Chapter 96- Hot like a volcano

“Tony… yes, that’s it! Right there…” Celia moaned as Tony worked his tongue on her core. She was lying flat on her back with her legs placed on either side of Tony’s shoulders. The terrain was dotted with wildflowers of every colour, their petals a vivid mosaic of purples. Filling the air with a sweet scent of perfume.

White fluffy clouds floated leisurely over the sky, creating amusing shadows on the ground below. However, the beautiful scenery was none of Celia’s concern at the moment. She was busy revelling in the feeling of Tony eating her out.

An erotic gasp left her lips when he sucked on her clit, hard. He inserted two digits into her wet, molten core as he flicked her bean with his tongue.

“Oh, Tony… you’re so good at this… I want more,” Celia cried out, biting her lower lip. She clamped her legs around his neck and trapped him between her thighs, twisting her hand in his blond hair, she tugged at it and pushed him deeper into her cavern.

Pleasurable tingles kept sizzling through her like she was being electrocuted. The sounds she was releasing were like music to Tony’s ears.

At the same time, Tony was on cloud nine as he tasted Celia for the first time. He lapped up her juices and remarked, “You taste so sweet… like honey. I can eat you all day.”

His words seemed to trigger Celia’s release. She came violently, her mouth forming an O shape as waves of pleasure ripped through her, threatening to knock her out.

When she came down from her high… Tony grabbed her pants and gave them to her, saying, “Dress up, let’s finish this indoors.”

His eyes fell on her lacy panties and he smirked. Picking them up, he claimed, ” I’ll keep these as a memento.”

Celia’s face turned red as she dressed up. Tony led her to his farmhouse which was a little different from the one she saw earlier.

This one was a two-storey building and the second-floor rooms were completely made of glass, including the roof. As they went upstairs, Tony said, ” I’m going to satisfy your public sex fantasy… we are going to make love while leaning against the glass so that you feel like we are outside.”

Excitement crept into Celia at Tony’s words. She glanced at him and uttered, “Let’s hurry… I can’t wait to do it.”

She gasped when Tony suddenly scooped her up and ran up the stairs. The moment he entered the bedroom, he placed her down and crashed his lips on hers, kissing her hungrily as if he wanted to become one with her mouth.

Electric currents coursed through them both. Their kisses become more demanding. As Tony inserted his tongue into Celia’s mouth, she could taste herself on his tongue.

While kissing like tomorrow will never come, the couple tugged at each other’s clothes desperately, their hands trying to feel as much skin as possible.

As their heads swayed from side to side, Tony led Celia backwards. As he did this, he reached for her core and rubbed his fingers on her clit in circular motions. The wet sounds coming from his actions indicated how wet and ready she was.

He groaned and felt himself getting painfully hard. He was afraid his shaft would explode from the strong erection.

“I want you so much…” He groaned as he bucked her up against the glass wall. “Oh yeah? Show me how much you want me,” Celia challenged, her eyes full of mischief.

Tony glanced at her briefly and lowered his head before kissing her neck multiple times. Celia curled her toes at his actions as tingles coursed through her.

He suddenly turned her around and pushed himself into her. She could feel his hard rod poking her lower back, making her gulp. It was so hard. Tony whispered in her ears as he dug into her back with his rock-hard cock. Can you feel that? It’s hungry for you…”

Celia felt her core clench too many times. She gasped, feeling herself getting wetter and hornier than before. “Do you want it inside you?” Tony rasped in a dangerously sexy voice.

“Oh, yes… put it in me, now!” Celia requested, raising her butt a little to align Tony’s rod with her ass. Tony palmed his shaft and rubbed it on Celia’s entrance from behind. He took his time, rubbing his rod on her wet core, coating his manhood with her slick juices.

When Celia wriggled her butt, Tony gave it a sharp tap and delighted at the red palm print that bloomed on her porcelain skin.

He reached his hand forward and grabbed her breast, kneading it roughly while his shaft began to pave the way, sinking into her core, inch by inch.

As he penetrated her, excitement rushed through his loins, making him release a low groan. Celia was the same, her eyes rolled back as the sweet sensation of Tony’s member plunging into her reached her soul.

She flew straight to heaven.

When his whole length was in, Tony grabbed the back of Celia’s neck and pressed her against the glass wall. He then began to move his hips, thrusting in and out of her while they both made erotic sounds.

As he pounded into her, they both watched the scenery outside, also looking out for prying eyes. It felt like they were doing it from outside for real. This experience made it all the more exhilarating.

“Oh, Tony! Yes! Harder! Fuck me like you own me!” Celia cried out as Tony picked up his pace. He sank his rod deeper and harder into her, following a rhythm that seemed to drive Celia crazy.

