Agent A was fuming, "Look, I'm a lawyer and know a truckload of people. I could probably dig up sdirt, but I'm stuck here,

incapacitated. How am I supposed to go digging?"

Skyler scratched his head, "Why should I trust you? You can’t judge a book by its cover. For all I know, you could be conning me.

Let's get one thing straight. I can't cure this poison. That's Geoffrey's department."

A sinister glint flickered in Agent A's eyes, but he just chuckled, "So you're pretty much useless, huh? Can't even handle a poison.

You're miles behind Geoffrey, aren't ya? Maybe you should stop bragging about your so-called four PhDs and three Master's

degrees. Just a big fish tale, am I right? You probably don't know squat. It's all Geoffrey's teaching, isn't it?"

Skyler's eyes, piercing like a hawk's, were fixed on him unblinkingly.

"Trying to goad me, huh?" he shrugged nonchalantly, "Reverse psychology won't work on me. I'm not falling for that. Sure,

Geoffrey's pretty badass, but he's not as good-looking as me. He must be green with envy over my looks. He keeps saying we're

identical twins, but con, he doesn't have my charm. He's hiding behind a mask for a reason."

Agent A clenched his teeth in anger and asked, "What does Geoffrey look like?"

Skyler shrugged his shoulder and said, "lI don’t know. He wears a mask every day."

"Then how do you know Geoffrey is less handsthan you?"

"If he is handsome, why does he wear a mask every day? Only the ugly are so timid that they hide their face under a mask." Skyler

sighed, "Shon him. We're brothers and I'm good-looking, but he’s... too ugly. What a pity!"

Agent A was at a loss for words.

"Does the Heninger family have any ugly descendants?" he asked, trying to keep his cool.

"Nope," Skyler said, shaking his head vigorously. "Everyone in our family could be on the cover of a magazine. We're top shelf

when it comes to looks."

Agent A snorted, "Then how could your brother be the exception?"

Skyler made a face, "Maybe he got the short end of the stick in the gene pool."

Agent A took a deep breath, fighting to keep his anger in check. "Skyler, I know what you're capable of. You've got a PhD in

microbiology. This poison should be a walk in the park for you. You can't be less competent than Geoffrey. Cureand I'll spill a

massive secret about the Stirling family, something only I know."

Skyler pouted, "What do I care about the Stirling family's dirty laundry? I'm not one of them."

Agent A let out a derisive laugh, "Are you sure about that? I've already figured out your little secret. Digging up dirt is my


Skyler rolled his eyes, "What are you, paparazzi?"

"Being a lawyer isn't much different from being a paparazzo. We both need to dig through mountains of information. The more

secrets you hold, the better you play the gin court."

Skyler stomped his foot, realizing Agent A was to intimidate and entice him into making an antidote, but he wasn't about to fall for


"Look, Angel's already got the lab geeks working on an antidote. Stop bugging me. I've got a life, you know?"

With that, Skyler bolted out the door. His buddies William and the gang were waiting for him to hit the baseball diamond.

In Elysium, he only took orders from Angel.

Agent A was on the verge of passing out from annoyance.

Skyler might look innocent and naive, but he was tough as nails and slick as grease, a real handful.

Back at the Stirling Mansion.

Aurelia lounged on the couch, sipping on her lemonade, its tangy sweetness tantalizing her taste buds.

It was just what she needed to perk up her appetite.

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