Chapter 2


Olivia was drenched in cold sweat.

The next day, she went to school. When she was rushing to the door after putting everything away after class, she heard a voice behind her. “Olivial”

Her body stiffened when she heard the volce.

In the next second, Jacob pushed people aside and grabbed her. “Why are you avoiding me, Olivia? Explain yourself! We were doing well, why did you break up with me?!” He was very emotional, and it

drew a lot of attention.

She felt terrified. She stared at him but couldn't find the words to speak.

He was blindsided by the breakup without a reason. He had been looking for her for a long time. They were a happy couple, planning to get married after graduation. How did everything change so suddenly? “Did something happen, Olivia? Can you tell me?”

She couldn't utter a word in the face of his anxious questions. Feeling agitated, she attempted to push him away.

When she turned around, he suddenly screamed, “Olivia!”

A car slammed on the brakes right in front of her, barely a meter away. Her eyes widened.

It was Tyler.

His body lurched forward as the driver hit the brakes hard. When the car finally stopped, the driver was shocked by the sudden stop. He turned his head to check on Tyler. Tyler said he was fine, but his gaze was fixed on the person in front of the car.

“Olivia?” He frowned as he stared at her, a long and tense moment passing.

However, a

a nervous boy came into his field of vision. “Are you alright, Olivia?" She still hadn't fully registered what happened. She was still staring at Tyler, who was inside the car.

Time passed, and more people gathered to watch. Tyler opened the car door and stepped out.

He immediately attracted a lot of attention. Maybe he was so charismatic that no one could ignore


Jacob didn’t recognize the person getting out of the car. Just as he was checking whether Olivia was hurt, Tyler walked up to her and asked, “We didn't hit you, right?"

She stared at him in shock. She hadn't expected him to get out of the car. “T-Tyler.”

Jacob was confused by her calling Tyler. He looked at him.

Chapter 2


Tyler extended his hand. “Hi, Tyler Harris.”

Jacob had heard that name before. He was Naomi's flance, Olivia's future brother-in-law.

He responded quickly. “Hi, Mr. Tyler.”

Tyler's expression turned cold upon hearing Jacob's address. He could sense the tension between them. He then turned to Olivia. "Where are you going? Do you need a ride?”

He was asking for her decision. If she said she didn’t need him, he would leave right away.

Olivia was trembling, her only thought was to get away. She wanted to leave immediately. She answered hurriedly without thinking, “S— Sure...”

She didn’t even tell where she was going, just eager to avoid Jacob's hand as she got into the car.

Jacob reacted and attempted to grab her again. “Can we talk, Olivia? Please?”

The moment he reached out his arm, Tyler's hand blocked him. “You guys should talk when you've both calmed down. This isn't the best time.”

Jacob looked up at the person blocking him. “Mr. Tyler, I really need to talk to her.”

Tyler coldly said, “You can talk to her tomorrow.” Without waiting for Jacob's reply, he turned to Olivia. “Let's go. Get in the car.”

Jacob tried to grab her again, but Tyler's driver stopped him.

Blocked and frustrated, Jacob yelled, “Olivia!”

Olivia stopped instantly. Tyler watched as she paused outside the car. She hesitated for a few seconds after Jacob called out to her, but eventually, she got into the car.

She took a seat next to him, and after the driver got in, Tyler looked down and said to the driver,” Let's go.”

The car pulled away from Olivia's school entrance, and at that moment, Jacob's face happened to pass by the window where Olivia was sitting. She suddenly felt like someone had punched her heart. It hurt so much that she couldn't breathe, but she didn’t show it. She just sat there stiffly.

Although Tyler didn't look directly at her, he could see the pain in her eyes through the rearview mirror. It was hard to hide such agony.

Tyler lost interest and looked away from the mirror. Finally, he spoke, “Your boyfriend?” Naturally, he knew that she had a boyfriend in school.

Olivia felt a whirlwind in her head and choked out, “H-He's no longer my boyfriend.” She said it with difficulty.

“Did you have a fight?" he asked again.

Chapter 2


She answered honestly, “We broke up.”

After hearing that, Tyler fell into a moment of silence. He didn't say anything or ask why they broke up. He remained aloof, like the snow on the roof. It was impossible to see what was beneath..

Olivia didn’t cry. She was dressed like a typical university student in denim pants, white shoes, and a white short-sleeve top. She was supposed to be happy, but there was no light in her eyes. She didn't smile, like a sunflower without the sun. She looked downcast.

Tyler had never comforted a girl going through a breakup. Finally, he said to the driver after a long silence, “Do you have any candy?”

The driver couldn't recall if they had candies but suddenly remembered that Tyler's friend had a party for his child and received candies. He quickly responded, “We do, Mr. Tyler.”

He retrieved beautifully packaged candies from the storage compartment and carefully handed them

to Tyler.

Tyler stared at them for a few seconds before passing them to her. “Breakups are normal, especially in young love. Have some candies.” Olivia lowered her head, releasing the tension in her chest. She was stunned.

“Your sister loves eating candies when she’s in a bad mood.”

Tyler had always been distant with her, but it was a rare moment of gentleness and patience. However, she knew it was only because he was talking about her sister.

She stared at the candies and sat quietly.

“I've heard Naomi talk about you. She said you love candies t00."

In the end, Olivia remained silent, turning her face away and refusing to look at him.

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