Tatiana sat rigidly at the expansive mahogany dinner table, her spine straight as a rod beneath Lady Antonia’s withering gaze. The only sounds were the clinking of silverware on china plates and the crackling fire in the hearth. An oppressive pall hung over the room in Roman’s absence. 

When she returned from her afternoon with Ariana, she learned her husband had left abruptly on urgent business without any word of his destination or when he might return. His Immediate departure had shocked the household and cast a vell of unease that no one dared address. 

Tatiana stared at Roman’s empty chair at the head of the table. Would he be gone for a week? A month? She had no notion when she might see her husband again. Part of her was relieved by his absence, even as his sudden departure unsettled her. 

Across the table, Dante sawed vigorously at his roast pheasant, for once appearing solemn instead of drunk and merry. Tatiana studied her brother–in–law, struck by his uncharacteristic sobriety since 

Roman had left. 

At the opposite end, Lady Antonia stabbed at her meal with quiet ferocity. Tatiana did not miss the pointed glares the matriarch cast in her direction throughout the meal. She suspected Antonia blamed the new bride for her son’s rushed exit. 

Desperate to break the suffocating silence, Tatiana ventured softly, “I do hope Roman’s travels are 

swift and successful, wherever business has called him away to.” 

Lady Antonia’s piercing eyes snapped to Tatiana’s face. “Indeed. Apparently, you did not think to inquire about his plans before he departed, 

Tatiana flushed. “He left rather unexpectedly early this morning, before I arose

“Yes, clearly, the affairs of his wife and household are of little concern to him lately,” Antonia interrupted coolly. 

Tatiana dropped her gaze to her lap, blinking back tears. So the matriarch did think she was a failure as a wife, unable to please her new husband or gain his confidence. What had she done wrong? 

Antonia turned her attention to Dante, who was consuming his meal with uncharacteristic vigor. “I confess, I worry for your dear brother’s state of mind to take leave so hastily. Roman has seemed distracted of late since taking a bride. Don’t you agree, Dante?” 

Dante paused, glancing warily between the two women. “I could not guess his reasons, Mother. But I am certain Roman will return when his business is concluded.” 

“Yes, we shall see. I only hope he has not tired of his new responsibilities already.” Antonia’s accusing look at Tatiana left no doubt as to which responsibilities‘ she referred to. 

Tatiana set down her fork, no longer able to force another bite past the lump in her throat. “Please excuse me; I find I have little appetite this evening.” 

Before they could respond, she hurried from the table and up the winding staircase, choking back. 


sobs. At last, in the privacy of her bedchamber, she collapsed on her plush duvet and released her anguish, tears streaming onto the silk brocade. 

But Tatiana had tried–truly, she had! She submitted quietly to Roman’s occasional painful intimacies. Yet nothing could breach his aloof, cold demeanor. He abided by her company with thinly. 

veiled disinterest. 

Was she so unlovable that her own husband would flee? Tatiana wept bitterly into her pillow as Lady Antonia’s unspoken accusations swirled in her mind. Perhaps she was deficient as a wife and destined to disappoint this family too. 

Tatiana’s sobs eventually faded to occasional hiccups and sniffles as she lay curled on her bed. Loneliness and uncertainty gnawed at her soul. She yearned for someone–anyone–to unburden 


A tentative knock at the door jolted her from despair. Hastily dabbing her swollen eyes, she called out, “Enter.” 

The door creaked open, and Dante slipped hesitantly into the room. “Forgive my intrusion. I wished to check that you are…well.” 

Tatiana stared at her brother–in–law in surprise. Of all people, she never expected Dante to express concern for her, especially when sober. Too often, she endured his inappropriate drunken leers and 


Yet now he stood before her politely, averting his gaze, appearing genuine in his inquiry after her welfare. With Roman gone and Lady Antonia overtly hostile, Tatiana found herself desperate for a friendly ear. 

“You are kind to ask after me, Dante. In truth, I am struggling with your brother’s sudden departure,” she admitted. 

Dante nodded sympathetically and perched on the edge of a chair. “This is difficult for us all. But do not take Roman’s leave as a slant against you.” 

In a rush of words, Tatiana unloaded her fears that she had displeased her new family and failed in her wifely duties. Dante listened intently, his blue eyes softening in understanding. 

“You bear no fault, dear sister,” he assured her when she finished. “You have been most gracious in difficult circumstances. The fault lies with others.” 

His vague reference to his mother’s cruelty or his brother’s callousness heartened Tatiana. At last, someone saw her suffering and offered compassion. Overcome with gratitude, she embraced Dante as tears threatened again. 

“Thank you for your kindness when I feel so alone,” she whispered

She hesitated, wondering if she had imagined it, but Dante’s return of the embrace seemed almost eager. Yet, in that moment, his consoling presence brought comfort, so she didn’t pull away. 

Backing onto her bed, she stammered, “Wha… What was that?” 



Dante offered a faint smile, stepping forward to cup her cheeks. “Roman doesn’t deserve a lady like 


Her heart raced, thoughts swirling. Dante’s words were interrupted as his lips met hers. Leaning into the kiss, she savored every moment, the world around them fading away. 

Slowly and sweet at first, the kisses became more rapid, becoming more intense. Dante carefully slid his hand up her dress and began to grope at her breasts. She tried again to pull away from him, but he grabbed her by the waist, pulling her close. 

He continued to massage her nipples and kiss her all over her neck. Tatiana could feel the warmth creeping up her chest as he fondled her. His very touch threatened to bring her to a climax. 

She let out a light gasp as Dante pulled down her dress and kissed her nipples softly. He brought his lips to hers again and thrust his tongue into her mouth. Tatiana responded by wrapping her arms around his back, leaning into the kiss

Suddenly, the bedchamber door opened, and Dubois, the butler, entered. “Pardon, is everything alright?” He halted, taking in the sight of Tatiana in Dante’s arms. 

Dante stood still, with Tatiana still in his arms. “I was just offering some brotherly comfort to Tatiana in her distress. But I should take my leave.” 

Tatiana stood frozen, her heartbeat thundering. Dubois seemed to consider them for an endless moment before inclining his head. “As you say, sir.” He turned and departed, closing the door. 

The moment he was gone, Tatiana whirled on Dante. “You must go, now!” Her mind swam with panic at what the butler might have seen. 

Dante reached imploringly for her hands. “Tatiana, do not be distressed; I meant no.” 

“Please, just go,” Tatiana insisted, backing away until she felt the bedstead dig into her legs. 

With a sad look, Dante relented. “As you wish.” He quietly left the room. 

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