“Right there! Oh yes! Ah!” She moaned like a wanton. “Fuck, Celia… you’re so sweet!” Tony rasped as he fucked her harder and faster… rougher as if the world would end the next day.

For Celia, the fear of being seen by someone added to the thrill of the moment. Her toes curled and her moans became louder as pleasure washed over her. Knowing someone could catch them being naughty was turning her on big time.

“You like this, huh? I always knew you had a naughty side to you…” Tony said huskily as he grabbed her waist and thrust into her rapidly from behind.

“Don’t you like it?” Celia asked breathlessly, turning her head to look at him.

“I fucking love it. It’s so sexy…” Tony responded and releasing her neck, he grabbed her chin and kissed her bruisingly hard, all the while he kept rocking his hips back and forth, hitting Celia’s G-spot with every sharp thrust.

He reached his other hand in front and found her clit. Rubbing it, he said, “I want you to come for me, darling. Can you do that?”

Celia nodded as the double pleasure coming from her clit and core flared through her. “Oh, Tony! I’m coming!” She cried out.

Bracing her palms on the glass wall, she began to meet Tony’s thrusts. The slapping sounds of their flesh meeting echoed in the room, and their erotic groans and moans swirled in the air.

Celia wasn’t expecting such good sex on her first time with Tony. He totally blew her mind away… In her mind, she thought that if she had known Tony was hot like a volcano in bed, she would have given in to her feelings the first time she felt a spark when they met again during Aaron’s engagement party.

Soon, her body began to shake. Her facial expression became contorted, she couldn’t control her expressions. It looked like she was having a seizure, and yet, it was just her body responding to the intense delicious sensations searing through her body.

The intense orgasm almost made her drop to her knees and if she wasn’t being held by Tony, she would have dropped to the ground.

“Good girl… It’s my turn now,” Tony growled as his thrusts became quick and jerky, following an unrhythmic pattern. He chased his release like a strong steed… pumping faster and faster until he felt pressure building in his lower abdomen.

Soon, he grunted as he shot his load into Celia. He continued to pound into her as if he hadn’t reached his climax yet. He pulled her away from the glass wall and pulled out of her. Turning her around, he placed his hands on her waist before lifting her.

Her legs automatically wrapped around his torso and without delaying, he plunged his shaft into her and began to thrust into her while holding onto her hips.

“This is our round two and we are still counting,” Tony said huskily. As Celia bounced on him while he stood firmly on the floor, she remarked, ” Bring it on, Tony. I can go for hours.” Tony hissed and added more vigour to his movements. It was going to be a long day… and night.

Several hours later, Tony and Celia lay on a blanket on the floor. From there, they watched the moon in the night sky through the glass roof.

They both sighed, feeling satisfied after having intense wild sex all day. Tony lowered his head and kissed the top of Celia’s head. He asked, “Have you changed your mind?”

“About?” Celia inquired as she traced the contours of Tony’s six-pack with the tips of her fingers. “Keeping our relationship a secret,” Tony replied.

“We can tell them later… during our next family gathering. For now, let us enjoy ourselves privately,” Celia suggested.

Tony had no choice but to agree. He sighed and said, “Let’s do that then… I won’t pressure you about marriage. I’ll wait for you until you’re ready. I’m in a rush but I’ll slow down for you…”

A comfortable silence settled between them. Just like that, their love began to bloom. Three months passed since the birth of the triplets. During that time, Aaron had been very helpful and supportive.

He learnt quickly and was now an expert in feeding, burping and changing the triplet’s diapers, Tessa never felt overwhelmed because she had all the help she could get from her family, especially her husband.

Tessa smiled as she watched him dress the girls in their cute pink winter onesies. The weather was cold outside. The green trees were decorated with sparkling lights and ornaments. It was that time of the year again, Christmas!

It still felt surreal to think that, just last year, it was only Tessa, the kids and her mother. But now, she was married to the father of her kids and they had added three more adorable babies. Her soul was completely filled with happiness.

At the same time, Aaron couldn’t wipe off the grin on his face. This was the first Christmas they would celebrate as a family. The previous year, he spent Christmas alone because he was still chasing after Tessa and asking for her forgiveness. But the story was different now… they were one big happy family!

When he was done dressing the babies, there was a knock on the door. A smile crossed his lips, knowing it was Reagan and his siblings. He had promised to take them out before returning for the family dinner and to open the presents.

“Daddy, Mommy! It’s time!” Reagan yelled from the other side of the door. Tessa chuckled and opened the door. The kids rushed in and hugged their father’s legs. They looked up at him and said, “Merry Christmas, Daddy! We love you!”

To Aaron, those words were like music to his ears. He wound up shedding a few tears, realising how lucky he was to have gotten his family back.

He hugged the little ones, his eyes falling on his wife and said, “I love you all so much. Thank you for being in my life. You make me the happiest man on earth.”

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