Chapter 455

After lunch, Aurelia and Avery played a game of table tennis with the kids in their backyard.

Leah, seated on a nearby chair, was engrossed in her laptop, checking out the reviews of Avery's latest TV series.

However, an anonymous troll was consistently posting harsh critiques.

This infuriated Leah. She hated internet trolls with a passion, believing that the internet should not be a lawless territory.

She took her laptop from her bag and quickly hacked into the website, tracing the trolls IP address. She then changed the troll's username to “ProfessionalTrollWho Courts Disaster.” Then she posted a message using the troll's account, “I'm so jealous of Avery. How dare he be so handsome? How dare he be such a great actor? And how dare he be so modest? I, on the other hand, am short and full of acne. I can only creepily sneak peeks under girls’ skirts and take upskirt photos. I troll and bash Avery out of pure jealousy.”

She was so absorbed in her activities that she didn't notice a pair of eyes watching her


Kane had come to pick up a stray tennis ball, and upon glancing at her screen, he realized what Leah was doing. He was learning hacking techniques himself and recognized the


However, he acted as if he hadn't noticed anything and went back to playing table tennis.

After a while, William, who was used to having an afternoon nap, started getting sleepy.

Aurelia carried him upstairs to put him to bed.

Avery went to take a shower, leaving Leah to her own devices.

Leah had been his assistant for three years and often stayed over, so she felt quite at home here, and Avery didn't need to look after her.

At this moment, she was still sitting in the backyard, surfing the internet and enjoying the sunshine. Kane approached her, saying, “Leah, I happened to see you hacking into an account earlier.” His voice was barely above a whisper.

Leah was startled, getting nervous slightly, “No, you must have seen wrong.”

“Don’t play dumb. I'm a hacker too. I knew what you were doing just by looking.” Kane's eyes twinkled mischievously.

Leah broke into a cold sweat, cursing her carelessness. How could she let her guard down and get caught by a three-year-old?

She asked, “Kane, can you keep a secret for me?”

Kane showed a smile and replied, “Don’t worry. I won't tell anyone. We hackers have to keep our identities secret.”

Leah breathed a sigh of relief, thinking the crisis had been averted. Little did she know that walls had ears.

Aurelia had overheard their conversation.

Aurelia had sharp ears. Even though they were whispering, she could still hear their conversation from the doorway.

“Leah, you're a hacker?” she approached, asking.

Leah tensed up immediately, and she replied, “I taught myself.”

Aurelia patted her shoulder, “You're so smart, so it's a waste not to go to college. Why don't you take the SAT this year?”

Leah shook her head vigorously, “I'm fine as it is. I don't want to go to school. I like being your assistant.”

Aurelia sent Kane back to his room, wanting to talk to Leah privately.

“Leah, since you're a hacker, do you know how to infiltrate someone's phone to get their call and chat history?”

“Aurelia, who are you trying to investigate?” Leah asked.

Aurelia leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Megan.”

A few days ago, Evelyn had contacted her. Her attempts to sneak a peek at Megan's phone had been unsuccessful. If she could hack into Megan's phone, she could monitor her activities anytime. Leah blinked and pondered for a while before responding, “That's easy. I can help.”

In the evening, Aurelia arranged a meeting with Evelyn.

“I've found a formidable hacker. As long as we can successfully infiltrate Megan's phone, we'll surely find some dirt on her.”

She sent a link to Evelyn, “Send this to her. As soon as she clicks on it, her phone will be


"What if she’s too cautious to click?” Evelyn was worried.

Aurelia leaned in and whispered something in her ear. As she pulled back, a sinister smile spread across her face.


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