thompson First. Claire Wilson Wilson drove Loreen to the police station, and Charlie Wade drove Jacob Wilson to the mahjong hall. However, before getting on the bus, Charlie Wade sent Cameron Isaac a special WeChat message with the content: “My wife is going to call the police. You should say hello to the police station. Don't disclose any news about my mother-in-law.” Cameron Isaac quickly replied: “Young master, don’t worry, I have already called them. Young Claire Wilson Wilson will never find any information about Elaine Ma.” “That's good.” Charlie Wade relaxed a lot. Driving the car, Jacob Wilson drove out. As soon as he left the house, Charlie Wade asked Jacob Wilson: “Dad, where shall we find it?" Jacob Wilson sighed: “I don’t know where she likes to play mahjong. Just drive around and see if there is a mahjong hall. If you see it, go in and look for it.” Charlie Wade smiled secretly in his heart. It seemed that Jacob Wilson was also dealing with errands and acted to show Claire Wilson Wilson. I searched for a few mahjong halls, but didn't find Elaine Ma's shadow. Jacob Wilson was not in a hurry. Anyway, his main idea was to come out and behave. By the way, he would feel more at ease. As for Elaine Ma's specific comfort and whereabouts, He didn’t care too much. The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 832 After searching for a while and not finding anyone, Jacob Wilson said, “Charlie Wade, should we go back, or find a place to eat some skewers? I was always nervous at first for dinner, which made me not full. Charlie Wade smiled and said, “Okay, Dad, I know a roadside barbecue stall, which tastes very good.” Jacob Wilson patted his thigh: “Let's go, let's try the roasted waist. By the way, let me drink two more bottles of beer. Charlie Wade said hurriedly, “I'm driving, Dad, I can’t drink.” Jacob Wilson waved his hand: “Hey, I'll just call you a rider. It's not easy for my son and I want to have a drink. Your mother usually cares, chatting and chatting in my ears all day long, and I'm so annoyed. Now she happens to be away, don't my son and I have a drink?” Charlie Wade shrugged and said with a smile: “Since you have said so, drink it!" With that said, he drove the car to the side of the barbecue stall. The two ordered a lot of skewers and a few bottles of beer, and happily sat on the side of the road and skewered them. Elaine Ma was missing, and Charlie Wade was naturally very happy as the master and initiator behind the scenes. And because Jacob Wilson was tortured by Elaine Ma for too long, he suddenly felt a lot relaxed, and he was naturally very happy. As soon as the two of them sat down and were about to start eating, Claire Wilson Wilson called Charlie Wade. He hurriedly winked at Jacob Wilson, then put on the phone and asked concerned: “Hey Claire Wilson Wilson, have you called the police?” Claire Wilson Wilson said in a frustrated voice: “We have called the police, but the police mean that mom is an adult, and the missing time is less than ten hours. There is no way to send police to help find them immediately, but they are already there. The missing person is reported in the system, and if someone finds her, it will notify me.” Charlie Wade said, “That's good. In fact, what the police said is right. They have only been missing for a few hours. How can they send a large number of police to search for them? The people's police have more and more important things waiting for them. do.” “Hey...” Claire Wilson Wilson said, “I just don't feel very good. I always feel that things are a bit strange in my instinct. I'm really afraid that something will happen to my mother...Her temperament, just in case If you have a conflict with people outside, you will easily suffer a big loss...” Charlie Wade said, she is indeed a vixen! Claire Wilson Wilson really knew Elaine Ma's temperament. Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing inwardly. Ever since he married Claire Wilson Wilson and entered the Wilson family, he has been lucky over the past three years that Claire Wilson Wilson is an extremely rare good girl. It is not just how beautiful and attractive she is on the outside, but more importantly, the kindness of her heart is really amazing. Especially in this kind of family environment, the entire Wilson family, from Elaine Ma to the Lady, to Christopher's family, did not have a good person. Jacob Wilson is barely good, but he is also cowardly and timid. In such a family, Claire Wilson Wilson was able to possess gold-like qualities, which Charlie Wade had always appreciated very much. He also began to ponder about Elaine Ma. If Elaine Ma was kept for a lifetime, then there was no doubt that Claire Wilson Wilson would not be able to let go. In other words, for the sake of his wife, sooner or later, he had to release his brain-dead mother-in- law. It's not impossible to let it out, but the key is to let her suffer enough first. Moreover, he still has hidden dangers that have not been resolved. For example, when Elaine Ma comes out, she will definitely ask herself the first time, asking herself why she has such a bank card. She would definitely consider herself a member of a scam gang. In this case, she would definitely tell Claire Wilson Wilson about this. So, in any case, you have to think of a good way to make Elaine Ma obediently close her broken mouth! The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 833 Charlie Wade was considering the problem, Claire Wilson Wilson