Fifty-Five: Interrogation:


We get down to the cells, and everyone else is already there. Mykayla, Natalya, and Nymyra are there. Nymyra seems to be aware of what is about to happen. Everyone just sits there outside of the cell, watching the three vamps. The three wolves we caught before are in the cell across from the vamps.

“None of you have the power to keep us in this cell. How is this possible.” One of the demands.

“You are right none of them has this power, but we do,” Two voices say in unison.

The vamps turn around, and you can see the terror in their eyes. Behind them stand Mykenzie and Kylani. HOLEY FUCKING SHIT! They are standing there, and you can feel the power floating in the air. Mykenzie is in a dark forest green dress that wraps around her body, just barely covering it. Kylani has on a similar dress only in navy blue. I look at Kaleb, and he is practically drooling. They both have on these thigh-high boots in metallic silver. They both have crowns on their heads that are unbelievably gorgeous. They are made of the same black metal as all their jewellery, with a huge blue diamond in a heart shape on Kylani's and a star shape on Mykenzie's. It is dead centre in the middle of the front of the crown. There are multiple emeralds and sapphires throughout the crown. There are ropes of silver intertwined around the black metal. The vamps back up as they walk toward them. “I would like to know why you thought it was a good idea to attack this pack?” Kylani asks.

“We were under orders from our leader.” One vamps answers.

“Which coven?” Mykenzie asks.

The vamps don't answer and back up some more. I see their eyes start to glow green. These vamps better come clean before shit goes down.

“WHICH COVEN?" Kylani says, almost screaming.

“Coronado.” One of them answers.

I watch as their eyes start to glow more, and the red hues around them start to appear. I can tell that they are getting pissed.

“Who is your coven working with?" Mykenzie growls.

SHIT, they do sound like fucking tigers when they growl. They both start growling, and I know they are about to lose their patients with these vamps. The vamps know that they are in trouble.

“We were told to kidnap the kids, we have never met the ones who asked our coven to help. Only our leader and next in command talked to them.” The vamp says.

Mykenzie and Kylani look at each other, and I have a bad feeling. I feel bad for the vampire coven that agreed to work with that pack.

“Dimitri, do something with these worthless pieces of shit,” Kylani says.

“My pleasure,” Dimitri replies.

Dimitri and the three vamps disappear. The girls look at us, and I smile at them. In return, I get a very weak smile, and I realize they think we are still mad. I see Kaleb smile at Kylani and she just barely smiles and looks away. I am pretty sure there were tears forming in her eyes. I see Kaleb's smile fall, and I know he wants to pull her into his arms and tell her he is not mad. I know we are gonna have to pull those two into my office and apologize to them and let them know we are not mad but just worried about their safety. All of a sudden, they are gone.

“I wonder where they went?” Natalya says.

“I have a feeling a certain coven is getting some very unexpected guests.” Rye states.

I notice that Chris is no longer here either. OH, SHIT, that coven is in deep trouble. We all walk back to the rec room. I see Kaleb keep walking, and I follow him. He walks out back towards the pool.

“Hey, you ok?” I ask him.

“She wouldn't even smile at me. I could see tears in her eyes. I wonder if she'll even come back to me now.” He says.

“Hey, she'll come back to you. She is just hurt by how you responded after finding out what she was doing. She loves you.” I tell him.

We sit and talk, and both agree that we all acted like assholes. I tell him we will fix this when they get back.


I am so fucking mad at Zane. He didn't tell me he would go after a pack they were part of. Not to mention that Kylani was mated to the Beta of the pack. Three of my guys were captured; I hope they have not interrogated them yet. I open the door to my office and walk in and the door slams shut behind me. I fucking jump like six feet in the air. I suddenly feel the air in my office change. My stomach drops, and I have a terrible feeling.

“Well hello, Deklan,” Mykenzie says in a low tone.

I turn around, and there they are, sitting on my desk drinking coffee. Chris is sitting in my chair. Fuck, all three of them are here. This is bad. Fucking Zane, this is all his fault. I know this means that they have interrogated my guys. I am not mad at them; they have no choice but to answer them.

“So, we were wondering why you thought it would be ok to help someone attack our pack?” Kylani asks.

“When I was asked to help he only told me which pack. I had no idea that you were part of it or that Kylani was mated to their Beta. I just found out after the attempted kidnapping last month.” I explain.

I see Chris staring at me. I know he is reading my mind. There is no point in lying to them. I drop my shoulders, hoping they won't kill me or destroy my coven. My mind goes to my mate and my children.

“He’s telling the truth. Who asked for your help?” Chris asks.

“His name is Zane. I don't know his last name. He knows of you two, and he knows that you are the daughters of the moon goddess but he doesn't know anything more. He wants you two and the Alpha’s mate because she has fae blood. He wants to take over the pack.” I come clean.

I stand there and wait for them to hurt me somehow. It never comes.

“Where is their pack located?” Mykenzie asks.

“I don’t know. I only met Zane at a house in town. I have never been on their pack's land.” I tell them.

“Again he is telling the truth,” Chris confirms.

“Ok, Deklan you are off the hook this time. Don't let this shit happen again or this coven is over.” Kylani growls out.

I nod my head and bow to them, thanking them for sparing my coven. When I look up, they are gone. I sink down into my chair and sigh. That was close. Fucking Zane, I am going to make sure whatever he is planning does not work. That bastard almost cost me my family and my coven. I jump when my phone rings. I look at the number. Well, this is a surprise. It's Marcus; I haven't heard from him in a while. He is a werebear. I met them when I used to watch Natalya fight at the MMA gym. They work out there also.

“Hey Marcus, long time no talk,” I tell him.

“We just had a wolf show up and ask for help from our old pack. My cousin Paul just called me.” He explains.

He tells me what pack, and I tell him that the girls are part of that pack. He laughs and says well, they have dug their own grave. I tell him what just happened. He says that he, his brother Jason and I should meet and talk. He suggested we align ourselves with this pack and the girls. I think about it for a second and agree. If Zane and that werebear pack want to start a war with the gods, then I feel someone more powerful than Zane is behind this. I agree to meet them tomorrow at a location we agree on. I hang up and think of how we can align ourselves with this pack. I guess I'll see what the brothers have to say.

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