Ninety - Nine: Tracking


I couldn't believe our luck when I was told about who Payton happened across. Maybe luck is finally on our side. Chris showed Marcus and Jason the way to use the tracker since it was one of his powers. He put the way to look in their surveillance room. I just hope Kylani and Mykenzie can't feel it is being used. Chris said that they can't but the way they always seemed to know what is going on I don't have much hope. We have been tracking the bear for three days now and he seems to be hanging around town. He comes and goes from the opposite side of town we are on. Brandon has been watching the area but there is nothing there. We did notice that the area is very close to Alpha Darrius’s territory. Just like I thought, they are hiding there. I knew he was a shady asshole but I never thought he would pull this shit. I have talked to dad about everything and he agrees that if we can prove that Alpha Darrius is helping them that we might be able to prove he is not an alpha fit to run a pack. Then we could absorb his pack into ours. From what I have heard most of the members are terrified of him. They want to leave but are too afraid to leave. I know dad has been talking to some of the elders on the high council and they agree. Apparently, most of the high council knows who Mykenzie and Kylani are and of course, are on their side. I think most of that has to do with fear, but hey whatever it takes for them to be on our side. Plus I think most of the high counsel dislike and do not trust Alpha Darrius as well. I will have to wait and see what happens. I have a feeling that we will catch the bears but as far as the angel and demon that are behind this, I think that is going to be more difficult. Who knows maybe if we can get the bears they can lead us to the others.

“Any luck on finding their exact location?” I ask.

“Yes, actually, they are definitely staying on Alpha Darrius’s territory.” Marcus answers.

“We just can't find exactly where in the territory. Wherever it is there is no water around.” Jason adds.

Well, at least we have a general idea of where they are. Now we just need the specific area they are in. It has to be somewhere hidden from the main part of the pack. I have no doubt that the border patrols have seen them and have been told to let them on to the territory. I wonder if we can find one or more of the guys that run patrol to help us out.

“You two think we could try and find a disloyal patrol guard and sway him to help?” I ask.

“It's possible. That would be a Brandon thing.” Jason replies.

Yes, it would, time to talk to Brandon and have him find some disgruntled warriors or guards.


There has been so much happening as of late. We finally got a tracker on one of the bears. Now if we could just somehow confirm exactly where on that alpha’s territory they are. I have also had a shit ton on my mind lately. I know for a fact that Araya is my mate. I haven't said anything to anyone. She just got a shit ton of information dumped on her not too long ago so I don’t want to add to it. Forgetting the fact that she is still underage. Although, I am not sure as to what age a Nephilim is considered an adult. I am not even sure who to talk to about all this. I have decided to not say anything until all this other shit blows over.

"You ok?" Donte asks.

I am hanging out with Donte, Kaleb, Reecie, and Nate. We are in the rec room playing some Xbox. It has been raining for the last two days. I wondered for a little while if Mykenzie and Kylani had anything to do with the shitty weather since they can control the weather and all. Chris said that they weren't responsible this time. We have all been confined to our cottages or the packhouse and I know for a fact that Kylani and Mykenzie are starting to get bored. When they get bored they will either start pranking people or they get very whiny. While neither option is great I would rather listen to them whine than start pranking people. Mainly because I have a feeling that Ashton would be the main target as well as Dustin.

“Hey, Mitchell,” Araya says.

I wasn't expecting her to be there so when she said my name it startled me. Let's be honest I jumped a bit in my chair. I look at her and she is standing there. Damn she is so pretty with her long (down to her ass) chocolate brown hair with a hint of red in it and golden hazel eyes. At the moment she is 5'4” but she is still growing so I figure she will get taller by a few more inches. Her body is filling out and I expect that she will have curves in all the right places.

“Hey, Araya what can I do for you?" I ask.

She sits down by me and I start to get worried.

“I think that you are my mate.” She says.

She isn’t looking at me but at the floor. A smile breaks across my face. I wonder how she knew? I place two fingers under her chin and make her look at me.

“How do you know?" I ask.

“I feel a pull towards you, but it's still confusing.” She answers.

I tell her that we will talk more about it, but that I don’t want to stress her out with more stuff. Guess it's time to talk to Persephone and see if she can explain this to her. I know how I feel but I will not overwhelm her. Persephone

I have been visiting Araya every few days for about a week now. Poor girl, I know we overloaded her with everything we told her. I almost peed myself when she told us that she already learned about sex and babies. I can see how she thought it was gonna be that type of talk. The best part was the horrified faces of the guys. I really thought they were gonna run from the room. I am walking into the packhouse to meet with Araya again.

*OH MY GOD, YOU ARE SO FUCKING DEAD!" Mykenzie screams


All I see is Dustin run and I can hear Mykenzie not far behind. What the hell happened. I honestly don’t want to know, but I am curious. I run into Kaleb and he is sitting there watching what is going on with a smirk on his face. He sees me and gives me a smile.

“He was waiting upstairs around the corner with some colored powder that he was gonna throw at Tarlek. However, Mykenzie walked around the corner instead. Dustin and Tarlek have been pranking each other most of the day.” Kaleb explains.

Everything makes sense now. It is day three of shitty rainy weather and I can tell everyone is getting cabin fever. I hope Dustin can escape, but I know he is going to get caught at some point. I walk into what is the sunroom. I am surprised to see Mitchell sitting there with Araya. I wonder what this is all about. Araya asks me about both angels and demons and I answer the questions as well as I can.

“Next time I come I am bringing a friend. She is also a Nephilim so she can answer some of the questions you have that I can't answer.” I tell her.

“What about mates?” Araya asks.

“Is that why Mitchell is here?” I ask.

They both nod. Well, this is a happy turn of events.

“Well, demons know their mates as soon as they see them. Angels if I remember correctly have to touch their mate for confirmation. I do know that neither can tell for sure until they are 100 - 200 years old. Which in human years translates to 17 or 18." I tell them.

“When I bring my friend down she can explain this all more. I am not sure how it is with a Nephilim.” I tell her honestly.

The three of us talk some more. I am happy that they found each other. I think that Mitchell will be good for her. He is very patient and does not want to overwhelm her with more shit.

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