Chapter 4

Tyler sat down beside the bed, looking gentle. “Are you feeling better?

Would you like to eat an apple?”

Naomi shook her head while lying in bed. “I feel terrible. I don't have

any appetite.” Then, she called out eagerly to the person at the door.

“Come in, Olivia.”

Olivia watched everything happening in the room as she entered

slowly. It felt quiet and strange inside. Her palms wouldn't stop

sweating, while Tyler seemed much more at ease. He tucked Naomi

Naomi asked, “What would you like to eat, Olivia?"

Glancing at Naomi and seeing her seeming normal, Olivia realized she

was the only one feeling strange. She made an effort to chase away

the odd feeling and answered as naturally as possible.”


Naomi smiled upon hearing that and said to Tyler in a coquettish tone,

“Go wash the grapes, Tyler.

Olivia loves them.”

He replied, “Sure.” He didn’t want to interrupt the sisters and removed

his hand from Naomi’s to head to the ward's pantry.

Even after he left, Olivia continued standing there. Naomi waved at her

eagerly again. “Come here, Olivia. Sit here.”

They weren't close. Even though they lived in the same house, they

hardly spoke to each other. It felt strange to Olivia, but she was a good

girl. She walked over after Naomi called out to her and cautiously sat

beside the bed..

Naomi inquired, “How's school?”

Olivia clenched her hands when she heard that and teared up. “Not

bad.” She looked down, appearing reluctant to engage in conversation

with her sister. They fell into silence for a while.

Fortunately, the nurse arrived at that moment. Naomi told her, “Get

Olivia a glass of milk.”

“Sure, Ms. Naomi.” The nurse then went to the fridge to fetch the milk.

In reality, Olivia was cautious as she sat there, keeping her head down

the whole time.

When the nurse handed her the glass of milk, her head remained low.

Unfortunately, she was careless and failed to hold it properly, causing

the entire glass of milk to spill on her.

She jumped in response to the cold milk, and Naomi was also startled,

looking at the nurse.

The nurse quickly apologized, saying, “I'm sorry, Ms. Olivia. I didn't hold

it properly.”

Olivia waved her hand and said, “It's my fault for not grabbing it

properly. I'll clean it up.

Chapter 4


She rushed to the pantry before Naomi could say anything. However,

when she got there, she suddenly remembered that Tyler was washing


She froze as she looked at him.

Tyler had unbuttoned his sleeves and rolled them up, exposing his

muscular forearm beneath the black shirt. He was bent over, carefully

washing the grapes.

Water flowed throug his fingers, and his slender fingers brushed over

the clear grapes, with water droplets dripping from them. It was strange

that what came to Olivia's mind was him holding her hand with his

grape washing fingers while panting.

Her heart seemed to rumble, and she felt panicked, struggling to


Tyler noticed her at the door and raised his eyebrows. “What


She pinched the wet part of her denim pants and replied very softly, “I

spilled milk on myself.”

Seeing her wet pants, he picked up the grapes and moved aside to

make space for her. “Come clean yourself.”

Olivia went inside upon hearing his words. Perhaps her mind was in

chaos because she didn't notice a grape that had fallen on the ground.

She accidentally stepped on it, causing it to burst beneath her


The purple juice stained her white shoe, and she couldn't help but lose

her balance and fall forward, screaming.

Tyler, who had just turned around, reacted quickly. He set the plate

down casually and grabbed her waist, pulling her into his embrace.

Olivia's face smashed against his chest, and she grabbed his shirt,

wrinkling a large portion of it. She could smell his familiar sandalwood


They were both breathing heavily, panting.

The freshly washed grapes bounced off the plate, scattering all over the

floor. They were dirty once


Chapter 5

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