I limped all the way to school.

My ribs hurt badly. I was planning on running away today.

I had already dropped Mason off at my maternal grandma's place last night without my dad noticing.

I can't remember the last time I ate but that didn't matter. What I couldn't forget is the dream I had last night...


After my dad beat me, I was on my bed crying my eyes out. When I opened my eyes I saw a very familiar beautiful woman. I gasped as soon as I saw who it was.


I was beyond perplexed. She just smiled at me. There was a banging at my door. I turned to look at the door, when I turned back, she was gone.

***End of flashback***

No, it can't be, she's dead. isn't she?

Its just a dream...right? Yeah it is.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn't realize I bumped into someone. OUCH My ribs hurt badly. "Watch where you're going bitch”

It was Stephanie.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

I was about to walk away but she blocked my way

"You should be. The moon goddess must really hate Liam for giving him a little pathetic mate like you. You'll never make a good Luna. You would only teach your pack to be cowards like you"

I wanted to ignore her..but no... not today

"I may be a coward but at least I can keep my teenage hormones under control” I said. Everyone gasped (they were in front of the school doors)

"What did you say?" She asked

"You heard me I folded my arms and looked at her straight in the eyes.

Everyone in the hallway was whispering.

"Did you just talk back at me??"!I" she asked filled with rage

I looked down at my nails then looked at her

"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't"

I walked away from her bumping her shoulder and making her books fall down in the process. Shock was written all over her face. I walked straight into the school building. Students even made way for me to pass

I don't care what happens after this but I won't let anyone treat me like dirt anymore.

This is it; I was already out my house. I had made it a few miles away. I packed all my clothes which fit into a bag.

It was slung over my shoulder as I walked through the stormy blizzard. I tried shifting but because I was so thin it hurt a lot. My wolf was so weak.

"We can't go on" Ruby said

"Please let's try" I begged her.

The plan was to go to my grandma's house and stay there for the night. I have no idea where to go after that.

All I know is that I can't go back to that war zone called a home. Mason deserves better. I deserve better.

We took a few steps before collapsing on the ground. The last thing I saw was a tall figure hovering above me ..then everything went black.

Liam's P.O.V

My bones were cracking so hard it hurt. I'm sure its Kathy. It seems like she is in trouble. I have to find her. I quickly got dressed and went outside into the woods. I shifted into my wolf and quickly traced her scent.

It didn't take up to an hour before I found her..I was full of relief.

She was in wolf form on the ground. She looked so pale and tired. I almost shed tears at the sight. What is she doing outside by this time of the night?

No matter what she did to me, she's still my mate and even though I rejected her i still care about her.

I put her on my back and carried her safely back to my house.

*Three days later”

Its been three days since I found my kitty. I'm worried sick. Alicia, the pack doctor said she would lose her wolf for a long time

I was sitting near her bed. She was in my room. Kathy was in human form now.. she shifted in her sleep. She looked so pale...her ribs stuck out.

It made me so mad. I heard the opening and closing of the door. It was David

"Alpha, the alpha of our neighboring pack wants to have a meeting with you" he said

It hurts that I have to leave her but I have no choice. This is an important meeting


I got up and we both left the room

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