Chapter 439

Aurelia gave him a piercing look. His words were becoming more and more alien to her, as if they were in a foreign language. Her heart sank into an abyss of confusion, stirring up a turbulent wave of doubt that threatened to sweep her away.

She didn’t mind enjoying drama, but she was afraid it would be a tragedy.

"Whatever, the one who should be nervous isn't me. If there's nothing wrong with the final draft, I'll go back to work,” she declared.

She turned to leave, but before she could reach the door, there was a sudden movement behind her. Leopold had risen from his chair and blocked her escape. He pushed her against the wall, his intense gaze drilling into her.

“Do you really not care at all?” He demanded.

His closeness was overwhelming, making it hard for her to breathe.

"Who you sleep with, how many kids you have, that's your personal life. It doesn't concern me,” she retorted.

Leopold clenched her chin, his gaze sharp as an eagle's, “Then why did I sense the scent of jealousy just now?”

Aurelia felt sour indeed, like she had been forced to swallow a jug of freshly squeezed

lemon juice. But she struggled to keep her composure, not wanting to give him the lemon juice. But she struggled to

satisfaction of seeing her upset.

"Alright, I admit, I do care a little. But it has nothing to do with you. I'm not interested in you, why would I be jealous? I'm just worried about my Kane, afraid that if you have other children, you'll neglect him, just like Mr. Chad neglected you back then.”

Her words hit him like a dagger, twisting in his heart. The thought of her not loving him, of him not having a place in her heart, made him furious.

“I don't like you either, because you're prickly and annoying,” he spat out.

Aurelia felt a pang of hurt, but she didn't let it show.

“It's actually better this way. You can marry your beloved first love, and I can find someone who truly loves me,” she countered defiantly.

His anger flared at her words, “Whether you like me or not, you're my woman for this lifetime. Don’t entertain any other ideas.”

His domineering attitude ignited her resentment.

"Why should I? Once we're divorced, I have nothing to do with you. Don't expect to control me like before. I'm not your puppet, let alone your slave. Even if I marry someone else tomorrow, it's none of your business!”



Leopold swept her off her feet and onto the couch, pinning her underneath him, “I have plenty of ways to control you. Just wait for me to come back.”

Aurelia was both embarrassed and angry. Come back? With his mistress and illegitimate children? He really thought she was some naive damsel?

“Spilt water can't be gathered up again, a broken mirror can’t be mended. I don't want a jerk like you who cheats,” she retorted.

“Whether I'm a jerk or not, you'll know in due time.”

He leaned down and fiercely captured her lips.

Only in this way could he remind her who she truly belonged to.

She tried to push him away, but her wrists were held captive above her head.

His hot breath quickly consumed her, leaving her oxygen—deprived and weak. She could only let him invade her territory.

In the face of the powerful demon king, she was always a helpless lamb, unable to fight back.

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