Leopold shrugged nonchalantly, "Can't help it. The moment you glance at another guy, I turn green with envy."

"As if any other man could hold a candle to you," Aurelia teased.

His eyebrows quirked up, and a smile spread across his face. "Well, you've got a point. Who could outshine me?"

The next day, Aurelia, with Skyler in tow and the kids bobbing along, went to visit Arnold.

William sat perched on the edge of the bed, sharing breakfast with Arnold.

He had poured smilk for Arnold, then cut up his bread. When William had been under the weather, it was Arnold who took care

of him. Now that Arnold had taken a tumble, it was his turn to play nurse.

Nova sat on a nearby play mat, sipping from her bottle, her version of breakfast.

Aurelia looked on at this tranquil scene and sighed inwardly. If William's true parentage ever cto light, such harmony might be


"Nova!" Nina and Mira rushed over, showering Nova's rosy cheeks with kisses.

"Sisters!" Nova giggled gleefully.

Mira picked up the bottle, "Here, Nova, letfeed you."

Nova pointed at Arnold and William's spread, "lI want pancake and eggs."

Her little mouth puckered, and her big eyes fixed on the eggs in the skillet, practically drooling with desire.

Mira waved her off, "Nova, you're still a tiny tot. Pancakes and eggs are a no-no for now. You've grown up like William before you

can have those."

"Grow up!" Nova clapped her tiny hands and thumped her little legs.

Mira covered her mouth, giggling, "Ha! When Nova grows up, she'll be a foodie just like me."

Nina pinched her soft cheek.

"Nova won't be as goofy as you, and she won't beca little chubster."

Mira puffed her cheeks, "I'm not a chubster. I'm just slightly above the ideal weight, that's all."

Nina stuck out her tongue and made a teasing face, "Above ideal is just a nice way of saying chubster."

Mira pouted, "Well, I still look good with a bit of extra weight."

Aurelia had already set Mira up with a nutritionist, and Mira would be back to her fighting weight in no time.

Nova clapped her hands in amusement, "Mira, pretty, pretty!"

Mira laughed heartily, "See, even Nova thinks I'm pretty."

Nina retorted, "She's just a baby. What does she know about pretty or not?"

Mira stuck out her tongue, "She knows. She's super smart."

Nova pointed to herself, "I... smart."

The room erupted in laughter. Aurelia stroked her little head, saying, "Our Nova is indeed smart, spouting so many words at her


Nova beamed, dimples flashing, "Me... smart, smart, smart!"

Mira whispered, "I'm smart too."

Nina mimicked a bashful face, "In our family, you're the only one who ranks at the bottom of the class while the rest of us are top-


"Aw, shucks." Mira was flushed and she stomped her foot. "I just don't like studying, okay? Not liking school doesn't mean I'm not


"What else can you do besides eating?" Nina shot back.

"I can do lots and lots," Mira insisted.

Aurelia wrapped an arm around her. "Alright. Our Mira is smart too. Her drawings are amazing. She could be an artist or a designer


"Yep." Mira nodded. "I'm going to be a jewelry designer like Aunt Aurelia."

Aurelia smiled, "Then the future design director position at Astral Enterprises is yours."

Mira's grin was so wide it almost split her face.

In her mind, Aunt Aurelia was the best. Next to Mom, she was Mira's favorite person.

Just then, Arnold chimed in, "Aurelia, have you all had breakfast yet?"

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