asked impatiently: “How are you and dad? Do you have any clues?” “Uh...” Charlie Wade looked at the pile of skewers and beer in front of him, and said against his will: “We are still looking for the mahjong hall, and we have no clues for the time being.” Claire Wilson Wilson sighed and said, “Then you continue to look for it, and Loreen and I will continue to look for it.” “Yeah.” Charlie Wade said hurriedly: “Don’t worry, dad and I will work hard to find!” “Okay.” Claire Wilson Wilson said: “Then I'll hang up first and communicate if there is anything in time.” “no problem!” Charlie Wade hung up the phone, and Jacob Wilson was already appetizing. He drank a glass of beer, poured another glass for Charlie Wade, and said while eating the skewers: “Good son-in-law, no one is going to bother us today. Let's have a good drink, come, let's go first.” Charlie Wade was funny in his heart. Elaine Ma was not there, and the old man was relieved. He nodded and said, “You should drink less. Drinking too much is not good for your health.” Jacob Wilson laughed and said: “People are refreshed at happy events. I am looking forward to your mother being admitted by the MLM organization. Anyway, if you go in and suffer a bit, you can’t die. She's been stuck for three or five years. Yes, let us have a birthday in a few years.” Charlie Wade nodded and sighed: “I think it's good too, but I'm afraid she won't accept it at first.” Jacob Wilson sighed, “That's right. At first, this child is filial, too filial, the key is silly filial piety! Is it your mother’s kind of person, is she worthy of such filial piety? You have no blood relationship with her, you yourself Say, if your mother is like this, are you still filial to her?” Charlie Wade was a bit embarrassed and a bit melancholy and said: “If my mother is still alive, even if her temperament is worse than his mother-in-law, I will be a hundred willing.” “That's true.” Jacob Wilson said embarrassedly: “I'm sorry, dad shouldn't mention this, just use me as an analogy. You see, Claire Wilson Wilson's grandmother, and her mother's temperament are basically the same. To be honest, they are two shrews, one older and the other younger.” Having said that, Jacob Wilson drank a glass of wine and said seriously: “So you see that I am not filial and filial My mother can't do things. I won't let her live in my house when she is on the street. Why? you can't say that because it was your mother, you protected her when she killed, right?” Charlie Wade nodded: “You are right.” Jacob Wilson sighed and said, “Actually, your life is much better than mine. If you marry a good child like Claire Wilson Wilson, even if you are not successful anymore, she will not divorce you. If you are like me, marry a b*tch, then Your days are terrible.” Seeing Jacob Wilson's melancholy look, Charlie Wade couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy. This old man’s life was really not easy. He had a sweet first love, and he had a good relationship with his first girlfriend, but Elaine Ma gave it to him. how miserable it is. At this time, Charlie Wade deliberately asked: “Dad, tell me the story of your first lover? Last time your classmates reunion, I listened to a few uncles chatting, and it seemed to be quite legendary.” "What's the legend!” Jacob Wilson lamented, and said, “I and Matilda were getting married before graduation. It was difficult to go abroad at the time, but her family has something to do. We can send us to the United States for further studies. I planned to have a happy event after graduation, and then go to the United States for graduate studies together...” Speaking of this, Jacob Wilson said angrily: “Who would have thought that when I graduated and everyone was partying, I would have a f*cking drink! When I wake up, your mother-in-law and I have already...” "Hey..." Jacob Wilson covered his face and said, “Elaine Ma, this woman is also very scheming. She told Matilda about this at the time. She was so angry with Matilda. Similarly, a b*tch like Elaine Ma likes to be noisy. Matilda directly wrote me a parting letter, then packed up and went to the United States by herself. I have never seen her since.” Charlie Wade asked curiously: “You didn’t explain to her then?” The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 834 "How to explain?” Jacob Wilson said: “No matter how you explain it, Elaine Ma and I have actually happened. Matilda has a cleanliness, life is clean, and emotions are also clean. She also knows that I was drunk and designed by Elaine Ma. , But she felt that she could no longer accept me like that, so she broke up with me without hesitation and went to the United States.” Charlie Wade deliberately asked him: “Then do you still think of her in your heart?” Jacob Wilson also opened the chatterbox, and said with emotion: “I think, how can I not, she is the first woman in my life, and the only woman I have ever loved, otherwise I would not change the phone password to her birthday. ....." Charlie Wade nodded with understanding, and then asked: “Then have you inquired about her current situation?” “I've inquired about.” Jacob Wilson said: “But I can't find out anything. In the past few years, I only heard that she married an American and gave birth to a son. It is said that the family conditions are very good, but there is nothing more detailed. People know, after all, our old classmates didn’t have much contact with her, and we immediately broke contact with our