Chapter 548

"Leah, did you drop out of school at a young age to start working?"

"Yes." Leah nodded, her expression innocent, though she had earned two master's degrees by the age of sixteen.

Avery patted her head sympathetically. Leah was incredibly smart with a phenomenal memory. She could memorize his scripts after a single read-through.

"If you ever want to go to college, I can sponsor you at any time.”

Leah gave a sweet smile, replying, "I don't want to study, and I don't like school. I just like being your assistant.”

Avery pinched her cheek gently, "Do you plan to be my assistant for the rest of your life?"

"Yes." She nodded vigorously.

He raised an eyebrow, “Don't you have any other ambitions?"

"Does being your wife count as an ambition?" Leah thought to herself.

“I don't have any ambitions. As long as I have good food every day, I'm happy.” She replied. Avery chuckled, realizing that a foodie's world was indeed simple.

“Tomorrow, there will be mangosteens flown in from Thailand. I'll have some delivered to you." Leah grinned, her eyes curved like crescents, "I love mangosteens.”

Avery laughed. He had yet to find a food she didn't love.

Bonnie watched the two of them, feeling a pang of jealousy. Avery was a sentimental man. If she had never left, they might be married by now.

After the variety show filming ended, it was already night.

Avery decided to head straight for a school reunion, giving Bonnie a lift on the way.

Leah was also there. As his assistant, she accompanied Avery wherever he went. He was used to having her by his side. Without her, he felt like he was missing an arm.

Outside the restaurant, paparazzi had already set up camp.

Seeing Avery and Bonnie exit the car together, they went on a filming spree.

As soon as Avery entered the private room, his old classmates swarmed around to greet him.

He was barely in his twenties, already a hotshot, with a promising future ahead, and now a major shareholder of Serenity Films. Who wouldn't want to cling to him?

Amongst these classmates, the good-looking and lucky ones had achieved some success.

But compared to Avery, they were leagues behind

Evan sat in a corner. He used to sit in the center, thanks to his wealthy and powerful family. Now, the center was naturally Avery's seat.

Avery was the man he envied and despised the most.

Fortunes could change.

He had a powerful father, while Avery had a successful sister. And Avery's sister Aurelia was more formidable than his father, having climbed to the top of the ladder.

Single-handedly, she elevated a debt-ridden poor family into the realm of the affluent.

He could only look on with envy.

"Avery, you're really lucky to have such a great sister.” Evan said. Ever since Aurelia had scolded him three years ago, he had been particularly afraid of her.

With greater beauty, often comes greater venom in a woman

Avery chose to ignore him, pretending not to hear his words.

Mack laughed, “Aurelia is a legend at Elysium now. Many guys at Elysium Arts Theatre Academy had a crush on her. Every time she came to school, the guys would rush out to see her. Although there were many beauties at Elysium Arts Theatre Academy, none were as breathtaking as Aurelia. She's a once-in-a-millennium beauty.”

“Enough with the teasing about Aurelia.” Avery laughed lightly, motioning Leah to sit next to him. Bonnie quickly took the seat on his other side.

Everyone exchanged knowing glances, but wisely chose to remain silent. Only Evan spoke up, "Bonnie, have you and Avery reconciled?"

"Don't get the wrong idea. We were together today for a variety show filming, and Avery just gave me a lift on his way here.” Bonnie quickly clarified.

Mack laughed, "Avery's career is at its peak now. How could he possibly have time for a relationship?"

Apart from Avery, he was the most successful among his classmates. He had won the favor of a wealthy woman who was heavily invested in his career.

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