Chapter 223

Upon entering the office, Aurelia sank into the couch. Being in her last trimester of pregnancy, she found it exhausting to stand for too long.

“Mr. Leopold, you singled me out in public and brought me into your office. Everyone probably thinks you want to discuss something important with me, possibly to persuade me to step out of the race.”

Leopold leaned back into his executive chair, picked up his mug and had some water. “And how do you know that’s not my intention?”

Aurelia chuckled lightly, tossing him a flattery, “Because you're the wise and omnipotent boss.” However, Leopold's mood wouldn't improve by a simple flattery. His slender fingers tapped twice on the desk, his gaze suddenly turned severe, “After work, go straight home. No wandering around.”

If she dared to disappear with his children, she should never expect to see the outside world again, He would confine her in a dark room for life.

Aurelia was taken aback. Was he calling her in just to impose restrictions?

“I'm taking a day off tomorrow. I should be allowed to join my mom at Sunbeam Retreat, right?” “No matter where you go, Yuna must accompany you.” He said firmly. Only when someone was watching her, he could feel at ease.

“Understood.” She gently patted her belly, “If there's nothing else, Mr. Leopold, I'll take my leave.” Leopold cast a deep look at her, “I have an engagement tonight and won't be at the apartment, so start the prenatal education now.”

Aurelia gasped. She was certain that he had a date with Evelyn. After their fight yesterday, of course Leopold wants to make up with a sweet, romantic date with another woman, right?

Feeling a pang of sadness, she murmured, “We're still at work, isn't it inappropriate to do personal stuff?”

“I have the final say about it." He said coldly.

Prenatal education was just an excuse. The real intention was to confine her.

He intended to keep this woman under his watch for two hours as a punishment for her “wandering”.

Unaware of his thoughts, Aurelia was left speechless!

Soon, he turned on some music, and she leaned on the couch eating fruits while he sat next to her, dozing


He hadn't been sleeping well lately; this woman had been infuriating him, causing him sleepless nights.

She turned her head, sneaking a peek at him. His head rested on the back of the couch, motionless, seemingly asleep.


If her guess was right, he must have been up all night, upset after the argument with Evelyn.

She moved a little closer, her gaze secretly lingering on his handsome face.

Ah, the boss has such great skin, not even a single mole, a perfect nose, and beautifully shaped lips. Being so attractive, he was a real heartbreaker.

While she was lost in thought, Leopold suddenly opened his eyes, staring at her ominously. Startled, she quickly straightened up.

With a swift move, Leopold pulled her into his arms, “Were you spying on me?”

“No, I was openly staring!” Aurelia thought. She touched her belly and chuckled nervously, “I was helping the babies to memorize what daddy looks like, so they won't mistake someone else for you after they are born.”

What a lame excuse!

Leopold held her chin, his eyes flashing ominously under the light, sharp as an eagle, “Aurelia, be honest, do you have a crush on me?”

A blush crept up her cheek. Hastily, she shook her head, “Everyone admires beauty. I'm a fan of good looks, so I enjoy looking at handsome men. It's not just you, I enjoy looking at other handsome men too.”

The first person Leopold thought of was Arnold, and his face darkened, “Who else?”

“Just some celebrities.” She stuck out her tongue.

He snorted, “Can they even compare to me?”

“No!” Aurelia shook her head

In terms of attractiveness, he was matchless, even young Leonardo DiCaprio would pale in comparison!

“Then you're not allowed to look at others.” He issued his second command authoritatively.

Aurelia rolled her eyes. No matter how handsome this man was, she wouldn't want him. He was way too domineering!

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