classmates.” Charlie Wade nodded lightly, and thought to himself, if Matilda knew that Jacob Wilson had become like this now, I guess he wouldn't feel the same way back then. Jacob Wilson saw that Charlie Wade had not drunk at this time, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Good son-in-law, why don't you drink two glasses? Just let me drink it alone!” Charlie Wade smiled and picked up the wine, and said, “Go, go, have a drink with you.” Just after speaking, Jacob Wilson's cell phone rang suddenly. The phone showed an unfamiliar number, and he couldn't help frowning: “That's it, who will call me." After speaking, he subconsciously pressed to answer. A woman's gentle voice came from the other end of the phone, and she asked tentatively, “Excuse me, is this Jacob Wilson?” Jacob Wilson was taken aback and asked nervously, “ are...” The other party smiled slightly and said with a smile: “I'm Matilda.” Jacob Wilson was struck by lightning! He was stunned for a while, and then asked excitedly: “Matilda? It's really you?!” “It's me.” The other party smiled and said, “Is my voice getting old, so you can't recognize it anymore? But I heard your voice didn't change much.” Jacob Wilson said in a panic: “ haven't been in contact for so many years, why would you suddenly call me? I...I just talked to my son-in-law. Talking about you...” “Really?” The other party couldn't help asking: “Why would you talk to your son-in-law about me? Could it be that you told him the old stories?” “No, it's not.” Jacob Wilson obviously has completely messed up and said hurriedly: “I'm drinking with my son-in-law, I was a little bit overwhelmed, and I was emotional.” After that, Jacob Wilson asked, “Matilda did you think of contacting me?” Matilda smiled slightly: “My son and I are going to return to Aurouss Hilll to settle, so I will contact you and other old classmates. When I return to Aurouss Hilll, I want to treat you to dinner. After all, everyone hasn't See you..." The Amazing Son in Law Chapter 835 Jacob Wilson never dreamed that he would receive another call from Matilda in his life. What was even more unexpected was that Matilda was going to return home! She went directly to the United States after graduating from university, and then she stayed there. Since then, no one has seen her again. It has been more than 20 years since then. However, even if he didn't meet again after more than 20 years, Jacob Wilson's heart was still stirred by her voice. So he hurriedly asked: “Matilda, you...are you really coming back? When will you be back?!” Matilda smiled and said, “I will be on the plane right away, and I will arrive at Aurouss Hilll at around 11 o'clock tomorrow. If nothing happens, let's have a dinner together with our classmates the day after tomorrow!” Jacob Wilson was extremely excited. He said with excitement and unbearable excitement: “Oh, you will be in Aurouss Hilll tomorrow...tomorrow?! Then...where do you live?” Matilda said: “My son has booked a hotel in Shangri-La. In the next few days, we may live in Shangri-La for a period of time, and then see if there is a suitable house in Aurouss Hilll. If so, we will buy one.” Jacob Wilson asked tentatively: “Then...then your husband also come back with you?” “No.” Matilda said in a frustrated voice: “My husband passed away, so I decided to go back to China with my son and not stay in the United States.” Jacob Wilson's heart suddenly blossomed! So he hurriedly blurted out: “Then...Would you like to have a meal together after landing? I'll pick you up! I'll pick you up!” Matilda hesitated for a moment and said, “Oh, if Elaine Ma knew, she wouldn't let you eat with me alone, right?” When Jacob Wilson heard this, he almost didn’t laugh. Elaine Ma? She is missing! Hahaha! She just disappeared, and Matilda is coming back, this... isn't this just God opening his eyes? Jacob Wilson got up from the chair of the barbecue booth excitedly, and walked back and forth: “Don’t worry about Elaine Ma, Elaine Ma and I are also in a broken relationship now, we are separated, and she doesn't care about my business.” Matilda asked in surprise: “Why are you two still separated?” "Oh..." Jacob Wilson sighed, “This is a long story because the child has no mother.” After speaking, he hurriedly said: “Matilda, I will pick you up at the airport at noon tomorrow, don't you live in Shangri-La? Then let's have a meal in Shangri-La!" Matilda thought for a while, and said, “Um...I still have my son, isn't it inappropriate?” “It doesn’t matter!” Jacob Wilson hurriedly said, “I can take my son-in-law. My son-in-law should be about the same age as your son. Let the young people talk more. Let's talk about us.” “Well then.” Matilda said with a smile: “Then we will see you at the airport tomorrow. I haven't seen you in more than 20 years. Don't forget to write a sign, otherwise I'm afraid we won't recognize each other!” Jacob Wilson said excitedly: “Good, good! I will write a sign tomorrow.” Matilda said: “Jacob Wilson, then I won't talk to you, I will board the plane right away, fly for more than twelve hours, and arrive at Aurouss Hilll at 10 noon tomorrow.” "Good!" Jacob Wilson said with a smirk, “See you at the airport tomorrow!” After hanging up the phone, Jacob Wilson was jumping around in excitement, like a fifteen or sixteen-year-old boy. Charlie Wade looked funny for a while, and couldn't help asking, “Dad, is your first love coming back?"

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