Chapter 304

When Leopold arrived at Fawkes Amusement Park, Arnold was leading all his bodyguards through the labyrinth in search of Aurelia.

Drones buzzed overhead, scanning the maze, but Aurelia had vanished as if she'd evaporated into thin air.

Frustrated, Leopold punched Arnold to the ground. “If you couldn't protect her, you shouldn't have brought her here!”

Arnold didn't retaliate. He was desperate and filled with regret. Their adversary was far more cunning than he'd anticipated.

Leopold felt his nerves about to snap. This was his worst fear come to life.

“There must be a hidden passage, deploy ground-penetrating radar now,” he ordered. “Understood,” Kevin replied.

In Eldoria, money talked, and there was nothing it couldn't accomplish. Soon enough, the radar equipment was dispatched.

Indeed, a secret tunnel lay beneath the maze, rigged with some sort of mechanism on the ground. And Aurelia had been standing right on top of it!

Leopold led his people into the tunnel, searching every inch, but alas, Aurelia had already been whisked away.

Daylight had broken.

When Aurelia woke up, she found herself locked in a wooden cabin, the sound of waves crashing against the shore audible outside. She was by the sea

A woman walked in, cradling an infant in her arms.

Aurelia recognised him instantly — it was her son, the spitting image of Kane.

“Give me back my child!” She leapt off the bed, rushing the woman and snatching her baby from her, holding him close.


The child woke, crying out in alarm. Shushing him gently, Aurelia comforted him, “Liam, don't be scared, it's mommy. Mommy's here, mommy found you!”

The infant seemed to recognise her voice and stopped crying, his big eyes staring up at


Kissing his forehead tenderly, Aurelia promised, “Liam, mommy won't leave you again.”

The woman standing nearby watched them with a sinister expression, her English heavily accented as she warned, “You better behave, or your child dies.”

Once she left, Aurelia approached the door, stealing a glance outside.

They were on an island, surrounded by water on all sides. Without a boat, there was no escape. Her gear had been confiscated by her captors, leaving only her ring. These people were far more cunning than she'd imagined.

Back at the other end of Ironridge.

Leopold and Arnold had already reported Aurelia’s disappearance, mobilizing both legal and underground networks to search for her.

Arnold was near breaking point. He'd lost Aurelia, he'd been too overconfident!

Leopold swept him with a cold, dismissive glance, “You can leave. She's my woman, and I'll save her."

Arnold scoffed, “Your woman? I thought you were marrying Evelyn? If you truly considered her your woman, she wouldn't have had to risk her life coming to this godforsaken place to save her child!” With that, he stormed off.

Leopold's fist smashed into the coffee table, shattering the glass surface.

He poured himself a measure of whiskey, adding ice and downing it in one gulp, letting the harsh, cold liquor help him maintain his composure.

"Arrange for helicopters to search all surrounding islands of Ironridge.”

Ironridge wasn't large, if the enemy wanted to hide someone, they'd likely stash them on one of the nearby islands.

“Understood,” Kevin immediately set about executing the order.

Arnold drove straight to Marcia’s villa. He was certain he'd find some clues there!

At that moment, Marcia was sitting in her pavilion, sipping coffee. She looked surprised to see him, "Arnold, what brings you to Ironridge?”

Arnold wasn't in the mood for pleasantries, “Cut the act, Aunt Marcia, you know why I'm here.” Marcia set her cup down, "What are you talking about?”

“Where's Aurelia?” Arnold asked bluntly.

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