Chapter 240

Jolin could barely contain her joy, her eyes welling up with tears. At last, she could have Arnold as her son-in-law, just as she had hoped.

“Arnold, when do you and Aurelia plan to get married?” she asked.

“I've thought about it,” Arnold replied in a subdued voice, “After the baby is born, I'll take Aurelia to Malta to get married.”

Once the baby was born, Aurelia would have no ties to Leopold. Arnold would take her away, far from Leopold, making sure he could never find her again.

Avery chuckled, “I know about Malta. You can get married there, but you can't get divorced.” Arnold looked deeply into Aurelia's eyes, his gaze filled with love, and said solidly, “I will only have one wife in my life, and that's Aurelia. For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, I will never abandon her.”

He was determined, and once he made up his mind, he would never change it.

Hearing his words, Aurelia thought this was the kind of marriage she wanted, the kind of husband she desired.

Even though she knew he was just trying to help her out of a tough situation, his serious demeanor almost made her believe he was sincere. Tears slid down her cheeks unnoticed.

If it wasn't for the unfortunate medical mishap, she would not have had a relationship with Leopold. And maybe she and Arnold could truly be together.

But there were no “ifs” in this world, and time could never be turned back.

Jolin was so happy, tears filling her eyes, “Avery, come with me to the supermarket. I'm going to cook some of Arnold's favorite dishes.”

Avery nodded and quickly followed his mother out, leaving Aurelia and Arnold alone.

He was thrilled. Arnold was finally going to be his real brother-in-law.

Once they had left, Aurelia stood up and took two bottles of juice from the cupboard, handing one to Arnold

"Arnold, thank you for saving me from that awkward situation. You shouldn't have to take the blame for something so embarrassing. It could damage your reputation.”

He reached out and took her hand, “Aurelia, everything I said just now, I meant it. I have told you before that I want to find my soulmate. And that person is you. We have shared interests. We're meant for each other. I love you, and want you to be my wife.”

His words were so earnest, and she was so moved.

Three years ago, when she first met him, she felt the same way. It was as if fate had brought them together.

But fate had played a cruel joke on them. She was carrying another man’s child and was legally his wife, and that man was Arnold's brother.

She bowed her head, tears falling onto her belly, “You don't mind me carrying the other's baby?” He gently cleaned her tears “I don't mind. I love you, no matter what you've been through. As long as you have me in your heart, that's enough.”

He believed that she loved him too. Otherwise, she wouldn't have called him or texted him on WhatsApp

after they parted ways in Willowbrook three years ago.

Aurelia bit her lip, her long eyelashes casting two shadows on her eyelids.

An image flashed through her mind, an image of a man who was out of reach, a man who had never regarded her would never have any feelings for her. Leopold was already planning to marry and have children with another woman. She needed to start thinking about her future.

“I can't think straight right now,” she admitted, “I can only consider my future after the baby is born.”

He stroked her head gently, comforting her in a soft voice, “You don't have to worry about anything now or in the future. Leave everything to me.”

She sighed internally, still pessimistic about the future.

If he found out that the babies were Leopold's, that she was still legally Leopold's wife, his sister-in— law, how

would he handle it?


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